
Scar | Teen Wolf

Follow the journey of Scarlett McCall as she learns to navigate the world of the supernatural. *I do not own Teen Wolf or any of the characters/plots affiliated with the show. I do however own Scarlett and some other original characters and their plot lines.

StephieLynn1226 · TV
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


Scott and I enter the hospital, bringing mom some dinner. As the doors open we both scan the area, looking for our mom in the crowd of people. We quickly spot her just as she starts speaking, "Oh, thank God. I'm starving."

She grabs the bag out of my hands and hurries to the reception counter to open it. Scott and I follow her and she turns around, "Sorry. Sorry."

She gives us both a kiss on the cheek then continues, "Thank you for bringing dinner."

"Of course, mom." I say, a smile on my face.

"Everything okay?" Scott asks.

"Except for half of the victims of a ten car-pile up being rerouted to us from downtown and the ER Attending not answering any of his pages? Yeah, I'm okay. Slightly, somewhat okay." Mom answers.

"What does not answering pages mean?"

"It means no one can find him. Now we're waiting for the on-call to get here." Scott and I exchange a look at our moms words just as a patient walks up, clutching her stomach.

"Miss? Excuse me? I could really use something for the pain." The woman says.

"I know and I'm sorry, but giving you something could actually complicate things. We really need to wait for the doctor." Mom turns back to the receptionist, "How far out is Dr. Hilyard?"

"Ten minutes." The receptionist replies.

I watch as the injured woman takes a seat and Scott follows her, presumably to take some of her pain. I turn my head away from the two to scan the bustling waiting room.

My attention is quickly brought to the entrance as the doors bang open. Ethan, looking rather panicked, is half carrying Danny, "I need help!"

I sprint over and grab Danny's other arms, wrapping it around my shoulders. Scott and my mom follow closely behind. Scott quickly turns to address the Alpha that brought Danny in, "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing. He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing. But it just kept getting worse." We guide Danny over to a seat, mom begins looking him over to see if what's wrong.

I look on in worry as Ethan asks, "What is it? Is he dying?"

Scott and I quickly snap at him, "Shut up."

"I said I didn't do anything." Ethan begins, trying to defend himself.

"All of you back off." My mom scolds, instantly shutting us up. She goes back to doing her check up, "Okay, that's not good." She then turns to ask the receptionist once more, "How much longer on Dr. Hilyard?"

The receptionist raises her hands indicating that she doesn't know. "What is it? What's wrong?" I ask.

"His larynx is shifting to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax." She then calls out, "Can we get a gurney over here!"

Right after the words leave her mouth Danny lurches forward. He throws up white berries as we all watch in horror. Ethan whispers out, "Mistletoe."

A nurse quickly brings a gurney over and helps my mom bring him into a room. Ethan, Scott, and I all follow them, "Can you three please get back to the waiting room?"

None of us turn to leave but we make sure my mom has enough room to work as the other nurse leaves to help more patients, "Where is everyone?" Ethan asks.

"It's a full house tonight. They're attending to other patients."

"How can we help?" Scott asks.

"You can't. His lungs collapsed."

I sucked in a breath at my mom's words, "That sounds really bad." Scott states.

"And his heart is being pushed against his chest cavity."

"That sounds much worse." Ethan says.

"Mom, please don't let him die." I say, tears in my eyes as I watch one of my best friends struggle to live.

"He's not going to." She yanks open a drawer and pulls out a needle, "Scott, grab that tape." She motions to Ethan, "Take those scissors and cut his shirt open."

Ethan grabs Danny's shirt and rips it open, "Works for me." Mom says. She presses gently over Danny's upper chest, trying to find the right injection point. "He's not breathing, mom." I say, panic evident in my voice.

"I know, I know." She takes a breath then inserts the needle into Danny's chest. Air bubbles up inside the syringe as she aspirates Danny's lung. His body finally relaxes as he begins to breathe normally. I let out a breath as Danny's eyes blink open.

He locks eyes with my mom and whispers, "Thank you."

My mom smiles at him, "No problem." She then looks up at me, Scott, and Ethan. "What?"

"That was awesome." Scott says.

"It's no big deal. It's nothing really." She shrugs off the compliment.


Scott and I make our way outside and get ready to leave. We don't make it very far though because Ethan exits the hospital and quickly makes his way over to us. "I know you're not going to believe me, but I didn't do anything."

"All I know is the minute you got here, you went right after Danny. And your brother went after Lydia." Scott replies.

"We're not going to hurt him."

"Yeah? And why should we believe you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He takes a careful look around then steps closer, "Because we knew one of them was going to be important to you. And now we know it's Lydia."

I scoff, "That's rich. Danny is one of my best friends. And Lydia is my best friend." I then take a step closer to Ethan so that we are practically chest to chest, "And if you or anyone else in your pack even thinks about hurting one of them, you'll wish you were dead."

"What are you going to do? We're Alpha's." Ethan says, glaring down at me.

"Yeah, but I'm faster and smarter." My eyes start to glow white but before I can act on my threat Scott lightly slaps my arm. I back away and look behind Ethan, finally noticing what got Scott's attention.

Ethan follows our gazes to lock his eyes on an empty car slowly moving across the parking lot. It comes to a halt as it hits another car, setting off it's alarm.

We rush over, Scott quickly opening the door. He reaches over picking something out of the car, "What is it?" Ethan asks.

Scott raises his hand to show us a dead moth.

A little while later Ethan was gone and Stiles, his dad, and multiple other cops were at the scene. "Hold one. Were they both in the car?" Sheriff Stilinski asks, clearly confused.

"No, dad, they're trying to tell you it's two different kidnappings. Two doctors. Both gone." Stiles replies.

"Dr. Hilyard's car. The on-call doctor. The ER Attending is the one that never showed up." My mom answers.

Stiles notices that his dad has a dazed look on his face as he looks at the accident and witnesses gathered. "Dad?" Stiles asks, snapping him out of his trance.

"Sorry. Melissa, let me just focus on getting your story first. Boys, Scarlett, give us a second."

The three of us back away to let our parents talk. "These are definitely sacrifices, right?" Scott asks.

"And it's one Deaton mentioned. Healers." Stiles confirms.

"But what about Danny? He was throwing up mistletoe. That's not a coincidence. And if he hadn't been with Ethan, he probably would've died. How is Danny a Healer?" Scott questions, confused about why Danny was attacked.

"He's not. It has to be something else. Maybe he knows something or got in the way somehow. " I answer. I look at Stiles to see if he has any input but notice he's watching something behind Scott and I.

We both turn our heads to see his dad on the phone. "Can you hear?" Stiles asks.

Both Scott and I quickly listen in and nod, "They found a body." Scott answers.


The next morning I woke up to my mom shaking me awake and calling out, "Hello? Get up?" I blinked my eyes open from my spot next to her on the bed and turned to look at Scott and Isaac. "Boys!" She calls, louder than before.

Scott lays sleeping in a chair and Isaac is propped up against the wall. Both of them jolt awake at my mom's yell. Once she sees that we are all awake she asks, "What do you think you're doing?"

"We were watching over you." Isaac answers.

"We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice." Scott continues.

"But all three of you were asleep." My mom replies.

Scott turns his attention to Isaac, "You were on watch last."

"I thought you were on watch last." Isaac replies.

"No, you were on watch last." Scott insists.

Isaac pauses then reluctantly nods, "I might have been on watch last."

"My heroes. Didn't you say they're all doctors? I haven't had an M.D. recently added to the end of my name so I think I'm in the clear." Mom says.

"The Darach is targeting healers. That doesn't mean just doctors." I speak for the first time, making all of their heads turn to me.

Scott continues, "And you were definitely a healer last night."

"Yeah, but I'm not going to be anyone's human sacrifice today. Now all three of you, get your butts to school."

We reluctantly leave her room to get ready for the day. Though Isaac and I both elect to get dressed in something comfortable that we can move easily in, since we both decided to skip school with Boyd and help Derek with the Alpha pack.


Boyd, Isaac and I slide open the door to Derek's loft. We step inside and not even a minute later Derek calls to us, "Get back to school."

"We can't. The three of us are incredibly, unbelievably sick." Isaac answers.

"With what? Brain damage?" Derek retorts, finally coming into view.

"I have a migraine. Scarlett developed a rash and Boyd has explosive diarrhea."

Derek tries desperately not to smile but fails, meeting us in the middle of the loft.

"We're here to protect you." Boyd says.

"You're here to protect me? I'm in trouble."

My mouth falls open in mock shock, "I'm offended, Der. Did you really think we would come here without a plan? Boyd here, happens to be a bit of a genius."

Derek smirks but doesn't say anything as he watches Boyd place the bag he was carrying down. He kneels beside it to unzip it as he begins talking, "I thought about the time Gerard had me and Erica tied up, hooked to wires that were pushing electrical currents through us. So I wondered how we could do something like that, but on a bigger scale."

Derek reaches into the bag and pulls out a coil of rope. He raises an eyebrow as he asks, "What kind of plan is this?"

"Actually, I'd call it more of a trap."

I move to unravel a hose so water can start pouring onto the floor of the loft. Boyd begins to explain the plan to Derek, "In a pool of electrified water, it can take only fifty milliamps to kill a normal human. Less power than it takes to turn on a light bulb."

"That's comforting." Derek states, looking down at the water starting to pool around his feet.

"If we disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room, the current will keep coming. And anyone who steps foot in here gets a pretty shocking surprise."

"Especially someone barefoot." Isaac finishes.

Derek looks at the three of us, a proper smile beginning to form.


I step up to a platform raised above the floor as I take a call from Scott and wait for the boys to finish setting up the trap, "What's going on?" I ask him.

"Deaton was taken by the Darach. We're trying to figure out where he is. He called me at school and said that I was the only one that would be able to find him."

"It sounds like you're panicking. Breathe Scott. You'll find him, alive. Okay?"

"What if I don't, Scar?"

"You can't think like that alright?"

"Is everything okay at Derek's?"

"Yeah, the plan is coming together fine. But don't worry about us. Just focus on finding Deaton." I hang up and quickly dial Stiles. "Do you have any clues on where Deaton is?"

"Not yet. Lydia has no clue how to use her powers or how to find him." He answers.

"Well maybe because Deaton isn't dead or close to death? Her powers tend to lead her to the dead bodies. Maybe it's a good sign that she doesn't know where he is."

"I guess we can hope. But the goal is to find him before he's dead."

"Yeah, I know that. Just keep me updated, alright?"

"Yeah, you too. Stay safe, Scarlett." We hang up just as Boyd is finishing the trap.

He kneels down and reaches out to touch the water, "Woah, what are you doing?" Derek asks.

"You can test to see if the water is electrified with the back of your hand. If there's a current, it'll kick your hand up. Do it with the front, the muscles clench and your hand goes under." Boyd explains. He reaches out and his hand snaps back. He mutters out, "Still hurts, though."

"You think it could kill them?" Isaac questions.

"I hope so."


As night falls Derek starts to check his phone. "Cora?" Isaac asks.

"She was supposed to be back by now." Derek replies.

I open my mouth to speak but quickly close it. I squeeze my eyes shut then choke out, "Something's wrong. We're in trouble."

"What do you mean? Scar, are you okay?" Isaac asks, concern laced in his voice.

I don't answer, instead I keep my eyes trained on the water. On pure instinct I take a step forward. "Scarlett-" The three boys called out to me, shocked that I was taking a step into the electrified water.

They get cut off though when nothing happens. Before anyone can comment the rest of the power goes out, "What do we do now?" Isaac asks.

Derek jumps down from the platform, landing beside me, "We fight."

"There's no back exit?" I ask.

The Alpha looks at me, "No. We need to do this."

I bite my lip and shake my head, "It's not going to end well for us. I can sense it."

Derek keeps his eyes locked on mine, "You're going to be alright, I won't let anything happen to you."

"It's not me I'm worried about." I answer.

Isaac and Boyd join Derek and I in the middle of the loft. A few seconds later the door swings open. Kali steps forward, "I'm going to be honest, Derek. When Ennis died, I thought to myself I would just go for it. Find you and kill you wherever you stand. Then I remembered how you surround yourself with these teenagers. Hiding behind them. And I thought what's a girl gotta do to get you alone? That's when I found out that I've got some real competition."

Ethan and Aiden step out from behind her. They drag Ms. Blake between them. She looks terrified, "You and me Derek. Or they tear her apart. What do you say? Think you can beat me one-on-one?" Kali asks.

Derek steps forward, eyes blazing red, "I'm going to rip your throat out. With my teeth."

Isaac, Boyd, and I all stand back watching nervously as Derek and Kali fight one another. Boyd texts Cora, letting her know what is happening. I, on the other hand, refuse to text Scott or Stiles knowing that they are busy trying to find Deaton and not wanting them to worry about us.

Kali quickly gains the upper hand, Boyd, Isaac and I step forward to help though Derek quickly shakes his head, "No!"

We step back to our places, "Do you still have that sense that something bad is about to happen?" Isaac whispers to me.

"Uh huh." I simply answer, nodding my head.

A few moments later Boyd nods to me and Isaac, indicating that it was time to take action.

Isaac and I rush to the twins, who instinctively let go of Ms. Blake to defend themselves. Boyd rushes towards Kali at the same time.

Rather than attacking, Isaac rushes towards our teacher to get her out of harm's way. I make a move for Aiden, moving faster than he does and scratching his stomach with my claws.

Before he or Ethan can attack Kali calls from behind me, "Take him!"

They run over to Derek to grab the weakened Alpha by the arms. I ran back at them attacking Aiden once more, this time he was prepared though. He throws me hard into the floor, my head knocking against the ground.

I lay dazed for a minute, sitting up just in time to see Kali drop Boyd onto Derek's claws. "I'm giving you until the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack. Or next time I kill all of you." Kali spits out.

She turns, walking past Isaac and Ms. Blake and out of the loft. Ethan and Aiden right on her heels.

"It's okay." Boyd whispers to Derek.

"It's not." Derek whispers back, voice cracking and tears in his eyes.

"It's all okay."

"I'm sorry."

Boyd shakes his head and weakly smiles at his Alpha, "The full moon. That feeling, that was worth it." He pauses, "You know there's a lunar eclipse coming up Erica and I were wondering what happens to us. If it makes us stronger."

Derek doesn't get the chance to answer him. Boyd falls back into the water, no longer breathing.

I hear footsteps at the loft's entrance but can't rip my eyes away from Boyd's lifeless body. Finally Stiles stands in front of me breaking me from my thoughts. He reaches out a hand that I gratefully take.

Once I'm standing properly he asks, "Are okay? Are you hurt?"

I shake my head, "No? To which question?" He asks once more.

"Both." I whisper, a dazed look present on my face.

He instantly pulls me into a tight embrace, trying to comfort me.