
The battle

Dad always kept telling me this; Just invent a lie and make it your reality. So, I just can't help it and the words just came out of my mouth.

"Well... I came there in order to...be a student in this high school, I came here also, to find..." I said that and I felt silent. The words couldn't anymore came out of my mouth.

Will he understand me if I say the actual reason why I came in Tokyo? But Roger's words confirmed his IQ level;

"...to find the prettiest girl in our school and go out with her, so that you can look cool?" Roger answered me with a question.

Then, he came near me and he put his right hand on my shoulder as he keep saying;

"Well, I can feel you man! 'Cause I'm still searching for a girl like that too!"

I was speechless. What does he think about me? Well, I can't tell him that I'm a girl...Not yet!

Then, I suddenly felt shame and I slapped him in the face.

"Hey! Stop joking around!" I shouted to him.

He looked bewildered.

"I'm confused man!," he said to me, "Why did you suddenly slap me? Is there a possibility that you don't like girls?"

When I heard to his question, I immediately spewed my answer;

"Well, I can't control my anger at times like this! Plus, your standards for girls are very high!"

"I love them!" Said another girl who felt love-struck .

"Let me tell you something..." I whispered to Roger's ear.

"Oh! What is it?" He asked me surprised.

"My situation is very complicated..." I said to him but I didn't finish my phrase. I said without thinking.

"Are suspicious guys following you around? Tell me and I'll show them!" Roger said while he was showing his arm to me.

I gasped.

"Oh! Don't be so aggressive! You can't even kill a fly! How can you protect me?" I said while I was crossing my hands.

He felt disturbed.

"Don't say it that lout! I don't want girls to hear you!" He whispered to me.

"Sorry! My bad!" I said self-consciously.

"Well, are you in danger?" He questioned.

"No! Before I wanted to say that because of certain reasons I decided to change schools. So, here I am!" I said with a confident.

Then, a girl with pigtails came. She had got silky long wavy hair. She was tall and thin. She was two years older than me. She represented herself as the vice president of the Tashima Highschool. Her name was Kidokoro Manaka.

"This is the school where all your dreams came true and mine just came true!" Manaka said this out of the blue as she shaped her hands in a heart.

"Ah, OK..," I felt uncomfortable, "Well, nice to meet you! My name is Avery Masterson." I added.

At that time when the bell rung for their final period, I went to the principal's office to register their as a transferred student for personal reasons. When the school finished, I found Roger Harvey waiting for me outside of the school.

"So, did you manage to register here?" He said.

"Yup! They also gave me my school uniform." I said with excitement. "So, I'll be attending this school from now on starting tomorrow!" I said winked.

"Yeah buddy!," he said happily as he put his hand around my neck, "And where will you be living?" He said out of curiosity.

I was walking with Roger on the sidewalk. It was so dark in this city...

"That's the problem! I don't know where I'm going to live from now on!" I said to him. Instead of searching for an apartment, I searched for a job first! But it is ridiculous to say it to him.

"Somebody help me!" A girl was shouting from afar while she was running.

She had long black hair in a ponytail. She had got hazel eyes too. She had olive-skinned complexion. She was wearing a middle-school uniform. A man was following her in a dark clothes and he was holding a knife.

"Come on here, little girl!" The dubious guy said.

At that time, this girl bumped into me. I turned my head around to look at her.

"Please help me!" She said beseechingly.

"Do you want any help?" I said as I reached up my hand to her.

"Sis! What are you doing here?" Roger was startled.

Then, he he saw the suspicious guy with the knife on his hand screaming. Roger started screaming terrified and he hid behind me. I didn't lose the chance! I left my belongings on the sidewalk.

"Let me do this!" I said while I was showing my fist.

"He turned into a devil!" Roger said with a girly voice.

The bad guy paused.

"I'll cut you into little bits, little boy!," The bad guy threatened me. "I'll finish you quickly!" he added.

I was ready. I did the zenkutsu-dachi pose. That means that my front leg bent and low. My back leg was straight and long. Both my feet were firmly on the ground. My hands were in the pose of Ura-zuki, that means that my hands were close ranged uppercut punch. He tried to attacked me with his knife, but I avoided it, as I moved my head back. Then, I kicked his hand quickly with my right foot and his knife blasted from his hand. Then, I caught it with my left hand and with my other hand I grabbed his arm.

"There's no way that you would be winning me!" I said angrily. "So, you are not going to let me win?" I asked him as I tried to attacked him with the knife.

"OK, OK man! Don't take it seriously!" He said terrified.

"Are you ever going to harm any girl like that?" I asked.

Then, he pulled my arm and he ran away, while he was saying; "Just let me go already!"

Roger's sister was watching me with excitement.

"That moves that you did just now were awesome! You are so cool!" She said as she was trying to do my karate poses.

"That's my buddy! He is Avery you know!" Roger said while he was admiring me.

The two siblings were whispering something and then Roger said; "So, it's decided! You'll be staying with us!"

"R-Really? C-Can I stay with you?" I said embarrassed.

"So, you really are Avery! I heard a lot about you since I were born!" Roger's sister said.

"Absolutely! You're staying with us!" Roger said persistently.

"Brother! You're such a useless at times like these! Learn from your friend!" Roger's sister said while he slapped him on the head.

"Ouch! That hurt!" Roger complained.

Avery, why did you slap him on the face? He is your best friend! Control your anger, Avery!

Hi guys! Hope you enjoying the series! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

With lots of love,


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