
scars she carry

{WARNING MATURE CONTENT} He was handsome, young and good looking as well,and the way he looked, he seemed to be a rich man with that black suit of his. but there's something, something that I can't seem to quite understand yet everytime when I look into his deep cold silver eyes..... who is he? please comment and add power stones if your are fun and like SCARS SHE CARRY alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Sweet Surprise.

it was 12:35pm when Rider woke up, as always he went to the balcony to get his fresh air, inhale and get to the shower, he ate his food which was bought by Jessica ofcourse. he was busy having his meal when he remembered something which he shouldn't forget,he first took out his phone and checked for any messages then,he saw them...15 miscalls from scapegoat. upon seeing those, he smiled and said

"I think 3 days are way too many to out you in my trap sweet goat"

he smiled and continued having his meal.


"Rina.... she's not lying"

"Jack how can you..."

"Lorena why don't you stop lying for once and just admit the truth"

" And the truth is that you invited yourself in my room jack, I didn't call you that night... why.... why are you doing this? "

Jack looked at Lorena, his heart ache so much seeing that much tears flow down her beautiful eyes and it killed him to realize that this is all was his fault.he wanted to go to her and tell her that this is all a misunderstanding, he never did it on purpose but, he couldn't, because he knew Alexander would not let him live even for a millisecond If he decide to blurt out everything to Lorena.and so he had no choice but to choose the wrong instead of the right.

seeing jack facing away from her while continuing talking shit,Lorena went to him with full power and slapped him in the face.

Not just Jack, not just Rina,but everyone were shocked seeing such a reaction from lorena. Rina felt angry to what she just saw right now, through out her all years of studying with her best friend Jack, no one dared to raise their hand at him, and now, this girl from out of know where dares to .....

no no no no, there's just no way. she went to her and turned her around to face her, then, she wanted to slap her.....

"Rina don't!!!!"

Rina stopped as soon as she heard Jack's voice.

"She slapped you jack!"

"I know, but we won't stoop so low to her level by hitting someone out of pure truth"

Lorena tears fell and dropped down from her cheeks and three words came out of her lips

"I hate you"

it was like a time bomb that exploded in Jack's heart the moment he heard her say those painful words, seeing her running away from the cafeteria in shame killed him, swallowed him whole to the point that, he couldn't stand there anymore and excuse himself.

Lorena ran to the girl's toilets, she entered in one of the toilets and locked herself inside, she forgot about the stains on her hoody, forgot about the sticky ness that she might be feeling right now but she couldn't forget one thing... all the insults and embarrassement she felt a few minutes ago, then, she started sobbing and crying alone in the toilets.

her friends Lorie and Kate went to jack on the field,they found him sitting there staring at the empty field,they went to him and Lorie told him

"We both know Lorena would never be able to do such a thing, So why say all those things about her Infront of everyone? it has only been 3 days since she came in this school and now, you.... you already caused a lot of tears to fall beneath her eyes....."

Kate added

" You know, I used to think that you're so cool jack, and that you'd never stand around watching someone getting humiliated like that, but now I know, friendship is deeper than relationships.... ND not just Lorena.... I hate you too jack"

" Me too... "

then, the two girls left and headed to find Lorena. Jack wasn't able to say anything to them because technically all they said is true. and realizing this truth, it made his chest hurt even more....

Lorena was in the toilet, as Lorie and Kate searched for her, they heard her in the toilet, they went to the door and knock it to make Lorena come out of there. but she didn't reply.

"Lorena open up the door!!! please let's talk!!!"

"We believe you Lorena, we k ow you'd never so such. thing, so please open the door so you can talk to us huh? please come out"

Lorena didn't open the door, she kept on sobbing and crying in the toilets, they called out for a long time but when they heard no response, they thought, they should leave her and maybe come back later, maybe then, she'll open the door and talk to them.

hours pass and Lorena didn't come out of the bathroom, several times did the two comeback to check on her but she still didn't open the door, and so they left again.

Jack was in the classroom sitting next to Rina. the slap on his face still ached but he said nothing, he looked back at Lorena's seat and saw she wasn't there, and so he turned and quietly started regretting to what happened today.


Lorie and Kate went to the bathroom to check out on Lorena, they called out for her but there was no response, the door in which Lorena locked herself in was open, and she wasn't there. and so they left the toilet and went to look for Lorena.

almost all the students were out now, they all were surprised to see a clean light brown Range rover packed infront of their school and a man with a black suit and black Maybach the diplomat-i sunglasses, everyone were asking themselves the same question....

"Who is this breathtaking rich man ?"

they stared at him from a distant while. he was busy on his phone. Jack and Rina and their other gangs came out, they saw him. Rina smiled and asked.

"Who is he?"

Jack looked at him, he started at him for a while but he couldn't recognize him.

"I recognize him."

"You do?! from where exactly?"

"I don't know but I think I know him"

"Stop being ridiculous jack, where would you know wealthy man like that from?

you know, from how he packed his car I think he's waiting for someone, and I wonder who? "

" Let's just go Rina"

" hmmm alright"

as soon as they wanted to move, Lorena came out of the school, her boots were wet, er hoody was stained in an orange colour, her eyes were swollen and red, and her face swollen like red tomato. she was looking down as she didn't want anyone to we her face, she was still sniffing, and from the look of it, she must have cried for a long time.

Deep in her thoughts, since this whole mess started today, she wished her mom would be here, she would have surely hugged he tightly and rub away her tears and make her feel good again, but now she wasn't, and only god know where she could be.

Rina saw her, she smiled and moved towards her.

while she was moving towards Lorena, Lorena felt her coming, she slowly raised her face, but what caught her eyes wasn't Rina's face, but rather, eye to eye with Rider Alexander.