
Scarecrow of 1889

There once was a boy who was an orphan and suffered abuse from his village residents. The only friend he had was the dummy scarecrow on the field, whom he talked to. One day, a wealthy man brutally beat the boy. The next morning, the wealthy man was found dead, and the scarecrow was covered in blood.  Terrified, the villagers were convinced that the scarecrow had come to life to avenge its tormented friend. And it was the last scarecrow ever placed again in the fields, considering it a sign of death.  —   After scarecrow dolls begin appearing in the streets of Riddleford next to murder victims, the town is thrown into chaos. When the hunt for the mystery scarecrow murderer begins, it is only a matter of time before the famous Frontier Hall Opera House employees are subjected to suspicion, each protecting a secret of their own. But is that all that is going on? Or is there something unseen?

ash_knight17 · History
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60 Chs

After the breakthrough

As happy as Dr. Hall was about the breakthrough in Sylvester Crowley's case, where he finally knew when the instances of trauma had occurred and how the split personalities had emerged, there was still one more personality left. 

Marcello Hatter. 

"Do you know when Marcello appeared?" Dr. Hall questioned in his seat. 

"Now that's a tricky question, doc," Ricardo said, crossing his legs. "I don't know."

"What do you mean? Was he born before you and Agnes?"

"What I mean to say is that I don't know. No se," Ricardo responded with a shrug of his shoulders. "We didn't know he existed until one day Agnes went out and ate ice cream. He was just there."

"May I speak to Marcello?" Dr. Hall asked for permission, while keenly staring at Ricardo as if questioning if there was a case where only one alter commanded when the other alters could get their turns to appear.