
Scarlet Red Roses

The Red Roses are as beautiful as her Scarlet hair, her beautiful fragrance attracts many. This story depicts how the Fire Dragon fell for the Knight in armor. --------------------------------------------- A Fairy Tail Fan-fic. ---------------------------------------------

Im_Groot · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 2


The next day


Natsu and Lucy were now walking past Magnolia citizens as they were on their way to Fairy Tail.

"Wow! So, this is Magnolia!" Lucy exclaimed while looking around the town.

Natsu just let her be amazed while walking on the road, minding his own business.

They then arrived at Fairy Tail's guild.

"Okay! Breathe in and stay calm! You can do this Lucy!" Lucy said to herself as she started to encourage herself.

Natsu just grins a bit to her before reaching to the door and open it.

They were greeted with people of all ages as everyone was having a fight with each other.

"AAAH!" Lucy gawked at the huge rumble scene in front of her as tables, chairs, glass, and people came flying everywhere.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail" a girl with short white hair came and greeted the both of them.

Natsu nodded while Lucy was shaking in nervousness.

"H-Hi my name is Lucy! And I want to join Fairy Tail!" Lucy exclaimed in a fast tone while stuttering a bit.

"Well then come on in" The girl replied while smiling and welcomed them in as she wasn't even bothered by the big dust cloud fight behind her.

Natsu and Lucy look at each other before following her.

Suddenly a huge giant came out of nowhere and stopped the fighting as the giant turns out to be the Master of Fairy Tail, Makarov.

He then started to give a speech about what is Fairy Tail and everything about Magic.

Makarov saw New face like Lucy and walks to her.

"Why hello! Welcome to Fairy Tail!" He exclaimed while welcoming her.

"H-Hello! My name is Lucy and I want to join Fairy Tail!" Lucy stuttered out while her body was shaking in nervousness

"Hmmmmmmmm?" Makarov hummed while eying her up and down to check her out.

Lucy was shaking in nervousness while praying in her heart that she would be accepted in.

All of a sudden her butt was groped by Makarov who had a perverted grin on his face.

"KYAAAAA! HENTAI!" Lucy screams as she tried to hit Makarov who dodged.

"Hohohohoho! A feisty one, aren't you?" he said while grinning.

Lucy then glared at the perverted old man.

"So, am I in or not?!" Lucy exclaimed to him.

"Sure, Lisanna gives the girl her mark," Makarov said while asking Lisanna for the stamp.

"Sure thing, Master! So what Colour and where?" Lisanna asks her while taking out a stamp from the bar's drawer.

"Pink and on my hand please" Lucy replied while holding out her hand to Lisanna

Then Lisanna stamped Lucy's hand and pressed it down.

"Welcome to Fairy tail!" Lisanna said as a pink Fairy Tail symbol appeared on Lucy's hand.

Lucy looks at her mark on her hand with a happy and joyful face.

"Look Natsu! I'm a Fairy Tail member now!" Lucy said as she turns around to see no one beside her.

"Eh? Where did Natsu go?" she said while looking around.

"Hey who's that?" a guild member said while pointing up on the second floor.

Lucy and the others look to where the guild member was pointing and saw that it was Natsu as he was walking around the second floor.

"Hey! Get down from there!" Makarov yelled at Natsu.

Natsu heard him and jumped down from the second floor.

"Boy! You may be a guest but only Fairy Tail's S class members can go up there okay!" Makarov scolds him.

Natsu nodded before looking at Lucy's guild mark after that he started to look around.

"Hey, Pinky! You're new here?" a voice called out to Natsu with a nickname as a top naked guy walk towards him.

Natsu looks at him for a moment as he was quite amused by him.

"Stripper" Natsu said to him before walking away.

"Who're you cal-Gah!" The guy exclaimed before looking down to see he was only wearing a boxer. He then ran away to find them.

"See you later Lucy," Natsu said as he finished looking around and looks at her before turning around to leave.

"Wait you're leaving!?" Lucy exclaimed while watching him.

"Yeah, why? Did I forget something here?" Natsu said while looking around his pockets.

"No.. it's just tha-"

"I'M BACK!" The stripper boy exclaimed while bursting in.

"Hey, Pinky! Let's fight!" The boy said while punching his fist together.

Natsu ignored him and turned around.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" The boy shouted at him.

"when talking to someone you should introduce yourself first," Natsu said while looking away from Gray.

"I'm Gray Fullbuster, and I challenge you to a fight!" The now named Gray exclaimed while looking at Natsu.

"And why should I do that?" Natsu said while looking at him with one eye closed.

"I heard some news at Hargeon that a pink-haired guy defeated a whole gang full of abductors and thieves in one day. That's you right?" Gray replied back while throwing away his shirt.

Natsu stared at Gray for a few moments, then grinned.

"don't blame me if you get hurt too much" Natsu warned him while raising a hand up and make a taunting gesture with his fingers.

"Now we're talking! Let me show you what a Fairy tail Mage can do!" Gray exclaimed before grinning.

"Take this outside!" Makarov yelled at them as both of them nodded.

Outside the guild

"OK! NO FINISHING MOVE IS ALLOWED! ONLY LOW LEVELED MAGIC POWER IS ALLOWED! UNDERSTAND!" Makarov exclaimed while sitting on a crate with Lisanna beside him as well as the rest of the guild spectators.

Gray and Natsu nodded while both of them were circling around each other.

"Well then.." Makarov said and raised his right hand up.


Then everyone started to cheer for their guildmate to win.

Gray instantly went to the offensive and dashed towards Natsu and started a close combat battle with him.

Natsu with ease dodged them all as he was having an amused smiled on him.

"Come on! Its that the best you got, Fullbuster?!" Natsu exclaimed as he jumped up and pushed down Gray's head like a kid.

"I'M NOT DONE YET!" Gray exclaimed before putting his hands together and cold air comes out of his hands.


The streets instantly were frozen in ice as Natsu whistled in amusement.

"Make Wizard?" Natsu said while tapping the frozen floor with his sandals.

"Yeah! And take this!" Gray replied before a light blue magic circle came out in front of him.


Several ice lances came flying out of the magic circle and were heading towards Natsu who yawned.

In an instant, all of the ice lances vaporized as they melted.

"What?!" Gray exclaimed in shock.

"Is that it?" Natsu mockingly asked while scratching his back.

Gray grew a vein on his head.



An ice bazooka was formed in Gray's arm as he fired it.

"GRAY YOU FOOL!" Makarov yelled out to him as he had forgotten the rules for this fight.

The ice blast went straight at Natsu who grinned.

"Now, we're talking!"

Natsu then cracks his right hand before piercing the ground with it.

In an instant flames circle around him as it was making the nearby spectators walk back from the heat.

Then he pulled out what looks like a dual bladed sword that has the blades ignited in flames. (If it's too hard to imagine think of Shine Greymon's sword but in a different way and different color)

"Wow!" Lucy exclaimed in shock while looking amazed at the sword.

"Is that Re-Quip!?" a man with a pompadour exclaimed in shock.

"Is he the same as her?" the man beside the pompadour said in shock as well.

"Orrraaaaaaa!" Natsu slashed his sword at the incoming ice blast with his sword as it instantly vaporized the ice.

A huge steam cloud was formed as it blows all over the streets, surprising everyone as they closed their eyes at the intense air.

"What power!" Lisanna exclaimed while trying to hold down her skirt.

After the steam settled down, they see that Gray was on the ground as he had his jaws open as for Natsu, he had a huge grin while holding his sword.

"THAT'S ENOUGH! WINNER: NATSU!" Makarov yelled out while signaling to Natsu who had won.

"EHHHHHHH!" Everyone in Fairy Tail exclaimed while some were crying in tears while taking out some cash and gave it to a woman who was drinking beer.

Natsu makes his sword disappeared before walking towards Gray and reaches out his hand for him.

"Nice Fight!" Natsu said to him while grinning.

Gray snapped out of his shock before smiling a bit to him.

He then grabs his hand as Natsu pulls him up.

Everyone clapped their hands to them for such an intense fight.

Makarov had an amused look on him while scratching his beard.

"What a promising youngster"

He said in his mind while looking at Natsu and Gray who were having a friendly chat with each other.

"well, thanks for the good fight, Fullbuster!" Natsu said while shaking Gray's hand.

"No problem Man" Gray replied while smiling.

"Both of you were amazing!" Lucy and Lisanna exclaimed while clapping their hands.

"Hohohohoho, Indeed!" Makarov said while walking towards Natsu and Gray.

"So Natsu was it? You belong to a guild?" he asked him.

"Nope! Just a freelance mage" Natsu replied with a toothy grin.

"Then, how about joining Fairy Tail?"

Natsu had a confused and surprised face on him when Makarov suggested to him that.

"Joining?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah, I think you'll fit in here just right, and we're always looking for more people to join our big family, so how about it Natsu?" Makarov replied back with a grin.

Natsu then looks around and saw that everyone was having an excited and happy face on while waiting on his answer.

"Hmmmmmm" Natsu started to ponder while tilting his head in thinking of his answer.

He then looks at Makarov with a decided mind.

"Hey, Gramps.."

"Yes?" Makarov replied while looking at Natsu.

"mind if I hang around your guild for a while? So, that I can determine whether I'll really want to join or not" Natsu suggested to him.

Makarov finds the suggestion reasonable.

"Alright my boy. For now, consider yourself welcome to our big family. We look forward to your answer" Makarov replied back while grinning.

"Thanks!" Natsu replied back.

"So, everyone! You know what that means right!?" Makarov said to his family as everyone knew the answer.

"LET'S PARTY!" he exclaimed while jumping up.


In a train

"U-Um Miss? We're about to arrive at Magnolia in one hour, please ready your…Luggage?" A train conductor said to a scarlet haired woman who was sitting on the passenger's seat who was eating some strawberry cheesecake.

"Thank you" she thanked him.

She then looks out at the window while having a smile on her.

"I'm coming home, Fairy Tail"

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