

When Marcus head to his Uncle's home, he was thinking of reasons why his Uncle asked him to tutor Genevieve again.

When he finally reached his Uncle's home, Genevieve rushed out of the house and dragged him out of his car.

"W- what?"

Genevieve silently dragged him inot her home and to her room.

When they were in Genevieve's room, Marcus saw that she had even more posters of 'fujshi treats', as she called it.

Genevieve forced Marcus into a chair and quickly took out a rope.

"What are you doing?" Marcus asked, starting to get out of the chair.

Genevieve sat him down and tied him to the chair with inch-thick ropes.

'Is this idiot serious? I am not gay. She can't force me to say it again.' He thought as she bound him tighter to the chair.

When Genevieve was finished, she looked her older cousin straight in the eye.

"Marcus Insania, how do you know King Jellyfish?"

The name shot through his mind, and the words repeated itself.

'king jellyfish'

'King Jellyfish'





Marcus Insania felt fear. He heard someone yelling very far away. Ambulances, blood, and shrieks filled his mind.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" He yelled. He started to laugh.

Genevieve widened her eyes and ran out of the room

"Dad, Marcus is having a relapse."


They ran to her room together, Marcus's uncle had a bottle of chloroform in his hand.

"Genie, restrain him." he ordered.

Marcus still heard 'King Jellyfish' echoing through his mind. He couldn't control his body. He was laughing. He didn't stop.

"Let me take over." James whispered.

"Alright." He said, slipping into unconsciousness.

"SHIT!!!" His uncle cursed, "He's fighting back now. Genie, I'll restrain him. You drug him."


His uncle held his arms while Genevieve administered the drug. Marcus/James felt a cooling sensation flood through their mind, and both slipped into a long state of sleep.


"Genie, seriously?"


"You know about his unstable mental state. You know he can't hear those two words. And thick ropes!!! He could be bound in chains, but never ropes. That'll remind him of- of"

"Alright, Dad. I can be grounded later, we need to bring him to his peace room."

"When did you become boss?"

"When I finished college at 16."

"Marcus already finished college at 12." He muttered.

"Then why is he still at school?"

"He told me it's because he wants to make friends."

"Let's bring him to the peace room."


After Marcus was discovered to be a schizophrenic, his psychiatrist suggested a 'peace room'.

It's one room in the house dedicated completely to him. All his favorite things, calming things, in one room. Only Marcus would be allowed in. Since Marcus didn't want to have a peace room in his family's mansion, he decided to have it in his uncle's home.


Marcus was falling down a hole. Sometimes it was bright, sometimes it was dark. It randomly changed temperatures, and he would start floating down gently, or rush downward at breakneck speed.

Marcus fell deeper. he knew he could stop if he wanted to, but he liked falling.

"Why are you here?" James asked Marcus.

Marcus thought about it. The hole's visibility kept changing, the temperatures were varied, and his speed would also change drastically. Right now, he was floating in a bright hole and it was warm. However, there was an endless streak of black to his right.

"Maybe it's symbolic?"

"What would it symbolise?

"My mental state... My feelings... and my... life?"

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe... when I couldn't control myself earlier... I felt very cold... It was dark in this hole... and I was rushing through it very fast... But when I'm happy and this hole appears... I would be warm... It would be really bright... and I'd float down gently..."

"No duh."

"James... Will I turn crazy?"

They immediately stopped. Marcus felt his surroundings change. He was in an endless field of green grass, and James appeared in front of him, her arms on her hips, and looking at Marcus very angrily.

"Crazy? What do you think crazy is?"

"I meant society's standard of crazy, not yours."

James immediately calmed down.

"Oh," She said, laughing, "I thought you meant MY type of crazy."

"James, I'm serious," He said, his brown and amber eyes staring at her maroon eyes.

"I really like your eyes."

"James, answer my question!!!" he said, still sitting on the grass.

James disappeared.

"Aww, come on... don't be like that, James. Wait... you're imaginary..."

'Why am I like this?'

"James." He said, talking to nobody, "You know, you really scare me. You're better than me, smarter than me, yet you're a part of me. How does that work? You're evidence I'm going crazy."

"I really want to talk to someone about this."

"Why not your new toy?" James said, behind him.

"I'm unconcious, you idiot." Marcus retorted.

"That can be fixed easily. Just don't talk to me for the next 3 weeks."

"What? NO!!! I need you!!!"

"Too late." James says, as she snaps her fingers, and Marcus wakes up with a start.

"Fuck." He cursed softly.


HIII!!!!!!!! Your least favorite authour here because of his messy update schedule!!!!!!!!!

How's life going?

Min's going pretty bad. Classes, going temporarily blind very often, and being dragged to parties by my little sister....

Reviews, stones and comments make me (not) write faster~

KingFoxJellyfishcreators' thoughts