
Scales of Imprisonment

An overpowered dragon has nothing new to do. Till one day a young girl ventures on her territory w/ her little group. The dragoness was just going to kill them quickly. But when young teen sees her she's prepared to defend her companions. She miraculously beats the dragon. But this has some dire consequences she wasn't prepared for.

Flame_Ice_5470 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Encounter

Hi, I'm Heather. I'm 16. And I have been traveling w/ a group of adventurers for 9 yrs. I've come to consider them family. Now you may be wondering what a 7 yr old girl is doing w/ a group of adventurers.

Well I ran away from home. Why? Well you see I was getting abused. While my 2 older siblings and 3 younger ones were watching or having fun. Yes that means I have 5 siblings. But moving on.

The adventurers found me and took me in. I was scared at first but then warmed up to them. They wanted to send me back but then I explained what was happening and they let me stay.

This adoptive family of mine consisted of 3 females and 2 males. The females are named Katie, Sam, and Tiffany! The males are Bronx, and Broadway!

They let me call them sister, or brother. I call them gramps or grams when I'm mad at them. Mom and dad when something's wrong.

"Stay on guard! And stay silent! We're moving through the mysterious forest!" Broadway warns. It's called the mysterious forest because people can go in and mysteriously disappear!

I don't carry armor or any weapons beside a knife I have. Even though they've trained me w/ an array of weapons I prefer a blade. But not like a sword. Mainly because I feel like I can move more freely w/ a small blade.

As we were walking I saw something fly by. I looked up and saw a dragon! And it was heading towards us! "Guys Run!" They look at me to see why I would yell especially here. When they saw why they ran.

"Come on kid!" Bronx yelled at me. They all turned to see why I wasn't coming.

"Go! I'll distract it!" I reply.

"Are you crazy!" Tiff yells.

"I ran away from danger by going to and w/ adventurers! You wanna rethink your question?!" I asked. "Just go I run fast and you guys don't! We all know it!" I state. Reluctantly they agreed and ran.

"That was amusing! But what's even more is that you think you can hold me off when you don't even have armor or a proper weapon!" The dragon taunts in a animalistic voice.

"I just need to buy them some time! It's not like I have to beat you!" I say laughing.

"That's certainly amusing! The ideal of beating me actually ran across your mind!" The dragon mocks.

"Haha. Oh I can't stop laughing. Haha." I say sarcastically. The dragon now looks intrigued.

"You know I was just gonna kill you quickly but now I think I'll play w/ you for a bit!" The dragon says lunging at me!

I step out of the way and pull my blade catching it. Leaving a long cut down it's side.

"Wow! You actually managed to dodge and cut me! And at the same time! You get more and more interesting now don't you?!" She says excited.

"No you just underestimate me!" I say. This time taking the initiative to attack. I caught it off guard and jabbed it's eye.

"Impressive! But now I'm serious!" It says as it starts to attack more and w/ more speed. As it speeds past me I grab it's tail and jump on its back.

I stab its neck and cuts its wings. It roars in pain. I go to end its suffering quickly. I look at it sadly. Before I jab my blade in its chest. I take a scale to show the crew.

"Thank the lords! Where have you've been?! What took you so long!?" The crew question me.

"I took the dragon down." I say still in disbelief. They look at me crazy I show them the scale and take them to the corpse.

"Damn Heather! Way to go!" Bronx congratulates.

"Yes that is a great feet!" We turn to the new voice. It's the king!

"Greetings your majesty!" We all say taking a knee.

"No need for that! You young lady did what many knights couldn't! And severely under equiped!" He says point at the knife and my lack of armor.

"It wasn't to big of a deal your majesty! I was merely trying to protect those I care about!" I state.

"Even so we shall hold a feist in your honor!" He says. He gestures for us to follow him. We head back to town.

When arriving the king made the announcement of me great feet as he called it and told them to let us choose our supplies and he will pay for it.

We were shocked to say the least. But gratefully accepted it. We got new and some of the best supplies.

And plenty of food for travel. Then he rewarded us w/ some gold. He even offered to let us stay to recover and rest.

We accepted and did so happily. We got great rooms at a high end inn. And more luxuries.

"Hey maybe you should slayer dragon more often!" Broadway says.

"Ha! I'm lucky I managed this! No way I'm gonna do that willing by looking for more dragons!" I retort. We all laugh. We then head off to bed.