
Scarred Human

Being reincarnated to another world. A man in his last breaths fighting for his country for lost cause, vowing to himself to fight what only is precious to him to the rest of his new life. Now named Charles Darwin F. De Palma, he will venture to this different earth full of magic and fantasy. (Mobile Novel by Raysly Lopez. raymondslylopez97@gmail.com) Disclaimer: this work is a property of writer, Raysly Lopez. Ask permission if you want to share in other platforms,SNS, or Websites.

Raysly · Urban
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5 Chs

Episode 1-4

Dad comes out with sweat in his forehead and hair, unbottoned suit which their was missing buttons but the most noticeable is the ripped parts of his clothes and bloody wounds.

He tell something to Mom that made her widen her thin eyes, she run to the their stairs urgently, he get me from the floor to dining table to sit there. I can tell he is so nervous and heavily breathing but his calm face tells the opposite.

looking at him confused why he is showing that face, now i know for a fact that infants are the most sensitive and can feel the most to the emotions to the persons near them because im a cold person and being insensitive to others in my past life.

he leaves me there and goes to the wall near the kitchen area beside the stove. its basically a white empty wall, a bit unusual at first so im not curious at all.

both my eyebrows raised when dad stare at the wall with a stiff and commanding posture, that was when the wall emits a blue light moving from head to his shoes.

'He is scanning him?' the house has this kind of technology? my incubator is analog and even this most parts of this house. i feel dread to what was happening.

secrets revealed to me so fast, there is danger close to us and even Mom is panicking. the rushing stomp of stairs breaking the silence to see mom there, sweating and carrying 3 gym bags.

I wish i could hear clearly for what they are saying to each other but i got my attention to my right side where my dad is doing. the mechanical sound of opening of the wall revealing the two big decorated bulky metal suitcases, dad is talking when i got taken aback to the 3 consecutive booming thuds of the gym bags since she put it lazily on the floor

Did she just carry those heavy bags herself? they are both abnormal humans and it change my mind about them for being as normal as it gets to know them.

He give the one case to her then face to each other holding their suicases in front of each other, both start whispering in front of me.


"Dr. Fujimori."

"Lieutenant Major Gonzales"

each briefcase confirms the voice and hand print via the handle biometrics, reveal 2 holes in both sides that can fit a whole hand. She and Gustav put their hand on either ends of the metal briefcase level it near in their chest.

The briefcase that once was became slowly transforming into a breastplate armor forcibly want to cover the one who holds them, Tanya got pushed back for a sec by the sudden force as it became a thin full body armor while the big breast plate got thinner and thinner as it spreads.

they both extend their arms and legs to help it scatter the metal throughout, the metal became so thin as paper but its fitted as if it is clinged to the owner's physique.

this portable armor and helmet but the key differences is their big crest on their backs. Tanya has Wisteria flowers that form a shieldlike insignia while Gustav has a burning heart with melted chains surrounding it.

"What's the situation out there."

"I'm being chased by unknown assailants as i am going out of the head office but they start casting mahi when we are stuck in traffic jam in the intersection on the highway."

"Since u bring them here, it meant that the assailants are that powerful."

"Not powerful but too coordinated, their Teamwork is exceptional so i will be dead if i prolong the chase and i dont know how many of them are. The car was wrecked so what's the play?"

"Since the place is surounded with traps so it can buy us some time, i'll carry Dharwin and utility bag. We need to go to Aly for help and hide in their vacation house."

"I have the other one." He gets the bag full of weaponry and bullets

"where we will be headed out of this place?" he continued to ask.

"back of the house into the forest, we have advantage going down the mountain and we can save ammo because we have weapons designated as we go on the way down."

"Thats good, is my spear there? I dont see it here." He is not comfortable without his favorite weapon in this dire time.

"You'll see it as soon as we enter the forest, just be ready to encounter some of them because we are likely surrounded." She calmly said.

"Copy, we do the escort.You at the front while I'm at your back doing the action to the ones who chasing us." As he going to open the pc, where all they can both see by the hidden cameras all over the mountain on the 3 desktop monitors but he was focused around the teleporter he entered which the enemies will show up anytime.

"We sync it so as we run, we can expect where they will come. we should wait for 6 mins to finish the sync." The armor has a tech besides being a protective armor that assists and heightens combat.

"You need to go now, our armors are sync up already. You should have a headstart going out of here, and also open the analog teleporter. I'll catch up."

"Okay bhe." She hugs him, hoping this is not the last time to see each other.

"We will be safe okay, don't worry we got this." she only nods to the his assurance.

"Love you."

"Love you too." She holds Dharwin as she puts him at a baby carrier put on her back. the armor asks if the infant will be protectively covered, she allows it but warned that there are some parts of her body will be exposed.

she confirmed it then the armor and fluidly transfuse the carrier but she was exposed on both arms and thighs. the infant's head is exposed so she give her a helmet so the armor will crawl to cover it too.


Mom, head out earlier than Dad. I am worried that he will not going since he is willing to stay there, i learned in my past life that they stay behind are likely the last time i will see them. So i became scared of what will happen, though this is my first time to go outside.

I hear the sound of the backdoor kitchen opening, I'm frightened on what we will face rather than being thrilled to see what is the outside world would look like thanks to our current situation.

i hear the footsteps of Mom going out, the taps of the ceramic tiles became solid and round sounds of steps going out into the world where I was reborn.

Though the view is blocked of what is in front for me too see but the sudden strong gust of wind and the feel of nature meeting my senses that I'm in entirely different but once Mom change to right direction to walk, immediately i look on my left to grasp what the place look like. i felt conflicted once I glimpse to the setting sun giving an orange sky in front of me, what makes it more beautiful is that i'm seeing it at the mountain summit; isolated by forest and caves.

confused on why am i here secluded in the society

angered by the fact that i only saw this scenery now instead being inside of our home

Saddened by the circumstances we are in, all of us are tensed to the danger but i don't know the reason on all of this

Annoyed from the sheer density of gravity, almost on the verge of crying that i understand now that i was isolated

Amazed dawning upon myself by the intensity of what i call Mana from what i see from the fantasy books; the flow of fainted light surrounding the world, even though i can't see but i feel it to my senses that there are more than just gustling wind

most of all, happy that i'm conscious to see all this and appreciate the things that i take for granted in my past life.

one things for sure about me that something as creeping up inside, i kept discarding that thought out of my mind since both of them go through such lengths to keep this rumbling burden contained.

From where i first born from, things will not always go at hand.

Unfortunately, only deep sighs i can do at this moment. i dont know who are my parents are besides their names and EVEN I DONT KNOW MY NAME BECAUSE OF MY GODDAMN HEARING!!!!!

AAAHHHHHH!!! *screaming internally*

here i am, like an idiot. As things should be, ey? fucking great