
Scarecrow Masters

Embark on a captivating journey in the enchanting realm of Willowbrook, where magical Scarecrow Masters weave spells as effortlessly as the sunrise. Follow the resolute 15-year-old Alex Rikoza, fueled by a newfound determination to become an Eternal level Scarecrow Master. As he navigates through the challenges of the Willow Masters Academy and encounters the enigmatic Mr. Patch, secrets unfold, and a unique bond with his Crowmorph, Nightgale, takes shape.Face unexpected adversaries from the Dark Crow organization, and witness Alex's quest to surpass the Level masters. Dive into a world where magic and ambition collide in a tale filled with twists, spells, and the uncharted territories of becoming a Scarecrow Master. Note:Alex gets all the girls,other than him no one will get,hehehe.

Willow_enchant · Action
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9 Chs

Beginners Fight

Snicker attacked with his crowmorph on Alex. Alex didn't know any spells, but just when he was thinking, the attack was released by Snicker. A sound came from behind, "Rune Rhapsody," and a barrier was created in front of Alex, causing Snicker's attack to disperse into thin air. Snicker was shocked, wondering how it happened. The guy who protected Alex said, "I did it. Do you have any problems?" Giggleberry shouted, "Yes, we've got problems. Just who are you to interfere with my Guffaw gang?" The guy ordered his crowmorph to attack with flames, leading the attack to burn Giggle berry. Giggle's shirt was on fire, and everyone burst into laughter.

Alex thanked him and asked for his name. He replied, "My name is Ethan." Alex introduced himself, and Ethan realized that Alex was an amateur. Ethan offered to take care of the situation,but the Guffaw gang used a dispersal spell to escape.

Ethan remarked, "What a bummer. I was just about to kick their shirts. Where do you live, Alex?" Alex replied, "I live in Willowbrook. And you?" Ethan said, "I'm also from Willowbrook. Where are you heading right now?" Alex explained, "I'm heading towards the first Sub Arena to challenge. But I don't know where it is." Ethan commented, "Oh, so you came here without even knowing anything. You're great."

It struck Alex's mind, and he said, "I've heard this before from Uncle Patch." Ethan asked, "What? Mr. Patch? Did you say Mr. Patch?" Alex replied in shock, "Ah yeah, what about it? He even registered my name himself!." Ethan was surprised.

Ethan asked, "What? You know, you're one lucky guy. I'm his fan, and I also want something from him." Alex replied, laughing, "You can get one. I'll let you meet him one day." Ethan asked, "Wait, really? You will?" Alex said, "Yes, why not?" Ethan exclaimed, "Okay then, it's settled. I'm coming with you. Do you have any problem?" Alex replied, "No, definitely not."

Alex then asked if Ethan knew how to cook. Ethan said no,but Ethan mentioned he had a crowmorph who could cook. Alex's eyes sparkled, and he exclaimed, "Really? You have another crowmorph, and it can even cook?" Ethan summoned his crowmorph named "CULINACROW" and had it cook for them. Alex introduced his crowmorph.

"Hey Alex, what's your Crowmorph's name?"

"It's Nightgale. Isn't it a good name? Ethan liked it. 'Cryphoria' Nightgale summon."

Ethan:"Oh, wow, yours is pretty cool too. Can you show me one of its spells?"

"Uh, I don't know about it," Alex hesitated.

Ethan suggested, "Then look up in your grimoire under 'A' set."

Alex started reading, "Okay, let me look it up. 'It amplifies magical energy and enhances spell casting.' So, the first spell is 'Shadowmeld.' Nightgale, do Shadowmeld."

Nightgale disappeared, and Ethan exclaimed, "I can't see it! Where is it?"

"It's a night type, right? Then its power is to be invisible for 10 seconds, I guess," Ethan deduced.

Alex's eyes sparkled, and he said, "Wow, I like it."

"Hey Alex, why don't you memorize all the enchantments while I help Culinacrow in cooking?"

"Okay, go ahead. I'll keep learning," Alex agreed.

After 10 minutes, Ethan's Culinacrow made veg rice with fresh coriander. Both Alex and Ethan were foodies; their mouths were watering. They started eating like it was the last day of the world.

While eating, a poster flew through their faces,announcing a competition in "Lolo Arena." Ethan suggested Alex participate to learn how a match is fought. They registered their names, but a group named Eaglees mocked them. Ethan proposed a battle, and if they won, Eaglees would treat them. Eaglees agreed, but due to their behavior, they were kicked out of Lolo Arena.

Announcement: There will be 3 rounds, and the winner takes the glory. Applaud everyone for this magical fight between beginners. Our judges are Mr. Jovia, Mr. Sovia, and Mr. Lovia, who are brothers. (Applaud) Here comes the first round.

Clap for Ethan from Willowbrook, who has 2 crowmorphs. So which one is he gonna choose? Here comes the second participant, Michael. Clap for him, although he has only one crowmorph, which can be an advantage for Ethan. But don't judge; let's see who wins. Start the match! "Cryphoria" Culinacrow summon, 'Michael,' "Cryphoria" Seeu summon.

"Begin." Culinacrow uses flavorflare (a ball with fire), "Seeu" uses Illuminate (a burst of light), both attacks clashed, and only mist was in the air. Ethan said, "That was a nice counterattack you've thought of." Michael replied, "It's nothing. Let's see what you can do next. 'Seeu,' use 'reveal' (uncovers weakness or truth) and find his weakness." Ethan responded, "Oh no, Culinacrow, use 'savory shield.'"

Seeu wasn't able to see due to the aromatic shield. Michael used 'foresee' (show glimpses of the future), and Ethan ordered, "Culinacrow, use 'Gastronomorph' (gaslights the enemy to hit themselves)." Culinacrow's attack hit first, and Seeu, not in his right mind, started hitting itself, leading to his defeat.

Announcer: "The match is over, and the winner is Ethan. Clap for him." Our next contestants are Alex and Billy. Come on stage and show what you guys can do. Audiences, clap for both of them.

Hey Alex, you better win this round. Alex said, "Hell yeah, just watch." Good luck, Alex!

"Cryphoria" Nightgale summon, Billy "Cryphoria" Joli summon.

Announcer: "Both parties have summoned their Crowmorphs. Start the match."

Alex ordered, "Nightgale, use shadowmeld." Billy commented, "Hmph, you think you can hit me? Come at me with all your power." Alex couldn't stand it and ordered, "Nightgale, use Umbraburst (burst of dark energy)." Billy said, "Joli, use quick port and save yourself."

Alex: Huh? How did it miss? Billy ordered, "Hmph, Joli, use Spectathrow (throwback its enemies' spell) and reverse his spell."

Alex: Huh, no! What should I do? Ethan shouted from the back, telling Alex to use a different spell for defense. "Okay, I got it. Nightgale, use 'Eclipsion' (summons shadow wings)."

Both attacks collided, creating mist in the air. Both couldn't see anything, but Billy didn't waste any time and enchanted "Joli." Use Phasewalk (passes through objects briefly during teleportation). Now use Spectathrow and use the rocks in the air to attack. It hit Nightgale, as it was a strong combination spell of Billy's. "See, your crowmorph can't even stand."

Announcer: "Alex's Nightgale is unable to stand up. Will he be able to fight back, or will it do submission?" Nightgale stood up a little. Alex said, "You can still fight back? Okay, then use Umbraburst with full power." Nightgale used its full power to attack, and it was so fast that it was a direct hit, hitting Billy's Crowmorph. Billy wasn't able to counterattack as Nightgale's speed was too fast because it's made from an arcane prism which enhances spellcasting.

Joli was on the ground and completely destroyed. Announcer: "Joli isn't able to fight. Alex is the winner." Clap for Alex. The crowd went crazy because of the thrilling match. All the other matches happened, and the first round was over.

Announcer: "There will be only four beginners to move to the second round. Now let's see who those four are. So it's Alex vs. Simmy and Ethan vs. Dude."

Alex exclaimed, "Ethan, we both won the first round, yeah!" Ethan, observing Alex's excitement, remarked, "Make sure to win so we can both fight in the third round." Alex responded, "Okay, let's go; my match is first. See you."

Announcer: "Here comes the second round. Both of the players are ready. Now let's start the match." Alex, "Cryphoria" Nightgale summon, "Simmy" Cryphoria "Susi" summon. Alex: "Oh, it's a female. Heehee, it would be a nice one. I'm getting excited. Nightgale, use Umbraburst." Simmy ordered, "Susi, use luminaburst (Releases a burst of radiant energy, damaging foes and healing allies)."

But the attack collided. Simmy remarked, "Oh, you're one amazing enchanter I've met through this match." Alex responded, "Thanks, but in a match, I don't show mercy. Nightgale, use Eclipsion."

It hit right to Susi, damaging her. Simmy shouted in anger, "Aaarhh, Susi, stand up right now and use Divinestrike (a powerful beam of celestial energy to smite enemies)." Alex ordered, "Nightgale, use 'Shadowmeld.'"

Due to the invulnerability of Nightgale, Susi's spell missed. Alex didn't waste any minute, "Nightgale, use Eclipsion with full power." The attack was fast and a direct hit.

Announcer: "The winner of this match is Alex. Clap for him, everyone. He's escalated to the final round."

Simmy: "Just you watch, Alex. I'll beat you in the next match if it ever happened." Alex replied laughingly, "I'll be waiting for it. Bye, muwah."

"Hey, Ethan, I won. Now it's your turn, buddy. Better win it." Ethan: "Okay, buddy."

Announcer: "Here comes the next contestant, Ethan and Dude. Clap for both of them." Start the match. Ethan ordered, "Cryphoria VeilStrike Summon." Dude ordered, "Cryphoria 'Duskraptor' Summon and use 'Veloflash' (Accelerates the user for a swift, high-speed attack)."

Ethan didn't even utter anything and was hit by Duskraptor. When Ethan was about to enchant, Dude already enchanted a spell. "Duskraptor, use Swiftslash (Unleashes a series of rapid slashes with enhanced agility)." It was also a direct hit.

Announcer: "Oh my my! Ethan couldn't even enchant, and Dude defeated him with only two spells? It was a match that our audience can't forget. Wonderful!"

Ethan was astonished at how he couldn't even enchant a single word.

Ethan went back to the waiting room and assured, "Alex, be careful; that fellow is quite fast. His Scarecrow is morphed out of 'Rapidgem.' He doesn't feel like a beginner."

Alex responded, "Okay, Ethan, I'll watch myself."

Announcer: "Heeeyah! It's the final round between the unbelievable Dude with a Rapidgem crowmorph and with an Arcane Prism Crowmorph, Alex. Start the match."

Alex enchanted, "Cryphoria,Nightgale summon." Dude enchanted, "Cryphoria 'Duskraptor' summon and use Veloflash."

Alex ordered, "Nightgale use Shadowmeld." Dude's attack missed, and he replied, "Huh, how can it be? My Duskraptor is way faster." Alex said, "It's just I enchanted a little faster." Dude retorted, "Oh, you think just because I missed, I won't defeat you? Duskraptor, show him what you can do. Use Dashblitz (Surges forward in a quick dash, striking the target with speed)."

Due to the fast speed, Duskraptor crossed Nightgale, making it vulnerable. Alex ordered, "Nightgale use Umbraburst with full power." Dude ordered, "Duskraptor use Veloflash." Alex then ordered, "Nightgale dodge it and hit him from upwards with full power."

Duskraptor missed and got hit by Nightgale's "Umbraburst."

Announcer: "Looks like Duskraptor is unable to stand. The final winner is our beginner, Alex Rikoza! This is a sight to behold to win a competition for the first-ever match. Clap for Alex, everyone."

Alex was rewarded a badge of the "Beginner." All eyes were on Alex. Ethan and Alex both high-fived, and Ethan exclaimed, "This was a match I yearned for, from someone who has met Mr. Patch." Alex responded, "Ah, it's nothing like that. I'm just happy that I won,even though it was my first fight hehe."

As they were on their way, a girl named Simmy ran in front of Alex. Alex said, "Hey, wait! Aren't you from the competition? Nice to meet you. I'm Alex Rikoza." Simmy introduced herself too, "Hi, I'm Simmy. Nice to meet you too, but I'm not here for chit-chat. Fight me head-on if you have guts."

Alex: Wait, what? Where did that come from?

Alex and Simmy clashed even after their match ended. What happens next? Will Alex challenge Simmy or not?

.....To be continued