
Scaring the Pirate World

Lucas was trapped in Impel Down just after crossing the Pirate World, but at the same time he activated the haunted system. As long as people are scared, they can get scare points, they can summon more ghosts and become stronger. Since then. The pirate world is crazy. Morgans World Economic News Agency: “Naval Headquarters has moved again due to Sadako. This news is not new." "Ahhh, Chief Morgans Pennywise is here again!" "ahhhhhh" . . . . . --------------------------------------------- Traduction : Chinnese - English Author : Brain Jam https///b.faloo.com -----------------------------------------------

BlackGoku222 · Anime & Comics
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191 Chs

Chapter 32: Little Fight

Holy Land Mariejois

Commander Kong's Room

The bulb in the room broke.

The dawn has not yet arrived.

Only darkness can be seen!

Kong was always attentive and never relaxed for a moment.


After he broke the light bulb and looked at the white-robed ghost, Kong never saw the ghost again after esl!

Is rare.

It was as if the female ghost suddenly disappeared, he left this room and went elsewhere.

His brow furrowed as he thought of this.

But in this moment!

The TV in the living room suddenly turned on strangely.

Snow flickered on the screen, followed by a strange, gloomy image.

It was a former refuge of Madara, standing silently in the middle of the screen, full of uncertainty, like a bottomless abyss, which made people feel creepy.


His pupil of hers shrank violently!

After waiting a long time, he saw the ghost again!

Deep at the bottom of the well, a pale ghost appeared, and his skinny arms came out, crawling a little out of the well.



This is not a ghost, it's just on the videotape, it's just an image!

Before Kong had time to think further, he suddenly smelled the smell of blood, right... behind him? !


Turning around, he saw a woman in white that he didn't know when she stood behind him.


On the woman's hand, she was dripping with thick blood!

The blood was still fresh, it was obvious that the person had just died.

Kong's face was ugly, he is here to wait for the arrival of the female ghost, and the female ghost has really come, but he did not come to meet himself, but went with other people...

There's no time to think about that!

Suddenly, he moved.


His strong right arm came up and his fist exploded like a cannonball.

Suddenly, the horrible draft raged, the curtains in the room shook, and the teacup next to it directly exploded.

this hit

Impartial, in the middle of the head of the female ghost in white!


The fist went through her!

No harm!


Kong's pupils suddenly narrowed, and he stared at his fist, covered in black and red, with murderous thickness.

When he launched this punch, he had used Armament Haki and… Conqueror's Haki!

This is the highest physical ability.

Even Roger had to think twice to receive this attack squarely without defending himself.

However, it turned out to be... ineffective, unable to touch the woman in white!

For an instant.

Many thoughts went through Kong's mind.

He has used such a high level Haki technique, but I still can't touch it.

This is no longer the power of a Logia-type fruit.

Is it really a ghost!?

At this moment, the pale woman's hands came out, protruding from the fists, and the blood vessels under the blue-white skin were revealed, like twisted snakes.


The pale woman caught Kong!

Visible to the naked eye... On Kong's arms, small hairs stand on end, like cold air creeping up his skin!


Kong clenched his fist again and he shot out, tearing through the air as he broke free of the pale woman's grasp, his body snapping back.

He drummed.

The table toppled silently, teacups and vases toppling over.

When he withdrew, he was a few feet away, leaning against the wall behind him.


He lifted the arm the pale woman was holding and looked up at him.

The Armament Haki vanished like a tide, and there was a black phantom handprint on the original skin of him!

Even Kong himself, once a Navy Fleet Admiral, and now an Army Commander, was not spared from Sadako's footprint.

next moment

Kong withdrew his eyes and looked forward again.

Ahead, the pale woman abruptly disappeared, just like when he came, leaving no trace of her.

Originally, where she was standing, a cloudy wind was blowing, the curtains were shaking, and moonlight was pouring in, making it feel more and more sinister.





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