
Scar | Teen Wolf

Follow the journey of Scarlett McCall as she learns to navigate the world of the supernatural. *I do not own Teen Wolf or any of the characters/plots affiliated with the show. I do however own Scarlett and some other original characters and their plot lines.

StephieLynn1226 · TV
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42 Chs

The Girl Who Knew Too Much

I was sitting on my bed working on some homework when my phone rang startling me. Quickly picking it up, I checked the caller ID seeing Lydia's name flash across the screen. "Hey Lyds."

"Can you come to the school? Like right now?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I ask, eyebrows knitting together in concern. I stand up and pull on my black vans as I wait for her to answer.

"There's a dead body. I went out but without realizing where I was going I ended up at the school."

"Okay, just stay there. I'll bring Scott. We'll be there soon."

"Thanks, I'll let Allison and Stiles know too." She hung up the phone before I got the chance to say anything.

Walking through the bathroom, I pushed Scott's door open. "We need to meet Lydia at the school. She said there's a dead body."

Scott's eyes widened in surprise. "Okay, let me tell Stiles-"

"Lydia said that she would. She's going to tell Allison too. Let's go."


Arriving at the school, Stiles' jeep pulls up beside Scott and I. As soon as he's out of the car he asks, "Where is she?"

"Over here!" Allison calls. We all turn our heads to see Allison and Lydia coming around the corner.

"What happened?" Scott questions.

"I don't know. I just got here."

We all turn to Lydia to wait for her to answer. "It's the same thing- same as the pool. I got into my car, heading somewhere totally different, then ended up here. And you told me to call when there's a dead body."

Stiles interrupts, "You found a dead body?"

"Not yet."

"What do you mean not yet? You're supposed to call after you find the dead body. After."

"Oh, no. I'm not doing that again. You find the dead body from now on."

"How are we supposed to find the dead body?"

"Don't yell at her!" I wrap a protective arm around Lydia as I scold Stiles. "She's still new to this, hell we all are still pretty new to this supernatural thing. And you can't blame her for not wanting to be the first person to find the dead body! Especially by herself."

Stiles opens his mouth to retort but Scott speaks first, "Guys... I found the dead body."

We all follow his gaze to the Beacon Hills High School sign. On top of it lays the dead body of a deputy, blood streaming down the sign like something you would see in a slasher film.


"Idioms, analogies, metaphors and similes. All tools for the writer to tell their story." Ms. Blake says as she walks between mine and Lydia's desk. She pauses as she looks down at Lydia, who is drawing rather than taking notes. "Lydia, I wasn't aware you had so many hidden talents."

"You and every guy I've ever dated." Lydia replies.

I immediately bring my hand up to my mouth and bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. "And that was an idiom by the way." Ms. Blake answers.

Lydia looks back down to continue drawing as Ms. Blake continues, "Idioms are something of a secret to the people who know the language or culture. They're phrases that only make sense if you know key words. Saying jump the gun is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race. Or a phrase like seeing the whole board."

"In chess." Stiles speaks up, my head turning to look at him.

"That's right, Stiles. Do you play?"

"My father does."

"Now when does an idiom become a cliche?" Some hands go up to answer Ms. Blake's question but my eyes stay locked on Stiles. Scott leans over to say something to him but before I can listen in I notice Lydia looking at me from the corner of my eye.

I break my gaze to return her eye contact, "What?" I whisper.

All she does is cock an eyebrow. "What?" I ask once more.

"Nothing." She hums, turning her attention back to her drawing. I sneak one last glance at Stiles then turn to focus on Ms. Blake once more.


"I can't believe you two! Having Lydia distract Aiden. If she gets hurt I swear to God I will skin both of you!" I yell at Scott and Stiles.

They both look at me with their mouths hanging open. Stiles opens and closes his mouth a few times, unable to form words. Scott finally speaks up, "I get why you're mad but we need to talk with Ethan and Aiden has been by his side nonstop."

"Fine, then let's go talk to Ethan."

A few moments later Ethan, Scott, Stiles and I stand in a stairwell. "You want to know about Emissaries?" Ethan asks.

"We want to know about your Emissaries." Scott corrects.

"Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill your friend. How do you know I'm not going to kill another one?"

My eyes flash white and a low growl sounds from my throat as Ethan looks at Stiles. Scott wraps a hand around my wrist when Stiles starts speaking, "Is he looking at me? You threatening me? You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe and shove it right up your freaking-"

"Stiles. We get it." Scott cuts him off. He then turns back to Ethan, "We're talking to you because I know you didn't want to kill Boyd. And I think if something like that happened now, you wouldn't do it again."

"You don't know what we owe them. Especially Deucalion." Ethan replies.

"What do you mean?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"We weren't like Kali and Ennis when we met him. We weren't Alphas."

"What were you?" Scott questions.

"Omegas. In actual wolf packs the Omega's the scapegoat, the last to eat, the one who has to take the abuse from the rest of the pack. That was us."

"So, you and your brother were the bitches of the pack." Stiles says.

"Something like that."

"If this is your idea of a sob story and you think we're going to feel sorry for you, you're mistaken." I snap.

Ethan clenches his jaw but continues his story, "Our pack- they were killers. People talk about us as monsters. They're the ones who gave us the reputation. And our Alpha was the worst of them."

"Why didn't you just fight back? Form Voltron wolf and kick all their asses?" Stiles asks.

"We couldn't. We didn't know how to control it back then."

"Deucalion taught you." Scott states.

Ethan nods, "And then we fought. We took on the whole pack, one-by-one. By the time we got to our Alpha, he was begging for his life. We tore him apart. Literally."

"Well, that was heartwarming." Stiles says sarcastically.

"Truly. A beautiful story." I roll my eyes.

"What about your Emissary?" Scott asks, ignoring Stiles and I.

Ethan shakes his head with regret. "Then they're all dead? Kali's and Ennis's too?" Scott asks once more.

"All except for Deucalion's." Ethan answers. He then flinches as if someone attacked him.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Scott asks the Alpha.

"Not me. My brother."


Quickly making it to Lydia and Aiden, Ethan and Scott rush over, stopping Aiden from attacking Cora. "Aiden, you can't do this!"

"She came at me." Aiden tries to defend.

I rush to Cora's side as Ethan continues to talk with his twin. They both leave the room as I help Cora off the floor. "I'm fine." Cora says, trying to push me away.

"You're bleeding, let me help."

"It will heal."

"Yeah well, it's not healed right now so let me help." I say again. I bring her to a bench so she can sit down, "Stiles can you get me a wet paper towel?" He nods and moves to the sink.

"I can do this myself." Cora tries to push me away once more.

"Cora, I know you can. But it will make me feel better if I can help." She looks at me carefully then nods, allowing me to clean the blood off her face.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks from behind me.

"She doesn't look okay." Lydia replies, seeing how Cora flinches when I reach up to clean the wound.

"I'll heal."

As Stiles watches us he decides to ask Cora what she was doing. "You know how suicidally crazy that was? What do you think you're doing going after them?"

"I did it for Boyd. None of you were doing anything." Cora answers.

"We're trying." Scott says.

"You're failing. All of you. You're a bunch of stupid teenagers running around thinking you can stop people from getting killed. But all you do is show up late. All you really do is find the bodies." She then abruptly stands up pushing me away and walking out of the room.

"She's definitely a Hale." Stiles says, "I'll make sure she gets home."

"I'll come with you." I say, feeling concerned for the girl.


I have Allison on speaker while Stiles drives and Cora sits in the back of the jeep. "Philosophers?" Stiles asks.

"And Guardians. Which after last night has to mean something like Law Enforcement, right?"

"When I think of Guardians I think of parents. You know, like get a parent or guardian signature?" I pipe up. I then turned to Stiles, "Was Tara a mom?"

Stiles shakes his head, "No, she wasn't."

"Stiles, you have to tell your dad. Tell him whatever you need to, but get him to believe." Allison says.

Stiles looks scared, I reach over to grab his hand and provide some form of comfort. "What about Scott?" He asks.

"He's not answering. I'll keep trying. But Stiles, tell him. Tell your dad. Warn him."

"Okay. Okay- I know."

Allison hangs up, "I'll be there for you the whole time Stiles." I say, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Are you going to do it?" Cora asks.

Stiles reluctantly nods, "And I'm going to need your help. Both of you."


Cora and I sit on Stiles bed as his dad and him sit in front of a chess board. Stiles is using the chess pieces to try and explain the supernatural. We all awkwardly sit in silence, "Stiles," Mr. Stilinski starts.

"I'm just trying to figure out how to start." Stiles interrupts his dad.

"I don't have time for this." Mr. Stilinski begins.

Sighing, Stiles begins to explain, "For the last year you've had cases you couldn't figure out, right? The murders involving Kate Argent. Matt killing the guys who drowned him. And the murders now. It's like you've been playing a losing game."

"Stiles, the last thing I need now is a job performance review from my own son."

I grimace at the Sheriff's words, but Stiles continues. "That's just it. The reason you're losing the game is because you've never been able to see the whole board. I need to show you the whole board."

After about 15 minutes the chess pieces are labeled and Mr. Stilinski looks very confused. "Scott, Scarlett, and Derek are werewolves?"

I nod as Stiles answers, "Yes."

"Kate Argent was a werewolf-"

"Hunter. A werewolf hunter." Stiles corrects.

"Along with Allison and her father." Cora adds.

"Deaton, the veterinarian, is a Kanima?" Sheriff asks.

"No. He's a Druid. We think."

"Think of him like a Celtic witch." I try to explain.

"Who was the Kanima?" Sheriff asks.

"Jackson." Stiles answers.

"I thought Jackson was a werewolf."

"He is now. He was the Kanima first and had to die to become a werewolf." I reply.

"Who's the Darach?"

"We don't know yet." Cora says.

"But the Darach was killed by werewolves." Sheriff says, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"Slashed up and left for dead." Stiles states.

"We think." Cora adds.

"Why was Jackson a Kanima?" Sheriff asks, still confused about the Kanima.

"Because sometimes the shape you take reflects the person you are." Stiles answers, looking back at me.

"It's why I'm not a normal werewolf, but a Zeta werewolf instead." I say.

"What kind of shape does an incredibly confused, getting angrier by the minute father take?" Sheriff asks.

"That would be more of an expression. Like the one you're currently wearing." Stiles says.

I quickly stand up to stop any argument that may occur, "We can prove it, Mr. Stilinski." I look to Cora.

She nods and stands up, "Watch this." Stiles says. Before I can shift Cora tips over. I reach out my arms, catching her before she can hit the floor.

"Cora!" I exclaim, searching for her pulse.

"Call and ambulance!" Sheriff Stilinski yells at Stiles, also making his way over to the unconscious teenager.


In the car on the way to the school I start to feel an ache in my chest. It's the same ache I get when someone in the pack is in danger. I know that Derek is alright because he was at the hospital with Cora. And I know that Stiles is fine because he's driving.

"Can you go any faster?" I ask, pulling out my phone.

"Why what's wrong?" Stiles looks at me, concerned.

"Danger sense." I simply state, pulling my phone up to my ear.

"Oh thank God." I say when Scott answers. "Are you alright? Stiles and I are almost there."

"I'm fine, what's wrong?" Scott replies.

"Danger sense. Who else in the pack is with you? Who can you see?"

"Ethan, Aiden."

I interrupt, "I don't care about them. Who in our pack can you see?"

"Uh." Scott's eyes search the room, "Allison and Isaac."

"Where's Lydia?"

"She- I don't know. She was just here."

"We're here. Meet us by the main doors." I hang up and call Lydia, not getting an answer.

"Lydia isn't answering."

Stiles shakes his head, "She's not answering me either."

I move forward, my body telling me to go towards Ms. Blakes classroom. We make it to the classroom to see Lydia tied to a chair and Sheriff Stilinski aiming his gun at Ms. Blake.

We try to move in but she flicks her hand, sending a desk to block the door. "God, I really wish I had more strength as a werewolf." I grunt out as Stiles and I push against the door.

After a few moments of us pushing against the door, the desk moves away and we stumble through. We look around the room, I rush to Lydia to untie her from the chair as Scott shakily stands up.

He's bloody from his fight against Ms. Blake. Stiles finally chokes out, "Dad?" When he can't see his father anywhere in the small classroom.