
Scales of Imprisonment

An overpowered dragon has nothing new to do. Till one day a young girl ventures on her territory w/ her little group. The dragoness was just going to kill them quickly. But when young teen sees her she's prepared to defend her companions. She miraculously beats the dragon. But this has some dire consequences she wasn't prepared for.

Flame_Ice_5470 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Wait...... What?!

We've traveled for a few days. The dragons started to act a bit weird.

We got to another town. Thanks to our new reputation they booked us rooms at the best inn they had.

Since it was pretty late we all just went to bed.

"Hmm?" I woke up w/ something rubbing me. Or I guess someones.

"D- did we wake y- you?" Sky asked. Stuttering for some reason.

"Yeah. But why are you stuttering? Did you have a nightmare?" I ask.

I went to rub hear head to comfort her. But as soon as my arm went up Stormy wrapped her arm around my waist.

"Hey can you help us w/ something?" Stormy asked.

"Maybe. Depends what it is." I say.

"Well. Can you mate w/ us?" Sky asked this time.

"What? Now when you say mate?" I ask carefully.

"Like to get eggs. So will you?" Stormy replies. I try to sit up but they keep me down.

"Guys I need to sit up." I say. They let me up. But really unwilling.

"Now why don't you guys mate w/ each other?" I ask.

"We will. But we want to mate w/ you the most." Sky says.

"If you can mate w/ each other then why do you want to mate w/ me?" I ask confused.

"Because you're the one we love the most." Stormy answers.

"Why do you guys have to mate so suddenly?" I ask not ready to process what Stormy said about love.

"Because we're in heat." They answer.

"You're in what!?" I asked shocked. "Dragons got heat?! How does it work? And why didn't you tell us sooner?" I asked.

"Yes dragons have heat. We're not really sure how it works though. And we didn't tell you because we thought we had more time." Sky answers.

"I'm gonna need a minute. This is a bit much." I say.

"Ok we can wait to mate till tomorrow." They said. They came closer to me and hugged me to sleep.

'How do I keep doing this?' I think to myself. I snuck out and waited outside the girls' room.

"Heather what are you doing?" Tiff asks.

"Get the guys we need to talk." I say she nods and gets them.

"What's up kid?" Bronx asks me.

"The dragons are in heat and they want me to mate w/ them!" I say in one breath.

"What?!" They ask in unison. I explained what happened.

"Well that's something." Sam says.

"They said they would mate w/ each other so I'm thinking having them locked in a room together." I say.

"That could work. But they'd be pissed." Broadway says.

"True but let's try it. Also can we keep me away from them for my safety?" I ask.

They agreed. The whole day I was avoiding them. We got them to the room and locked the door.

"Hey what's going on?!" They asked.

"Sorry guys! But I can't help you w/ this. So please just help each other!" I say through the door.

"Come on Heather! Is that why you avoided us today?!" Sky asked.

"Yeah sorry. But this was just something I wasn't prepared for." I say.

They went quiet. We left after that. The next morning we made them a big breakfast and I got some money together to take them shopping.

"Good morning you 2!" Kate says giving them their breakfast. They hummed and took it.

"Hey guys. Want me to take you shopping?" I ask. They just looked at me w/ a cocked eyebrow each.

"I guess they're really pissed." Bronx says. We all silently agreed.

"If you want. You can say what you want to do today and we'll do it." I suggest. They looked at me for a second before smirking.

"Fine. Let's play chase. It's where you hide and run but if we catch you, you have to do what we say." Sky answered.

"Or we can cuddle you for the next 5 days. W/ out you leaving us." Stormy says.

"I can have 3 days only." I say.

"Deal!" They say jumping on me.

"I regret everything." I say.