
Chapter Ten

I was walking through the park when I spotted Leo talking to Lorenzo.

They both looked great.. Leo’s messy hair swayed with the wind; he was wearing a loose white shirt, that somehow still clung to his body and he was wearing grey jeans.

Lorenzo was wearing a white green vest with black jeans, which clung to his huge muscular body.

I did not understand; after everything that happened three months ago, I had assumed that they hated each other.. but they looked happy.

I should have felt happy that they had made up but I did not. I simply felt angry; Leo had not even bothered to see how I was. And yet here he was spending quality time with his brother.

‘I do not believe it’. I grumbled.

‘Oh hey Scar’. Lorenzo laughed lightly, waving at me.

‘You are talking to each other?’. I gasped.

‘Well it was awkward that my little brother thought we fucked.. but yeah’. He frowned at me.

Leo just eyed me cautiously, looking slightly sad.

‘I uh.. Hello Scar’. He mumbled awkwardly and began staring at the ground.

Lorenzo rolled his eyes at our exchange.

‘Uh.. seriously, Leo?.’ He chuckled at his brother.

I frowned deeply, as I hugged myself tightly.

‘I should go. Sorry for interrupting’. I stared at the ground, wishing it would swallow me whole.

I made a break to run and Leo grabbed my arm, causing me to wince and snap my arm back.

Lorenzo frowned at both of us, unsure of what to say.

‘I did not know what to say.. But I do now. Scar I am so sorry’. Leo mumbled quietly, staring down at his hands.

Sorry? I thought angrily. Leo nearly killed me and he thought a sorry would cut it? I felt my anger boiling over.

‘You could have killed me!’. I snapped, as tears fell down my face.

I swallowed the large lump in my throat and squeezed the brim of my nose, trying to avoid crying again.

‘I WAS ANGRY.. I DID NOT MEAN TO HURT YOU SCAR. THAT WEREWOLF WOULD NOT LET ME ANYWHERE NEAR YOU!’. Leo had such a sad look in his eyes, as he shouted at me in a panicked voice.

I felt my chin tremble and more tears began to pour down my face.

I remembered the happy look in his Leopard’s eyes when he scratched and bit at my body.. he may not like to admit it but he enjoyed inflicting pain on me.

I let out another flinch, as he walked closer towards me.

‘I am sorry Scar, I did not mean to scare you’. He muttered sadly, as he moved further away from me, ever so slightly.

I looked at him sadly.

‘I- went there to explain and fix things. I did not realise that you hated me so deeply’. I cried.

‘I do not! I am crazy about you!’. He cried.

‘You hurt me, Leo. How can I ever trust you now?’. I spoke through my tears.

He eyed me in complete shock.

‘Trust? You made me think that you slept with my brother!’. He snapped angrily, taking a deep breath.

Lorenzo cleared his throat in response to our argument.

I flinched at his reaction and brought my gaze quickly to my escape.

Leo then noticed my gaze and frowned.

I could not meet his gaze any longer; I was afraid of him.. when I knew in my heart that he would never hurt me intentionally.

‘I see. I understand’. He grimaced, bringing his arms around himself, hugging himself tightly.

As he walked away, more of my tears streamed down my face.

Lorenzo stood watching our exchange awkwardly. He clearly did not know what to say or do.

Me and Leo were really over.. I had planned to tell him the truth and now it felt impossible.

I sat alone at a run-down Bar in the Train Station, touching the faint scar on my shoulder, which Leo had given me that night.

I swirled my whiskey around in its glass and stared at it, as the ice begun to melt.

Dante walked in and frowned at me.

‘Want a fresh one?’. He sighed.

‘Please just leave me be’. I muttered emotionlessly.

‘Pushing your friends away will not make running away easier’. Dante frowned sadly.

‘What would you know about running away?’. I spat angrily.

Sure, he was right.. I was considering running away. But that just made me feel more defensive.

‘Actually, when Lorenzo attacked me I did not cope well. That is all you need to know’. He muttered softly.

‘The more attached I get to people, the worse I feel’. I cried.

‘That is the human part of you talking’. He smiled softly at me.

‘It would hurt Leo more if I stayed’. I stared at my blood-stained fingernails.

‘How can you not see how much Leo feels for you, Scar?’. He looked at me in disapproval.

‘It does not matter, it is over’. I stared at the wall, as more and more tears began streaming down my face, as I truly broke down.

‘Oh Scar’. He frowned deeply.

He pulled me to his chest and hugged me tightly.

‘You can stay in my spare room for now, if you want to’. He smiled.

‘I could not possibly’. I muttered through my tears.

How could I stay with another male after all of this? My heart hurt so much at that thought.

‘Well I am literally the one male around here, which does not have any interest in what is between your legs’. He chuckled, attempting to make me laugh.

I did let out a little smile in response.

Dante was a good man and he was trying hard to stop me from leaving town. I had actually forgotten that he was only interested in males. So, it would not actually be a big issue, staying with him.

‘Can I think about it?’. I sighed.

He pulled me into a hug and smiled softly at me.

‘Scar it will get easier, I promise you’.

And with that he got up and walked away. He knew that I needed to figure this out myself.

Tears filled my eyes at the thought of leaving the only place I actually felt safe.

‘Leaving is what Oliver Nighte wants’. Shadow murmured behind me.

I jumped up in shock and ended up soaking myself in my melted ice and whiskey.

Shadow’s musical laugh was like fire to my ears.

‘How long have you known that name?’. I frowned deeply and then stared at him angrily.

‘All along’. He muttered, uncomfortable with my aggression.

He sat beside me and ordered himself a drink; oddly exactly the same as I had.

He rolled his eyes at my gaze.

‘Oh please, am I not allowed to appreciate a decent drink?’. He muttered awkwardly and twitched his nose ever so slightly.

I could not believe how quickly he downed his drink and ordered yet another; he scowled in my direction and then bought me one.

‘Will you quit judging me now, woman?’. He snapped.

‘Bad day?’. I muttered awkwardly.

His eyes met mine quickly and then he eyed my scarred shoulder.

For some reason I flushed a deep red and wanted to hide my shoulder with my jacket; he gave me a light chuckle the minute I gave in and threw it on.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, grinned and whispered into my ear.

‘I must really make you nervous, Scarlett’.

I shook him off of me and frowned deeply; Shadow said earlier that he knew my last name which meant he knew which family I came from. What if he has been sent by my father to come and spy on me. Or to make me or the people I cared about suffer.

I suddenly felt very concerned about the humans nearby.

‘Come with me’. I smiled sweetly, swallowing the lump I felt at my flirtatious attempt on him.

A slight blush crept into his cheeks and he ran a hand through his hair. He downed his whiskey and then followed me into the Alleyway.

‘I knew you were attracted to me’. He smirked, pushing me against the wall and began to run his fingertips over my waist.

I snarled loudly, as I shoved him against the wall and held his throat hard, pushing my nails slightly into his skin.

My eyes flashed a bright red, showing that I was incredibly hungry and angry; Shadow’s eyes were like a mirror of my own and I took a sharp step back in shock and fear.

Shadow was a hybrid, but not just that.. we were the same.

He scowled in my direction and swore at me.

‘How the fuck did you know what I was? I thought I hid it extremely well’. He snapped angrily.

I took a deep breath.

‘What does he think bringing you to stalk me will prove? I will protect my friends with my life’.

He cocked his head sideways and then doubled over, holding his knees and began laughing uncontrollably.

‘You think I would help that bastard? I am nobodies lackey’. He chuckled.

I crossed my arms over my chest and then frowned deeply at him.

‘Oliver Nighte did not send you?’. I muttered, questioningly.

He began walking towards me and then lifted his shirt over his head; I was about to freak out until I saw deep fang scars running from his chest down to his waist.

Deep Vampire markings.. which meant we were not alike after all. Shadow must have been turned.

‘Oliver Nighte did this shit to me, I was here to hurt you. But then you got attacked and for some reason I had to help you instead’. He frowned at me.

I had heard my father was cruel but.. turning a Werewolf broke rules.. how on earth had he managed to get away with it?

‘He claimed that he had permission from a Noble family. Apparently I was turned so that you had someone to play with’. He snapped angrily.

I took another step back and felt a deep sense of guilt for Shadow.

‘That.. that is so wrong’. I gasped.

‘Yeah.. that is the shit your family do. So do not expect me to play nice with you’. He spoke matter-of-factly.

He grabbed his shirt that he had thrown to the floor and pulled it back over his head.

He started to walk away and now I felt even worse; but I also felt a deep grumble in the pit of my stomach and I staggered backwards and hit the ground.

‘You have to be kidding me, you cannot even look after yourself!?’. He grumbled in an irritated voice.

My body felt like it was floating, so I knew I was being carried somewhere.. I just did not have the energy to fight him.