

Being like a flower in a castle,in the Hawthrone kingdom, all I Elizabeth Hawthrone wanted was to step out of the castle to explore but, the unexpected happened, and I was forced to run away. I turned from a princess to a fugitive in my own kingdom overnight. After gaining enough strength I decided to go back to my kingdom and have my revenge. I did, however only to discover, they were small fries in a grand scheme. I then realised how weak I was and finally decided to get stronger to protect those I care about. But things do not always go as planned, they touched the people I cared about over and over again. Now I am filled with the desire to annihilate them all.

Kezee_ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Elizabeth Hawthrone!!", my dad shouted as I stormed out of the throne room angrily. I went to the garden at the east wing as it was far from the throne room and quite secluded. I liked this garden and always went there whenever i wanted to escape from reality,the flowers and grass around made the place serene, I walked towards the fountain and stared at my reflection.

My raven black hair cascaded down my slim frame, as a twelve year old, I was quite underdeveloped.My eyes were molten gold in colour,same as my mum's.As I stared at my reflection I was soon lost in thought,'Ever since mum left when i was five, dad has never let me step out of the thick castle walls,anytime I asked, he always said he was doing this to protect me and when I asked what he was protecting me from,he refused to answer which led to the series of arguments we've always had.' As I was thinking,suddenly a mark of a sun and moon interwined appeared on my forehead and disappeared as quickly as it appeared."Huh, what just happened?" I asked myself confused and before I could ponder over it,"My lady", Ilia,my handmaid called out worriedly while running towards where i was . "Yeah" I replied without turning."Are you alright my lady?", she asked with concern. " I'm fine",I replied finally turning towards her."If there's anything bothering you, you can let me know." she said. 'Ilia was only a year older than me but she took care of me as if I were her sister and i treated her as such as she was the only friend I had since childhood.' "Ilia" , I called her, my face a mirror of seriousness. She was shocked as she had never seen me like this before."I want to run away from the castle and explore the world outside." I said "what!, are you serious about this"she asked whispering."Yes." I replied. The firm look in my eyes made her believe I wasn't joking. "If you are leaving, then I'm leaving with you." she said firmly.