
Scarlet Crimson

Reincarnated as Sayu Yagami? Either my brother dies or I die. There is no other option.

WishingEveryday · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

"How did the interrogation go?" I asked as she sighed a bit before opening her mouth.

"I was reassured that I wouldn't be put in jail for witnessing it. I was questioned on why I didn't report the situation though." She explained.

"Went smoothly, I trust?"

Miyara nodded simply.

"I wonder what level of acting skills you displayed through my order…" I murmured as I stared at her hard. Could a person's acting skills go up? Or did my orders bring out her potential as an actor?

Or did the order actually make her believe that she was in fear and devastation?

"Did you have a good afternoon nap?" I showed worry through my eyes before she nodded and yawned just in time.

"Good. Now, do you remember the name and face I told you to find out?" Lowering my voice again, a knock on the door echoed through the room.

"Get it and excuse her away," I commanded as Miyara stood up to get the door.

"Mom- thanks. We're talking about history right now. Is it okay if she stays over for a few more minutes?"

I heard Miyara's voice in the hall before they talked some more. That was Miyara's mom? Holy, she looked young. Like, really really young.

Miyara came back with two slices of cake and tea before placing them carefully in between us.

"Get the paper I gave you," I ordered as Miyara's feet shuffled to the teddy bear that Isame had created for us. Behind the bear lay a zip with a silk pocket inside for them to keep the folded Death Notes.

"Good." I bobbed my head in satisfaction before ordering her to write whatever I said.

Kaidake Shinori

Will act on all requests of a female with the last name of Yagami. All orders from this person shall be granted and not questioned until death. The orders shall not be shared until death. On March 28th, 5:10 pm, he will go to the cafe across from his workplace and find a girl with blonde hair who waves at him. Cause of death: Original lifespan

I regained my breath before stopping.

"Miyara, you will go to Savor's Sweets cafe and wait for this man. Upon seeing him, wave, and call me."

"Yes," Miyara said as we moved on, talking about her image at school before I left at 6:30 pm, walking back to my house at night.

There were a few more things that I wanted to try out to test the limits of the Death Note manipulation.

Although I did write that the person shall listen to all my requests, how did they recognize me? Yes, when I was directly giving off orders they would listen, but Isame also reacted towards my text, which did not include my voice.

Would they act on all orders that their brain recognized to be me?

I sighed as I crossed the street, cars flashing at each other as I continued to mind my own business.

Because if that was the case, then L would have a loophole to expose my use of the Death Note. I had to prevent it if that was true.

I had avoided using my full name on the Death Note while writing their cause of deaths because I did not want to risk the fact of having a heart attack myself, but that brought the question of if someone else changed their last name to Yagami, and was a female...could they control my writers?

Logically saying, yes, they could.

Which was a terrible way to be exposed.

But who in the world would change their name for no reason?

That also brought another question to the Death Note. By names, did they mean the names that were placed legally on our birth certificate? Or the names that we were recognized by?

Because in my past life, I had two names. A legal name, and the name everyone would recognize me by. In this case, which name would potentially kill me? And after all of that, I still had a question of if my name of Sayu would actually kill me.

Because my soul was not Sayu. I was in Sayu's body. Then would someone still be able to kill me by using Sayu's name? Or did they need to know my real name?

So many unanswered questions. So many questions.

I guess the only way to know would be to have someone get the shinigami eyes and tell me the name they saw on top of my head. It would be really awkward if the name that appeared was not Sayu Yagami.

Well, that would cause quite the laugher.

Yo! I'm not who you think I am! I was actually switched by birth! Joke's on you!

In the case of now, I had three names. 2 from my past, 1 from the current.

Also with the rule that if a person's name was written incorrectly on the Death Note for 4 times, the Note would never take effect on that person.

Oh my gosh-

Should I just go to Starbucks?

I huffed in the cold spring night before glancing back at the stars, in silence. I felt kind of bored. Not that there wasn't anything to do, but I felt like I was able to do so much more if I didn't have any restrictions.

I felt shackled once again.

Like a child.

I was a child to begin with, due to beginning in Sayu's body, yet I was finally looking towards my 20th birthday where my past parents would have allowed me to leave the house...and then I ended up here. As a 14-year-old again.

Well, it wasn't that bad.

I had wonderful parents, and most likely I was able to leave the house when I turned into a legal adult. But seeing I needed to wait another 4 years?

Kill me now.

I heard a ping from my phone before stopping my tracks to open the device. It was a text from Tsubame.

7000 dollars for Isame's installation of 10 recorders, 3 listening devices. You need to pay up before my house goes bankrupt.

...Well, I didn't expect that.

It was my fault, to be honest. Although I had ordered Isame to expand our knowledge and usages of experiment victims, I hadn't exactly thought about the money yet. Money, huh? Where in the world was I supposed to get that?

I shoved the phone in my pocket and continued walking.

I guess I could always take control of some kind of well-known billionaire and tell him to send the money in...but then how would I get in contact with him without being recognized by the public?

See, this was my ultimate weakness to my way of controlling people. First, they would have to know me since the only ones I could control would be people who knew my last name. Second, I actually had to get in contact with them, let them see or hear my voice in some way.

I paced forwards and turned into a shortcut road, one that was much more narrow and isolated. The moment I walked in there, I had a sudden urge to slap myself.

Why the heck did I turn this way?

I gritted my teeth before I whipped back, walking out of the pathway until I heard a sharp clamouring directly behind me. I froze.

Oh my holy macaronis, do not tell me there is a rapist behind me, because even if I did have a piece of the Death Note on me right now, I wouldn't be able to write it down. Unless I was directly staring at the face while I wrote it. And I would have to take in account that my arms would probably be bound.

Unconsciously, I clenched my fists before turning around.

There was no one there.

Ok, phew! Now get the hell outta here-

"Do you know why you're being chased, huh?" I heard a low threatening growl before a fit man around the 20's slammed into the further end of the path, fully visible to my naked eye. Bottles of cans and empty alcohol glasses clattered onto the ground, some rolling away from the scene and others just shattering into pieces.

I should really go-

"Because you are a traitor to our family, basterd." Another man wearing a casual black sweater and ripped jeans stepped out from the shadows, pointing a revolver at the man who was whimpering on the ground.

"You don't understand!" The injured man coughed out before screaming out. "Boss is too ambitious! We will never be able to survive if he challenges the YWS group!"

The man with the sweater thrust his foot into the other guy's stomach, grinding cruelly on it.

"It is not our right to question the boss." The sweater guy gnarled out before kicking the other guy in the stomach again.

"But thousands will die!" The orange head coughed on the ground before being bashed on the head with the grip of the gun, falling pitfully onto the ground.

"You should know-best!" The orange head finally fell completely stiff on the ground before wheezing.

"You have all the data of our manpower-"

"Boss. Will. Lead. Us. To. Victory."

The blond hair squatted down before yanking on the orange-head's hair to lift his face up.




Well, when life gives you lemons, squeeze it into the eyes of your enemies.

"Um, excuse me, but I may be able to help your boss take over the Xas family or whatever." I cleared my throat before the other two stiffened. The blond slowly lifted his head and scanned me with his eyes harshly, before spitting his mucus in my direction.


"Did you not hear what I just said?" My voice came out unexpectedly cold as the blond's eyes widened just inches before returning back to normal.

"You aren't normal," He snarled out before dropping the other guy onto the ground and briskly walking to me and pushing his gun against my scalp. I refused to flinch.

He won't kill me. I repeated.

They need power.

"Speak." He glared out at me before hoisting me up by grabbing my collar.

"I have a deal to make with your boss," I spat out, returning fiercely at his gaze. "I can help you successfully take down the group and you'll agree to my certain conditions."

The man's eyes hardened.

"Lies!" His shout came out edgier by the minute.

"Don't you want to take the chance though? What if I could really help you? My method will cost you no deaths of your own members." I jabbed in doubt and possibility into his thick skull.

"You don't know who you're dealing with." His grip on my collar tightened.

"Aren't you guys just the mafia? Now let me go before I change my proposal and you'll lose all chances of winning." My eyes never left his for the next minute before he released my shirt but still had the gun pressed closely on my temple.

"Good boy," I mocked before shifting my clothes in order. His body tensed at my words, pushing his gun to my head even harder than before as I stumbled backwards from his strength. He gave a small smirk and I scowled.

"Now, you're going to go back and alert your boss about the deal," I held my fingers against the hole of the weapon, pushing it away.

"How do I know you won't tell or run away?" The guy lowered his arm.

"You have a pencil or a notepad?" I paused before murmuring a 'nevermind' with a small scoff at my own forgetfulness and slid off my backpack, rummaging through the pile of books before pulling out a pen and a notepad. I could feel the guy's gaze, watching me like a hawk.

"Give me a sec," I said before scribbling my name and phone number onto the page.

"Here-" I ripped the page out and shoved it in his face. "Take this."

The guy snatched it off my hand before scrunching his face at my handwriting. Before I could react, he shot his gun past my cheek, forcing me to flinch from the sound and gingerly touching the cut that slowly started to seep out the red liquid. My eardrums blazed in screeching pain, howling from the loud sound of his weapon.

I stared at the colour, marvelling at how crimson it was.

Strangely, that graze didn't even feel painful.

"Do you take me for an idiot? Gonna tell your daddy about this and trap us?!" His fingers twitched as I took my gaze off of my hand, limb falling limply to my side as I stared at him, hard.

My Yagami name was sure famous.

"There are two types of children that can occur from a police dad's teaching," I stepped forwards towards him as his finger tightened halfway from the end of the trigger. My heart leaped out of my chest, ramming the insides of my ribcage as I ignored it, the dopamine flowing into my mind as foolish bravery came flooding into my body.

"The first one follows his steps, claiming justice and screaming 'kill all the criminals!'" My hands flew up beside my face, waving in mockery.

"The second," I stopped in front of his gun, shoving my forehead against the muzzle. "Absolutely detests their father's belief, and instead, wants a free reign with all criminals."

I whispered darkly before chuckling at his expression.

"I am precisely that ladder."

The blond hair didn't even waver despite me shoving my life in his face.

"I have killed in secret," I growled out before grinning. "And I prefer torturing others until they beg at my feet to kill them."

This time, the guy sort of stiffened.

"I can gorge out a person's eyes without batting an eyelash." Tilting my head and giving him a malicious grin after cooing. "Does that sound justice to you?"

He lifted the weapon off my head before glancing at me warily.

"You will not run," he commanded as I bobbed my head carelessly.

"Yeah, yeah. Even if I run you'll hunt me down, I've heard that line a thousand times." I waved dismissively.

"You have my phone number, call me when your boss makes a decision. When we meet, I will explain everything to him." I leaned on my right leg before turning my back to the enemy, showing him that I was vulnerable. Sorely walking to my backpack on the ground, the late shock from my actions just a second ago spiked through my legs before picking my bag up.

"Your boss can choose the date and location. I'll be there on time," I swung the bag over my shoulder before flashing him a quick smile.

"Remember, when you see the chance, take it. Well, surely your ambitious boss wouldn't miss out on an opportunity like this." I waved and exited the alley before calling out behind my back.

"Go ahead and check my personal information all you want- you'll find nothing wrong about it."

"Leaving," I grinned before waving.

The gods sure favoured me today.