
Scarlet Garden

Anne-Marie, the current owner of a special rose garden resides in the scenic town of Keswick where everybody knows everyone. In the daily hustle of their lives in Keswick, Rosalie, Anne’s daughter will discover about her past and will come out as a brave person, she never knew she was. She will overcome the barrier in her mind, transferred to her from her mother’s past.

April_S_Flakes · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 21

Johnathan had the time of his life in the months they prepared for Catherine's wedding. It was going to be a grand celebration in the outdoor of Durham. Everybody looked forward to it. The catering service was ready, the decoration was selected and the area for venue was selected as well. Nora, Rosalie, Catherine, Johnathan and Eliot worked thoroughly till the last day. Now, on the day of the wedding Johnathan and Eliot had to get the venue all ready. They went to the district early in the morning and contacted all the outdoor sitting and setting arrangements they ordered for the wedding. At seven in the morning, Johnathan and Eliot returned after setting the venue. Rosalie and Nora were then escorted to arrange the artificial and flowers that were golden and white and silver in combination on the pillars and the props that both supported the boundaries and decorated the venue as well. They hung beautiful silk white curtain that gave a delicate touch to setting. They pillar now along with the hanging curtain that linked one pillar to another along with the hanging floral garlands looked like beautiful maidens in silk holding those flowers.

The boys were amazed to look at such a majestic outdoor setting. The tables and chairs were also simply arranged with simple bouquet with a white card in golden writing stating 'welcome'. It was both dreamy and beautiful. The girls were waiting for the fairy lights for the isle. Johnathan took a round and got them there. Nora and Rosalie were almost done with the preparation. And they inspected all the settings, they were quite satisfied with the settings. Now the caterers arrived, and Johnathan stayed over to keep a check on everything. Rosalie prepared the wedding cake for Catherine's wedding, and it was similar to the theme of the venue. Catherine was ready as well and her mother and father escorted her to the venue. Rosalie and Nora along with Eliot brought the cake right as Catherine and the remaining guests arrived. Catherine was happy and she was quite emotional when she looked at the venue all of her friends arranged. They made it grand for her and she was in tears.

Eliot and Nora assisted Rosalie in assembling the beautiful and classic cake that she made for Catherine. They ceremony started and the beautiful bride in her puffy shouldered white and flowy bridal silk gown walked the isle with her father. The bride's maids standing in the front in beige colored silk gowns gazed at her with adoration. Oliver stared at her with both surprise and admiration. She was utterly gorgeous and there was no doubt about that. The ceremony of exchange of rings and vows finished smoothly. And then the wedding dinner initiated. People conversed and had food both Oliver and Catherine looked amazing together. People took photographs with them. Nora and Rosalie joined them as well and took photographs. Johnathan requested Rosalie to take a picture with him to which she agreed. The camera man took a photograph of them together and then they were joined by Nora and Eliot. Then they had another group image which was not completed without Catherine and Oliver. On Catherine's insistence they took another group picture. After they all rested a little the first dance ceremony initiated. She didn't want this moment to ever arrive, but she was bound by norms, so she had to.

She danced with her father and appeared happy. But Johnathan was aware about his father's betrayal that was quite secret to the society in which they resided but everyone in the family knew about that. They royal scandal, he married a duchess and divorced Catherine's mother. She never remarried but was compensated through finances that she didn't even require. She belonged to a noble family and had a fair share of fortune to spend life with. But even then, she invited that deceitful person to not let any hurdle stand in the way of her happiness. Although Catherine despised the very moment, she was dancing with him. She loved her mother, and she was doing it for her sake. Then the moment she was eagerly waiting for arrived, She and Oliver danced gently and surprised the crowd with their beautiful event.

Then rest of the couples joined and there Nora came across Richard for the first time. The actual cousin of Rosalie, he came to town to join this wedding he had some companionship with Catherine's father, and he invited him to the wedding. He requested her to dance with him and she placed her hand in his. He was quite fond of Nora. Rosalie couldn't help but smiled mischievously looking at Nora dancing with him. He looked so immerse in her eyes, but she occasionally turned her gaze to Rosalie who appeared quite amused with her expression to her. At that instance while she enjoyed watching their dance, Johnathan approached her with the same dreamy expression and asked for a dance. 'I can't dance! I will . . ..!'. He interrupted her words, 'It may be our last one . . ..!' She felt uneasy with the way he articulated these words. She saw his hand suspended towards her and she instantly placed her hand in his to procure the precious moment.

He closed his hand and continued to move gently in between the other dancing couples. With him she didn't know she could match his movements, but she did. For the first time, it felt like they were together after all those years they yearned for each other. But all in vain, because now he had to return, and he knew that it was his last moment with her. He was living it in all its glory. They kept dancing with their eyes locked into each other as if it was their wedding. They felt that nobody was around them and they were alone locked in an ecstatic instance in time that will continue forever. But it ended with Nora's loud announcement 'If Johnathan and Rosalie allow the bride and groom a moment . . .. they would then just cut the cake and the two of you can continue your dance again!' They stopped and both of them turned red.

She was self-conscious and Johnathan noticed that. He cued her to move a little closer where they could watch them cutting the cake. Catherine and Oliver cut the cake together and then Rosalie and Johnathan served it to whoever came forward for the cake. Rosalie glanced the crowd to look for Nora and Eliot came forward. He said, 'If you are looking for Nora, she is there with Richard, and I think we will soon have another wedding!' She laughed and Johnathan asked, 'When will you marry?'. He replied teasingly, 'After your wedding!' and Eliot elbowed him slightly towards Rosalie. He was careful not to push her but gently bumped into her. She smiled gently and asked him, 'What did you mean when you said . . .. It may be our last one!'. His smiled suddenly turned into a pained expression and he said, 'I am leaving for Italy, tomorrow!'. She thought that she heard wrong, but it wasn't. He tried to smile while keeping his eye contact with her, but his saddened heart bled in pain and his eyes brimmed with tears. She held a napkin in her hands and raised it to wipe his tears that now continue to flow from her eyes too. Before she could reach his eyes. He wiped them off taking the napkin in almost a seizing gesture. She sensed the coldness in his hostile gesture. He was once again experiencing loss and he left Rosalie there standing alone to serve the guests.

She didn't know what to do, her eyes overflowed with tears but in a mechanical motion she kept placing the slices of cake on the plates for the guest. Her head started ringing once again but she stood there with now swollen red eyes. Nora had a wonderful evening as she caught the bouquet that the bride threw, and everybody anticipated her wedding. Everybody congratulated her and she held Richard's arm tight as he was her groom. He didn't mind it at all, and she asked Eliot who was now attending some guests, 'Where is Rosalie?' Eliot pointed at the huge cake that was now almost vanished. Rosalie served it all to the guests and was now eating a large piece sitting alone at the table beside the cake. 'Hey, Rosie, darling! Guess who has got the bride's bouquet?' said Nora in joy. 'You may be!' in a deep voice she uttered. Nora and Richard approached her, 'Hey stop eating that much! What are you doing? Are you in your right mind?' Nora held her face and glanced at her swollen eyes she covered with her hair. 'What happened? Why are you crying?' Nora questioned her with concern.