
Scales of Imprisonment

An overpowered dragon has nothing new to do. Till one day a young girl ventures on her territory w/ her little group. The dragoness was just going to kill them quickly. But when young teen sees her she's prepared to defend her companions. She miraculously beats the dragon. But this has some dire consequences she wasn't prepared for.

Flame_Ice_5470 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Road to glory

After Stormy warned us we told the adventurers guild. They thanked us and sent a party just to make sure then mark it off if so.

The party came back frantic and beat up. Turns out we were right and the guild gave us a reward for alerting them.

Soon we were sought after to see where dragons territories are. And how much they have.

We were getting paid big all because of Stormy so we started to spoil her a bit.

Then word got out on what happened w/ that dragoness back then. They called me dragon slayer and soon the kings of the areas would request for us personally.

They would have us deal w/ dragons who went off their territory to terrorize the villagers.

We accepted. After dealing w/ the psycho dragoness it seemed like other dragons are... weak?

So we got more easy money. Even though we never sought after fame it seems like it sought after us. Soon we were famous all over.

"I think it's time we retire." Broadway says.

"Ha! I think so to. I mean they're still giving us money. So we can just retire at this point and still travel!" Bronx says.

"Retire?" Stormy asks.

"Yeah. That's when you stop working." I explain.

"No I know what retirement is. But I don't know why you'd retire now." She says.

"Oh. Because they were adventurers because they needed a way to travel and get into cities and towns w/ out paying a huge fee." I answer.

"So that's the only reason why you're adventurers?" She asks for clarification.

"For them yes. For me I went w/ them after I ran away from my family. So I became a adventure by default." I clarify.


We hear an earth rubbling roar. Stormy turns really pale.

"Are you o-" I attempt to say.

"You small human! Are you the dragon slayer!?" A male dragon asks. "I've come to challenge you! Wait! Stormy!!?" He roars out.

"Yes! I am known as the dragon slayer. Now how do you know my companion?" I ask.

"She was supposed to be mine! Till she ran away!" He says getting closer.

"Stop right there! You are not allowed near her! And I accept your challenge!" I say.

"What!?" The party questions.

"Great! In the clearing. Now." He says taking off.

"This is for Stormy. So mind giving me a lift?" I ask. They look at each other then nods.

Bronx and Broadway sling me to the clearing. I land as if I had jumped.

"Wow! You're full of surprises!" He says grinning.

"Come on let's get started." I say unamused. He roars then charges at me.

I grab his tail as he flys by and use it to fling him. He hits a couple of trees before stopping.

And by hit I mean went through. He tries to shoot me w/ fire. I dodge and use this as a chance to sneak up on him.

When he stops I jump up and hit him in the snout. I quickly grab him by the snout then use it to slam his head in the ground.

He struggles to get out of my grip on his snout. Not being able to do anything else he yields.

"You took down that dragon single handedly and w/ out a weapon!?" A villager says as more pile in.

They got here pretty fast. I nod. I catch the party coming into view.

"Stormy! Decide his fate!" I yell at Stormy. The dragon starts to look scared and panics a bit.

"Pls kill him!" An unknown dragoness says. She shifts and they party rushes to cover her.

"Why?" I ask.

"Aren't you his mate?" Stormy asks this time.

"No! I'm not! We had a one night stand when I was drunk! He came after me and said I was his best fuck ever! Then he said that I'm his mate now! He's been trying to get me pregnant so that I have to stay w/ him. But it never worked!" She says shaking.

"End him." Stormy says comforting the new dragon.

"Guys! He's a rapist! You know what to do!" I say grinning evilly.

"On it!" My party says. Matching my grin. The male dragon looked terrified. Meanwhile everyone else looked confused.

"Stormy get everyone back to town. And take care of our guest." I say. She nods then leaves.

Once everyone was cleared we started our game. Now you might be wondering why we have this 'game'.

Well before I met the psycho dragoness we've all have almost been raped. So we have a vendetta against rapists.

"Heh that was fun! But it took a bit long." Kate says.

"Yeah but that extra time we took can help others." I say.

"So why did it take you guys 2 days to come back?" Stormy asks.

"We wanted him to fully pay for his crimes before we killed him." I answer.

"So who's our new friend?" I ask gesturing to the new dragon.

"I'm Sky. Thanks for helping me." She says w/ her eyes down.

"No problem. So we talked about it and. Do you perhaps want to stay w/ us?" Bronx asks.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Positive!" Sam answers. Sky lights up at this.

"So who do want to stay w/?" Broadway asks. She suddenly jumps on me.

"I guess that answers that!" He says chuckling. Sam tries to get her off but fails.

After 30 minutes of trying we gave up. Stormy and Sky both wanted to stay w/ me so yeah I'm rooming w/ 2 dragons.

After they managed to get me where they wanted me then they fell asleep. Sometime later I fell asleep as well.

We woke up to laughing. The dragons seeing it was the party went back to sleep. W/ their limbs completely covering me.

"Can yall stop laughing and help me!?" I asked.

They eventually stops and bribes Stormy w/ Kate's cooking to get Sky off me and let me get ready.

I was done w/ in seconds so that I could get some breakfast and peace before the dragons get done.

"Don't say a word!" I say glaring at my comrades who are laughing at me.