
Scarlet Crimson

Reincarnated as Sayu Yagami? Either my brother dies or I die. There is no other option.

WishingEveryday · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 63

Chapter 63

I left Chia to take over the mafia base for a temporary moment. Mello came along with me, changing his wig to a black one and wearing sunglasses and a mask in order to disguise himself. Although Mello was from a western country and none of the Kira Task force members had actually caught a glimpse of Mello, it was still good to be extra careful.

I smiled softly at Sidoh's small arms flapped around the airplane when it landed, marvelling at the engine and the new scenery around him like a newborn chicken.

"Mello," I leaned beside him before getting off the plane. "From now on I will call you Miheal. Your task is to get all the names of the influential people under my order. Remember, do not reveal any information about the Death Note to anyone, and lay low in the hotel that I have reserved from you."

He nodded obediently with a sour face before I waved both him and Sidoh goodbye before going outside and into the airport.

I tapped my identity card onto the electronic scanner before hearing a beep as the doors of the HQ opened wide to welcome me with wide arms. The overall place was empty, being exactly 2 am in the morning as I pulled my suitcase in front of the elevator, pressing the 4th floor to my living floor after I got on.

The doors of the elevator opened to my floor as I was greeted with darkness before I clicked open the lights, revealing a dishevelled Light on the couch, snoozing with his overly perfect face. I froze at the sight, instantly turning the lights off to not wake him up. What was he doing on the living room couch…?

Did he not have a bed in his own room? I mused at his weird actions before letting go of my suitcase and taking off my black high heels. Shuffling them into the shoe boards, I crept close to Light's body, crouching down as my grin unconsciously widened. His hair was so messy including the tie that was loosened around his neck and lay on his forearms that were supporting his head posture.

Dark circles underlined his eye bags along with the dry skin that seemed as if he had not moisturized for ages. But even though he seemed so tired, his face was still the embodiment of perfection. It was more like he downgraded from a perfect angel into a stressed and haggard angel. Still an angel at the end though.

I snickered before staring at the round clock in the room, noting that it was exactly 2:10 am. When did Light fall asleep? Was he so busy that he couldn't carry himself onto his bed? Did he even eat properly in my absence?

I sighed quietly before getting ready to head into my room. I felt a warm hand shoot out from the darkness, yanking me downwards as I yelped while my heart slammed with terror. Light's amused eyes shone in the darkness before he nuzzled his face into my hair, inhaling deeply before smirking at my flabbergasted and gaping mouth.

"You...were awake?" I squeaked as I felt his legs shift to lock mine with his while snaking his arm around my waist so that I could not escape. My mind whirled instantly at his actions. It was like he was expecting me, awaiting my appearance so that he could bait me-

"Guess," he teased quietly before my face started flushing like no tomorrow. Oh gosh, I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. I never wanted to bury myself in a hole so badly before.

"You-" I stared at his playful grin before opening my mouth to gasp. "You didn't pick up my phone call on purpose so that you could lure me here!"

Light chuckled before pecking me on the lips as a reward, smirking as he flipped me underneath him and biting down on my neck before I gasped, throwing my fists against his chest when I felt his hands playing with my breast.

"It worked, didn't it?" He whispered ecstatically before kissing me on the lips after creating a sharp pain in the form of a hickey on my collarbones. "I wanted to see if my little sister actually cared enough to rush her degree and fly across the world just because of a phone call."

What a player! He had calculated all my moves!

But for some reason, I couldn't even get angry at him for putting me through hell to get my degree finished.

Now that I thought about it, flying over just because of a phone call was way too dramatic and childish. I groaned at my own actions before letting him do his work.

I responded back and wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him down closer towards me as we challenged each other with smiles and fits of giggles. Trailing his hot fingers down the buttons of my clothes he snapped them open and lifted my shirt over my head as we struggled to take the oversized sweater off of me. The fire in me started to ignite brighter with moisture.

The sensations on my skin tingled as I tugged at his clothes, demanding him to take his clothes off. He hurled it over his head, throwing it into the corner of the room before ravishing me with his hands. The pleasure sent jolts into my stomach, tingling as I moaned as he rubbed his leg in between my pants just to tease me. I grumbled, fighting off the urge before jolting up from my position and pushing him down as I straddled my victory above him, sneering at his weak attempt.

He gestured for me to go ahead as I rubbed directly on his bulge, mouth on his chest as I dragged it down, hearing the muffled moans from his mouth as I unbuckled his belt, unzipping his pants to reveal all of him. I smirked, tracing my tongue around his base before flicking it delicately, teasing him while massaging the tip. Light threw his head back and despite being so in pleasure from my techniques, he grabbed my chin to stop me. Apparently, he was too impatient for the foreplay and wanted to feel me.

My heart thudded with joy.

His breaths were jagged before pulling my whole body upwards and fumbled with my jeans, pushing them off and sliding my panties to the side as he directed me above him and shoved me down onto him. It was a sensational pain that renounced through me as my spine arched.

"Light wait-" I yelped from his quick actions as he pushed me down harder onto him by holding my hips and thrusting himself in before panting and finding both of my hands, squeezing them as I rode him desperately, wanting to feel him deeper as he hardened.

My naked and plump breasts bounced up while I threw my head backwards, sweat rolling down my neck as I shuddered with lingering moans from my mouth. I felt Light stiffen even harder when I bit my lip, trying to cover up the noise I was making as he closed his eyes, rolling head in pleasure before pulling me down to silence both our noises.

"Sayu," he murmured repeatedly before grunting out another sigh as we moved together in the middle of the night.

Morning chirped into our ears as we both shifted in our sleep, cracking our eyes open before glancing at each other and grinning at how fast time had passed.

"Shower, clothes, food." I pointed as he nodded along with my directions, sitting up while I slid off the couch, picking up my panties before shuffling into my room down the living room.

When I came out of my rooms in proper outerwear, I saw Light shuffling a full course breakfast in front of me before sitting down himself and taking a sip of his half-sweetened coffee.

"You're not eating any?" I sat down in my chair as my long scarlet hair spilled off my shoulders before I brushed them up, grabbing the hair tie that was around my wrist while staring at him expectantly.

"I've gotten used to not eating breakfast," he explained before pushing the dishes closer to me. I raised my eyebrows and looked at the fresh fried eggs, instantly understanding that he had cooked the meal himself.

Damn, did I actually take that long in the shower? Sure I had long hair, had to dry it, moisturize my skin, do my seven-step beauty care, but that was enough time for him to cook a full course?

"Let me guess," I picked my chopsticks and gazed at him with a playful smirk. "You're also used to not eating lunch or dinner at a periodic time."

Light paused hesitantly before picking up his cup and sipping again.

"I didn't find the time to."

"My dear brother," I called out with a wide grin. "What would you ever do if I wasn't by your side?"

"That will not happen," he said casually as if it was a world-known fact before placing the cup on the table and staring at me with a steady look. "What happened with the scar on your leg?"

My legs twitched underneath the table as I gave a light laugh, blinking my eyes innocently at my over concerned brother who was trying to change the topic with my news. Fine, I'll go along with you because of your embarrassment.

"It wasn't anything serious," I shrugged off before playing with the waffles that Light had made for me. Surprisingly, he cooked a western dish despite only being in America for a short while. Did he make this especially for me knowing that I liked waffles? It was also in that 10 day period in America when I was with Light when he found out my preferences for the food.

"How can it not be anything serious? It seems like a bullet wound," he commented in the same tone I had before gesturing to me to show him. Rolling my eyes, I stood up and pushed the plate of eggs towards him.

"Eat, or else no information will be leaked about the scar," I said before feeling his fingers brush over my skin. Dammit, I totally forgot what I was wearing! I was wearing shorts and a hoodie, which was definitely not a safe option to wear in front of this wolf.

Light glanced at me with a twitch of his lips before his eyes flickered to the plate in my hands. I could see him trying to rack up ways to get the information from my mouth without having to eat the food.

"Do you want me to feed it to you by mouth?" I challenged and he instantly made a face.

"That's disgusting," he grimaced as the image of me feeding the eggs through my mouth surfaced in his head. I cackled as he stood up and headed to the kitchen to grab another pair of chopsticks. Sitting down, he shoved the eggs elegantly without breaking his gaze from my smug smirk.

"My gang had a war," I stated simply before gesturing towards the scar. "As you can see, I'm alive."

"I never would've imagined you to be the rash decision-maker," Light's eyebrows raised as he looked at me before massaging his nose bridge. "You should have left them."

"Well, my dear brother, I was contemplating on that until they stated that an overwhelming number of reinforcements were coming," I tapped the table as I watched him finish chewing on the food, swallowing slowly before picking up his coffee from the table.

Feeling satisfied, I walked back to my seat and picked up my glass of milk.

"The mafia isn't safe, no matter how useful they are," Light said.

It was true, never in my life had I imagined that I would be used as a bargaining chip for the Death Note, tortured, gone into war a couple of times, and had a bodyguard with me at all times outside of school. I hadn't even gone into the details of being called the 'Crimson sniper' from my previous battle with Mello's members. It was probably due to my hair colour and the colour that would splurt out from the enemies the moment they stopped moving or started to move slow enough for me to get a snipe in.

Apparently, Mello's members had also reached out to several other gangs to help support them in the war so now base Castor was also facing several enemies that were trying to get revenge for killing off all their members. Henrik had masked the scene so well that the groups couldn't even get information on how their members died. Well, I left that to Chia and Henrik to perform their magic on them.

Other than that, my name was only well known in America. In Japan, most groups hadn't seen my red hair yet.

"Light, everything has risks," I smiled softly at him who still kept a face of indifference except for his eyes that were glimmering with future plans to kill off my mafia group. But this time, I decided not to call him out.

"The good thing is that we've located the orphanage in England."

Light's eyes instantly jerked up to meet mine, lips in a thin line before questioning the other end of my tone.

"The bad thing?"

"The bad thing," I took my fork and knife before cutting the waffles with perfect manners. "-is that we've found the existence of another 36 orphanages with the exact same purpose."

Light's eyes twitched in annoyance.

"That's why, Light, I suggest you put off your plans to kill them all until they've taken the rest of the orphanages while you focus on getting rid of Near," I placed the waffle in my mouth before sighing at the chocolate goodness drizzled on top of them.

"Talking about Near, how are your plans?"

Directly asking Light to reveal his plans was a big risk to take, knowing that he assumed that I was questioning his trust for me.

"I've given the Death Note to a person and fabled a 500-page copy of the Death note to another," he said with a plastic smile, answering my test with ease.

Hm, he trusted me.

And that was exactly what I thought he was doing.

"So you've created two distractions, that's great but how exactly are you planning on getting his name?" I swallowed before tilting my head warily. "Don't tell me you're going to force one of the fake Kiras to kill him off?"

"That is one of the ways," Light lifted his chin at my words. "But I'm planning on something else."

"Do tell," gesticulating, I crossed my legs underneath. Light gazed over my face intensely before placing on an unwavering smile, as if deciding whether or not to tell me. He was hesitating, but then something flickered across his eyes before he opened his mouth.

"I'm going to capture the Kira with the real Death Note and use one of the members to create the eye deal," he said. My eyes widened at his plan before nodding. He doesn't even care about the crime or the people on his side anymore. He only cared about winning.

Did he learn that from me?

It was true that I had admitted to killing mom who did not commit any crimes except show more bias towards Light, but if Light didn't care about who he killed, then what was the entire purpose of establishing himself as a God? Just for passing time?

"That would be a quick and decisive move," I folded my arms before pondering on what I should do to counter his move and corner him without making me seem suspicious. "But weren't you supposed to kill only those who went against you and criminals?"

Light laughed before twitching his eyebrows towards me.

"This is just a one-time use," the smile on his face was genuine. "Why would I keep my pride and do it in a roundabout way when it is easier?"

My neck shrunk backwards.

"Did you learn that from me? Or Near?" I made a face.

"Throw away your pride," Light quoted my words from the past with a smirk. "Apparently I noticed that my childish tactics of keeping my pride mean nothing if I don't win the game."

I blinked with a cunning grin.

"Light, I am so sorry I tainted you with my impure words," I lowered my head fakely before pretending to regret my very essence of life. He scoffed before standing up and pacing towards the doorway. I glanced up at the clock, noting down that 9 am was the official time for the Kira Task to start their work.

It really was a smart move. In order to prove that he was the true 'successor' of L, he had to capture Kira to indicate that he was doing his job correctly. I stood up after placing my utensils on the table, following him to the doorway before bouncing up and pecking him on the lips.

"I love you, big brother."

He blinked, stunned by my words.

"Don't forget, a month of sweets~" My grin widened at his reaction before pivoting away, only to slam into his chest before feeling his lips crush onto mine, licking and sucking as I panted from the lack of oxygen, stabilizing my body by placing my hands on his shoulders and tipping up while closing my eyes.

I felt him smile before pushing me away, licking his lips to entice me even more as I swallowed. Ah...I really want him right now.

Wait what-Are you serious? Since when was I such a horny teenager?! We literally just had an intense session without sleep!

My face reddened like a tomato from my own images of Light underneath me, sweating and calling my name. The way his face had a pink flush before groaning out was so...tantalizing it was basically illegal.

"You-you-get to work!" I ran away into my room in embarrassment, burying my face into the pillow before squawking nonsensically. How come Light had turned me from a calm and stable human being into a mushy mess?!

Get yourself together.

I inhaled sharply before the voices inside me started grappling out their controls again. There was still no change even if I was having the time of my life with him. Light had to die, and there was no way to prevent that even if he was learning from me in a rapid place. I could see that our ideals were starting to merge together, me having the tendency to not kill the innocent and him learning how to play dirty to get his win.


The changes love could do to you were immense.

But that still didn't matter, because as humans, we moved on.

The night sky dawned on top of the city as I stared outside, reminiscing the past while wearing a red tight body dress, holding a glass of water in the darkened room. Red had grown a lot on me, not because of Light's compliment a dozen months ago but because people always associated that colour with me.

Maybe it resembled passion or maybe even hate. But what was important was how I should aim my pieces at Light in order to avoid suspicion while setting up the meeting place for Near and Light to meet so that I could use a single net to capture and destroy them all.

The locket that Light gave me shifted uncomfortably on my chest.

It really didn't matter if Near was close to beating Light or if Light was winning over Near. What was important was how to get Near killed at the same time with Light. Originally I wanted Near to corner Light and expose him for being Kira, but now that I thought of it, it didn't matter who won the game.

...Roger Ruvie.

Behind me, the ding of the elevator arrived on my floor as I heard Light's footsteps echo into the dim room before shuffling off his shoes and walking slowly towards me. His arms slowly wrapped around my waist as he plopped his chin on my forehead and peered down at the view I was looking at.

"Sayu," he called out before turning me around to face him. I could see his open gaze directing at me before giving me a curled smile. "Happy birthday."

Ah, right, it was my birthday.

I leaned slowly onto the glass window behind me as Light let me go, studying my quiet expression. I knew that he could tell I was pondering over something, and that had completely preoccupied my thoughts. The cold of the glass calmed me as I embraced it, directing its icy touch into my skin like death that upheld the ending for both Light and me.

"I'm 19 now," I nodded slowly before plastering on a childlike grin. "Time passes so fast when you're having fun. So brother, where is my birthday gift?"

I extended my hands in front of him before he raised his eyebrows.

"I thought you didn't like meaningless materials," the glimmer in his eyes sparkled, even more, when I pulled my hand back and blew my cheeks.

"What a killjoy, Light. Why couldn't you humour this young lady over here?" I smiled coyly before tilting my head. "Then tell me, what will you give me?"

"Anything," his eyes softened. "You already have everything you want."

It was true. I did have everything I wanted.

I had friends, power, authority, money, connections, and Light.

I want your death.

The voices within me rasped out sobbingly.

I want you to stay with me without hurting me in the future.

"Then tell me what you feel for me," blinking away any hints of tears in the corner of my eyes, I peered into Light's eyes as he chuckled.

"I love you Sayu," he whispered before holding me back in his arms. "You are mine, and only mine forever."

"Thank you for being born as my sister."

I didn't like how his words sounded so genuine. If he had even the slightest touch of hypocrisy in his words, I would have accepted it and turned it into a reason to hate him. But he didn't and instead made my heart wail even more. On the outside though, I was numb. I stared outside at the bustling buildings along with the colourful clothes that the people underneath wore. They seemed so...alive.

I felt Light's curious gaze bored into my face as I gave him a small smile, flickering my eyes away from the scene.

"Forever does not last after death, brother."

"We will," he stated instantly as I turned to him with surprised eyes. His eyes glimmered as an indication of our own situation before I understood what he was trying to say.

"The humans that write inside the Death Note will not go to heaven or hell," I uttered quietly and raised my face towards him to see if I was right. Indeed, I was.

"We will become Gods, Sayu," Light leaned closer and placed his forehead on mine and gazed intently with desire. "Will will be bound together for eternity."

I didn't know if I should be swooning over his words or freaking out, but one thing was for sure. Light had fallen too deep in love with me, and to the point of infatuation. His logic was so sure about us turning into Death Gods and that he would remember his memories even when we die was so... mind-blowing.

I felt a strangled fish trying to swim out of the deep waters with a chain around my neck. But at the same time, my heart longed to be with him.

"Does the idea of dying together excite you?" My voice came out serious and slow, trying to process his type of love directed at me. Light chuckled before leaning back from my face before kissing me softly on the lips.

"Yes," he murmured as I closed my eyes, accepting whatever he was going to throw us in. "But that's the same for you too, isn't it?"

My eyes fluttered open as we parted, breathing slowly as I felt his bulge press up against my lower abdomen. Gosh, Light! I buried my red face into his chest bashfully as his fingers threaded through my loose hair.

Would I want to die with Light? Throw away everything that I had and perish along with him?

The question echoed multiple times in my head while my heart rushed itself place to place like a frantic small girl. The image of throwing everything just to be with Light was-

"Yes," I said breathlessly while I felt Light smile with content at my honest answer.

I had fallen too deep to crawl out. Dread started to fill my face at my own thought.

I had fallen so much for him that it scared me.

Light let me go, the glimmer in his eyes never left my face as he extended his hand towards me as an invitation. The smile on his face widened as I slowly took his hand, following his lead into the bedroom.