
Scarecrow Masters

Embark on a captivating journey in the enchanting realm of Willowbrook, where magical Scarecrow Masters weave spells as effortlessly as the sunrise. Follow the resolute 15-year-old Alex Rikoza, fueled by a newfound determination to become an Eternal level Scarecrow Master. As he navigates through the challenges of the Willow Masters Academy and encounters the enigmatic Mr. Patch, secrets unfold, and a unique bond with his Crowmorph, Nightgale, takes shape.Face unexpected adversaries from the Dark Crow organization, and witness Alex's quest to surpass the Level masters. Dive into a world where magic and ambition collide in a tale filled with twists, spells, and the uncharted territories of becoming a Scarecrow Master. Note:Alex gets all the girls,other than him no one will get,hehehe.

Willow_enchant · Action
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9 Chs

Carmella's Entry

Alex's Nightgale wasn't able to dodge Ethan's attack and got a lethal burn as Veilstrike went all out.

Meanwhile, Alex didn't wait and ordered Nightgale, "Nightgale, stand up and use Shadowmeld. Wait for the right moment the next time he attacks."

Ethan ordered Veilstrike to use Flameburst, saying, "Veilstrike, use it several times, making a big circle."

Alex instructed Nightgale, "Dodge all of them."

Alex successfully dodged, but he didn't focus on what Ethan said, and now Nightgale is surrounded by flames.

"Nightgale, no!! What should I do? I can't use anything inside the circle," Alex exclaimed. Simmy from the back of the stage shouted, "Alex, you can do it. Use something other than enchantments." Alex heard it loud and clear.

"Okay, I got it. I have an idea. Nightgale, jump high with full power and use Eclipsion at full speed."

Ethan tried to confront it with Flameburst once again, but Nightgale's enchantment enhanced the Mantra, and at full speed, it clashed with Veilstrike.

"No! Veilstrike, stand up. You can't lose here," Ethan said. But Veilstrike couldn't push any longer.

Veilstrike saw the spirit in Ethan's eyes and stood up to put up a fight, and Nightgale was almost gone too because it takes a lot of exp to enhance a spell. Both parties were panting in hunger for victory.

But to Alex's surprise, Nightgale stood up once more. "Nightgale, it's good to see you again with spirit. Now use Umbraburst one last time with full power," Alex said.

Ethan ordered, "Veilstrike, use Heatbomb." Both attacks blew up the ground, all the dust was in the air, making it unable for the audience to see who won.

The ANNOUNCER shouted, "I can't see who won. The dust is making it not possible, but audience, don't lose patience."

Finally, the dust cleared, and the ANNOUNCER announced, "It looks like the winner is Alex and his Nightgale. Clap for our winner." The crowd went crazy, shouting, "ALEX! ALEX! ALEX!"

Alex was rewarded the healing potion and praised for being the best among the beginners.

Alex went straight to Ethan, "Hey Ethan, I won, hahahaha." Ethan replied, "Yeah, congrats, but my Veilstrike is not okay. Let's get him straight to the Pope Academy."

"No need for that. Here, take the potion and feed it to him," Alex said. Ethan replied in anger, "But it's yours. You earned it. Keep it." Alex insisted, "No, I'm telling you, just use it. We can get another one from Simmy." Simmy interjected, "Hey, I'm not a donator. Get it yourself." Alex said, "Haha, don't take it seriously. I was just joking. Here, Ethan, use it."

Ethan thanked Alex and fed it to Veilstrike, and he was as good as new after a few hours.

"I'm moved by your kindness, Alex," Simmy said. Alex replied, not knowing what Simmy was trying to say, "What? It isn't what you think. It's just I did what I thought at that moment." Ethan added, "I appreciate your help, Alex."

Meanwhile, in the Dark Crow organization, Giggle Berry exclaimed, "Boss, we are trying to capture that boy's crowmorph." Kroe said, "Better get me that Crowmorph without fail this time." Snicker and Chuckle agreed with Kroe, "Yes, boss. Roger that. Now go."

Giggle Berry thought that her team can't catch Alex's Crowmorph, so she stayed put and started thinking about how she should catch him. Snicker asked, "What are you thinking, Giggle Berry?" Giggle Berry replied, "Nothing, just making a plan to take them head-on."

"Find out where they're heading," Giggle berry said. Chuckle replied, "Hehehe, okay, Giggle Berry. It will take a few minutes."

Writer: "It's not creepy, okay? Chuckle laughs because his name is Chuckle."

While on the other side, our magicians started moving as Veilstrike's exp was recovered. They saw a board written "Opera City."

"Hey, Simmy, do you know anything about Opera City?" Alex asked. Simmy replied, "Yes, I know about this place. I've come here with my parents a few times. The opera here is really nice. Hey, why don't we have a look around?" Ethan said, "I'm not a fan of Opera. Are you, Alex?" Alex replied, "I've never been to one. I think we should go there. But wait a minute, can I ask how far is Willowbrook from here?" Ethan said, "I think maybe it would take around 1 hour with the Magic Plane. Why? Do you wanna go back?"

Alex:"No, I thought I should call my sister; she's a music enthusiast, hahaha."

Simmy asked, "Wait, you have a sister too? I thought you were the only child."

Alex replied, "No, I have a sister. She's really dangerous though; she always scolds me. Wait here, guys. I'm going to call her from the Magic booth."

Alex went to call her sister at the magic booth, "Hey Carmella, I'm going to the opera. Can you come here too in Opera City?"

Carmella asked, "Yes, I want to come, but why are you in Opera City?"

Alex:"Nothing, I was just passing by."

Carmella:"Where are you exactly?"

Alex replied, "I'm in the booth on Street No.4."

Carmella was in the Armor shop on street 4, and she got a call from Alex. She put the phone down and went right away to Alex's booth.

Alex:"Carmella? Hello? Carmella? Oh, come on, not again. She hung up the phone. She is so rude; she could've hung up after telling me."

Carmella was just standing behind Alex and heard everything from Alex's mouth. She said in anger, "Just who are you calling rude? Huh?" She spanked Alex's back.

Alex:"Sister, that's not what I meant. I'm sorry."

Carmella:"Then what exactly did you mean?"

Alex changed the topic, "But sister, you're here already? I thought you were in Willowbrook."

"I heard that there's a music competition in Opera City, so I came here to the Armor shop to buy myself a nice dress," Carmella exclaimed.

Alex said, "You already have hundreds of them."

Carmella:"Shut up! You won't understand a woman ever."

Alex:"Okay, okay, cool! Let's go and meet my new friends."

They went straight to where Simmy and Ethan were.

Ethan asked, "It took quite a lot of time for you to give a call to your sis—wait, who is this beautiful lady, Alex?"

Alex replied, "She's my sister; her name's Carmella. Well, she is beautiful though." Carmella blushed on Alex's words.

Ethan:"Sorry, I thought she was someone else, but wait, wait, wait, wasn't she in Willowbrook?"

Alex:"No, she was here before us and was buying her 101st dress. You remember I told you she is a music enthusiast, but she's a maniac regarding dresses."

Carmella grumbled, "What did you say?"

Carmella once again slapped the back of Alex, and he fell to the ground.

Ethan mumbled, "I think I better watch myself around his sister."

Simmy introduced herself, "Hi Carmella, I'm Alex's friend." Carmella responded with frustration, "Alex, you have a g-g-g-girlfriend?" Alex clarified, "No, sister, it's a misunderstanding. You heard it wrong; she's my friend."

Carmella once again slapped Alex.

Alex mumbled, "I didn't even do anything this time, bahuhuhu." Simmy asked mischievously, "Now that you're here, I'm feeling good as I was the only girl in the group. By the way, Carmella, can I slap him too?" Carmella replied, "Do whatever you want with him, hahaha."

Alex inquired, "Hey Ethan, what are they talking about?" Ethan replied, "I think they have shaken hands and are planning to slap you together."

Alex:"N-N-Noooo!!!! Aaaaahhhhhh".

On the other side, Chuckle:"I found them, Giggle Berry; they're in Opera City."

Giggle Berry ordered Snicker and Chuckle to go with her to set a trap. After a while, the Guffaw gang reached Opera City.

Giggle Berry, the mastermind, devised a plan involving a giant whoopee cushion. She placed it in the main square of Opera City, where our magicians are headed,to capture Alex.

Snicker and Chuckle lurked in the shadows to induce the laughing gas from the giant whoopee cushion.

Just when Alex and others got close to the whoopee, Snicker and Chuckle blasted off the cushion with an arrow. Unexpectedly, citizens were also there.

It triggered them to laugh, and the citizens too.

"Hahahahahhahahhahhaahahhaa" (Citizens' laughter).

Giggle Berry smirked, "Haha, look at you all helpless irritating imbeciles, can't move a finger." Alex grumbled, "Hahahhaha, so you were hahahha behind all this hahaha." Giggle Berry exclaimed, "Hahahha I know I'm one of a devil myself hahahha."

Snicker behind the shadows, "Wait, wasn't Giggle Berry supposed to wear a mask before capturing them?" Chuckle responded, "Hahha, oh no, she has gone crazy too; we have to get to her before she does anything wrong. Let's go, Chuckle."

Writer: "As I said before, he laughs without the laughing gas."

Giggle Berry was still laughing; she couldn't utter a word. Alex asked, "Hahhaha Hey Giggle Berry why don't you take away your whoopee hahahaha?" Giggle Berry exclaimed, "Hahaha,are you stupid?no never. I will never do that."

Snicker and Chuckle came to her rescue. Snicker exclaimed, "Hey kid, this time you're lucky tha—wait hahaha."

It triggered them too, Chuckle retorted, "Hahaha, let's go. We're also triggered by it now."

They took the whoopee cushion with them.

By simply inhaling and exhaling, you can sedate the effect, and it will wear off quickly.

Carmella told this to everyone, and after a few minutes, everything went back to normal.

Carmella exclaimed, "Alex, who were those guys? Why do they want your crowmorph?" Alex sighed, "Just ignore them, sister. They are a bunch of idiots. Even I don't know why they are following me either. Okay, let's go to the opera."

All of them were already there, just a few steps behind until this happened. They arrived at the Opera house.

They were astonished at how big it was. Alex exclaimed, "Oh my god, I've never seen a building this big!" Carmella and Simmy both responded in sync, "I knew that you would be shocked; it must be your first time."

Carmella exclaimed, "Hey Simmy, don't copy my lines 'urghhhh'." Simmy responded with the same lines, "You're copying my lines, Urghhhh."

Alex mumbled, "I can feel the thunder in their eyes. I'm scared."

When they entered the gate, they saw a stout girl (over 100 kgs/220 pounds) in front of them who approached Alex and asked, "Are you guys here to watch the Opera too?" Alex responded confusingly, "Ah, yes, we are going there too."

The girl introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Sophia, nice to meet you." Alex introduced himself too, "I'm Alex, nice to meet you too."

Ethan has a knack for stout girls; his eyes sparkled, and he fell in love with Sophia, and asked her to watch the opera with him.

Remember!that Sophia is quite chubby, over 100 kgs/220 pounds.

Ethan asked Sophia, "Hi, I'm Ethan, will you please come with me and watch together? Princess!" Sophia accepted, "Oh yes, why not, let's go!"

Alex whispering, "Hey sister, but isn't she too heavy, you kno—"

Carmella smacked Alex and said, "Hey, it's inappropriate to call someone like that; you can call her stout."

Alex:"I'm sorry, sister." Carmella replied, "Keep it in mind from now onwards. Maybe he's into this type of beautiful girls; at least he finds it beautiful."

Simmy sighed, "Huh, now let's go, enough chit-chat."

Alex, Simmy, and Carmella's eyes sparkled as they heard soothing music.

But they saw a kid struggling to play the trumpets.

Will they help the kid before the show starts? And make his day better, or will they turn a blind eye?

-To be continued...