
Scáthach in Multiverse (Male MC, DxD main world)

The story of "hero" and his adventures on different missions in the multiverse ******** The character will be like Esdeath, OP, but there may be obstacles in the future. There will be no nerf, but sometimes he will just be an observer of events, nothing more. DxD will be AU, and story mostly will be about quests. Tags: antihero, harem(no pokemon), gore, blood and so on It's my first time writing, so do not expect it to be good. I have to start from something. I own nothing.

spearsexual · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Some past events and Group opposition test

A / N

A slightly longer chapter, because I stol- * ahem * borrowed some parts of dialogues from LN


"Watching Anos, I realized what he was fighting for and what he wanted to achieve. Unlike him, I see no point in a peaceful solution to the conflict - the experience with the devils is an example of this. Even though they knew I was the guardian of the youkai, this did not stop them. Maybe in this world, the goal of the "terrible" demon king is achievable. In theory, I could easily reach the same result by destroying everyone who opposes me, although this is not very different from Honest. That's why Altria is responsible for politics in Chaldea" sighing thought MC "Huh, now I remember my first time using Rhongomyniad "

[More than two thousand years ago]

Staying on hill, Anos and Scáthach were watching the battle which unfolded between the Mazoku race and the humans.

An eight-headed water dragon appeared in front of their troops.

-Hooo, so that's Great Water Spirit Liniyon. The one who was born from the legend about the tears of God. Anos, can you erect as many barriers as possible in order to protect troops. My next attack hits the area, and has a holy attribute.

Nodding, Demon King did as Lancer said, because he knew – this guy wanted to do something crazy… again.

Scáthach summoned Holy Lance of King Arthur. Jumping high into the sky, the main character directed a spear towards the great spirit

<"Sacred lance, removing restraints!"

"Light, may you be released from the ends of the world. Split the heavens and tether the earth, anchor of the storm! "Rhongomyniad" !! ">

A powerful ray of holy energy hit Liniyon directly, causing him huge damage. A huge explosion followed immediately after that, killing not only him, but also a huge number of troops of people. All those who were able to survive this attack were shocked. In the army of Anos there was a creature that has a weapon that is not inferior to the sword of the Hero of Canon in terms of the amount of holy energy. It was unbelievable

Landing gracefully next to the Demon King, the hero had a huge smile on his face.

- Scáthach, why do you like fighting so much? I noticed that you did not miss any battle during the war. What are you fighting for? (Anos)

-Erm, hard question. I'm battle junky, that's why. Many years ago, I had to fight a huge number of times to become the strongest, but over time, fighting and killing just became a habit for me. Also, now I'm protecting one purple head, so that we can have peaceful years after your plan comes true. By the way, are you sure about it? You know, I can kill Kanon, and win will be in our hands.

-Fumu, are you talking about Sakura? How is she? I didn't see her for a while. And thanks for you suggestion, but I don't want to become like them.

-Well, you're Demon King, not me. As your friend I will help you.

[Flashback ends]

Later Scáthach, Salter and Sakura also joined Anos. They talked a lot about this particular era and adventures they encounter during peaceful time.

[A few days later]

MC and his group headed towards the entrance of Deruzogedo Demon Kind Academy wearing the uniform that an owl delivered to them yesterday.

Today is the first day of school and many students were passing through the front gate.

On way they noticed that there were 2 kinds of uniforms. Of course, Scáthach, Salter and Sakura are wearing a white uniform. If the main character revealed his identity, then it would be different. Are you wondering why no one recognized their real identities? Well, that's simple. During war Grand Lancer and Saber Alter were wearing armor (images will be here), therefore no one can recognize them now. But, if one of the old folk sees the eyes of the protagonist, then they will immediately figure out that in front of them a creature on the level of a great founder. Why didn't he use illusion magic? As if he cared about it and knowing himself, the wielder of legendary spear knew he was just going to screw up.

Looking around they saw a lot of different school badges. Their badge was a cross but they have also seen a triangle, a rectangle, a pentagram and a hexagram.

Not minding stares, group got to classroom.

Sitting at the penultimate desk, they watched the students who entered the class. When Anos entered the class


-Good morning everyone! I'll be ruling this class! Anyone who defies me will be slaughtered! (Anos)

"Time to play the role of the golden boy"

- For a Mongrel, you sure know how to bark.

-Hoooo, so you're the first one to be slaughtered

- Don't you realize you have no chance of winning !?

[MC POV ends]

Everyone were tense, no one expected that the fight would break out on the first day. But what shocked them even more was that they both started laughing. Sakura and Misha started clapping. Salter thought while twitching her lips "It was very much like him"

- As Nero would say, this performance is worthy of this emperor, umu. By the way, Anos, do you know that we are all misfits? AHAHHAHHHA, you even don't know the name of founder. I'm going to die.

While Scáthach was laughing his ass off, Anos was dumbfounded. He decided to ask Misha

-My name?

- ... .Anos ....

-Full name?

-Anos Voldigoad.

-Hang on.

He put his hand on Misha's head. She didn't seem to mind particularly and was looking at him in curiosity.

-What are you doing?

-Please think of the name of the founder.

-… ..Nn ....

Reading Misha's thoughts, a name emerged.

"Demon King of Tyranny Avos Dillheavia"

- ...… Who's that ....? (Anos)


-That name is wrong.

Misha shook her head.

- ... ..Is correct. There is no one from the Demon King Tribe who would get the name of the Demon King wrong.

-Told you ~ Oh, and another funny thing, the more "pure" your blood is the more you're suitable for becoming the Demon King (MC)

At that moment a bell rang in the distance.

-Everyone, please be seated.

A woman wearing a black robe enter the classroom.

She writes on the blackboard using magic.

[Emilia Roodwell]

-I'm Emilia, the homeroom teacher of class 2. My best regards for this year.

-Right, let's not waste any time. First off we will split into groups. If you want to become a team leader please announce your candidacy, however, the condition is you have to be able to use magic to teach from now on.

Emilia draws a magic formation on the board.

-That's the magic Demon King Army <Gyze> (A ritual with seven positions: King, Guardian, Mage, Healer, Summoner, Cavalier, and Shaman. The Demon King designated supplies magical power to the other positions, enhancing their overall power and abilities In exchange, the power of the King is weakened while <Gyze> is in use. From wiki)

-Right. Please raise your hand if you want to run.

Of course, Anos raised his and without hesitation. All were looking at him with a startled look, while MC had an amused smile on his face.

-White clothes cannot run.

Misha whispered to Anos

-Anos-kun was it? I'm sorry but you don't qualify. (Teacher)


-Because you are mixed blood.

-Mixed blood does not mean inferior to pure blood.

Emilia got angry

-Is that a royal criticism?

After verbal confrontation, Anos showed Emilia a mistake in <Gyze>, which he found 2000 years ago.

-I approve your candidacy ... please return to your seat.

Emilia said in a very quiet voice.

-I'm wondering, but does "pure" blood give something other than self-admiration? All the nobles present here, so to speak, are weak. Their amount of magic is ridiculous. If you want to ask if I am criticizing the royal then naturally the answer is yes. (MC)

Everyone present felt tremendous pressure as an incredible amount of pure magical energy emanated from the spear wielder. Even space began to crack due to its density.

-Don't talk shit, when you know nothing, dear teacher ~ said mc directing small amount of bloodlust on Emilia

A stir leaks from the classroom.

-… ..That fellow ... who is he ...

-To point out the defect in a formation the first time you've seen it ... .and then rewrite it. Such a thing. I've never heard of it before. We haven't even touched the basics of magic foundation yet.

-This could be the greatest discovery of the century ... ..

- How can he have that much magic? Even teachers at the academy have less

-What's wrong with these monsters?

With smug expression MC leaned back to his chair.

-Onii-sama it is bad to bully weak, you know? (Sakura)

-Yeah, Master, why bother with these peasants? (Salter)

-Well, maybe I overreacted, but what she said just ridiculous.

-Candidates please stand up. (Emilia)

All the students who had previously raised their hands stood up.

-Well then, before you start grouping up, students who are running as team leaders please introduce yourselves. We'll start with ...… Sasha-san

-I'm from the Necron family and a direct descendant of one of the original 7 demon emperors Aivis Necron. I'm Sahsa Necron the witch of ruin. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

After that all introduced themselves including Anos, who said about him being Demon King, but everyone ignored him

-What about your group Scáthach?

-Of course we are joining you, right girls?

"He just wants to fight" thought Black Saber and purple head

-We are in your care, Anos-san

-It's knight duty to protect King, so I'm going with my Master

-Fumu, as expected

While they we talking idly, a certain tsundere were heading to them

-Anos Voldigoad was it? Nice to meet you.


She gazed at Misha for a moment.

-You seem to have a defec-

She was interrupted by the sharp tip of a spear, which was dangerously close to her eye.

-Hmm, are you stupid? Do you think we'll let our friends be insulted? Should I cut your vocal cords so you can't do this anymore?

Said MC, while looking at Anos with expression which said "You're team leader, so it's your problem"

-I'll give you some advice. If you stay by such a curs- * ahem * Misha something bad will happen. Nee, you understand that right?

Anos snorted through his nose and laughed.

-Kukuku, kuhahahaha. What… that… ..is that a threat? To this me?

Sasha started to glare.

-Nee. You. Do you want to die?

Magic formations appear in Sasha's blue eyes.

The students watching on in interest start to panic.

Being done with it, the greatest Lancer made headphones for himself while thinking about one particular event of the past

[Past, wartime]

(A / N I want to say that I could not find information about the duration of the war, but according to my assumptions it lasted several decades at least)

This happened when the main character brought the already matured Sakura to the battlefield so that she could get used to it. For what? We must not forget that she is from a world where the magical side gets up such that the battlefield looks like child's play. However, Sakura never killed, which is important, because any delay during the fight can lead to death. Going with her to the battlefield, he watched Sakura to help in case of anything.

The bored spear wielder waited for the appearance of the general of the army of people. The moment he came, Scáthach rushed at him with a crazy smile. Since the general turned out to be rather weak, he used pure technique to defeat him. But in order for his opponent to make a mistake, the main character allowed his hand to be cut off. Did he care? Of course not - his pain tolerance was practically absent and he can attach his hand in a million ways.

What the main character did not notice to was that Sakura saw everything. When she saw severed arm of her beloved brother who gave her everything - family, care, love and so on, something snapped in her head

-They hurt MY Onii-sama, it's unforgivable... -muttered now full-fledged yandere

The unsuspecting main character approached Sakura, but when he saw that the color of her hair and eyes had changed, he understood that the shit hit the fan. Scáthach can only sigh, because it's too late now.

On that day, a new legend appeared, which spoke about a white-haired girl who slaughtered a huge army by herself.

[Flashback ends]

Looking at Sakura, he could not imagine her killing thousands of people. BUT HE SAW IT.

During this time Sasha ended bickering with Anos

-I have never thought of that l as my younger sister.

Making a parting remark Sasha returns to her seat.

- ... .I'm sorry ....

Misha murmured.

-Misha-san, don't listen to that washing desk, you are our friend. If you want, you can ask Onii-sama for help. He can roast her, than boil, and after that freeze.

Everyone sweatdroped at her and chose to ignore last part.

- .....Sasha is a good person….

-If you say so, but remember that we will always help you.

The rest of lessons were uneventful and because of it MC wanted to roll on floor like particular Saber from Fate / Apocrypha.

While Scáthach was dying of boredom certain Demon King made a bet with certain tsundere.

[Day of group opposition test. Demon Wood Forest]

-Now then. Divide into 2 teams and we will begin the test immediately. Sasha's team will go first.

At Emilia's words, Sasha steps forward.

-Please be a role model for everyone.

-I understand.

Sasha suddenly smiles.

-My opponent will be .....

Sasha was glaring at Anos and surprisingly at Scáthach. Why is that? Let's go back for a couple of hours.

[Flashback starts]

When Sasha was walking to school, , she met a cute cat with closed eyes. Coming closer, she saw that he was not afraid of her and decided to stroke him. Unexpectedly for her, the cat jumped into her arms. Deciding to walk to school with him, she went further stroking him. When she reaches her destination school she said

-Cat-san, I can't take you with me, because animals are forbidden in school.

Suddenly cat transformed into a man with blindfold. Sasha was shell shocked. The cat turned out to be the same young man who threatened her with a spear. But when she saw his smug smile, she became so irritated that her <Magic Eyes of Destruction> activated.

[Flashback ends]

-Sasha-san, why are you looking at me like that? You want to ravage me again? ~~~

Everyone became stunned after his words, but one purple had started to emit huge bloodlust

-You, you, you ravaged MY Onii-sama. I'm gonna kill you in the most painful way.

Said Sakura with "sweet smile"

-Wait, I was joking, she just stroked me in my feline form


-Really, but you still can kill her. We can revive her later.

-I understand Onii-sama

-Good girl

Said MC, while petting her head.

Everyone else chose to ignore these two madmen

After making pact with Misha using <Zecht> (The magic used to keep the promise with the opponent. The price of a breach of contract is paid with one's life. If there is a sufficient gap in the magical power of the participants, <Zecht > may be unilaterally discarded with no consequence. If one makes a contract with themselves, it is possible to discard it unilaterally. From wiki) both teams went to their places

[The test between Sasha group and Anos group will now begin. Don't bring shame to the founder's name. Beat your enemy with your full power !!]

-Anos, are we going all out? (MC)

-What about your identity?

-Do I look like I care?

-You're right, silly question.

-I'm just gonna destroy their castle, after that it's your turn. Salter, can you give me Excalibur Morgan for a minute. I'm going to make it flashy~

-As you wish, Master

After Saber gave him her sword, MC rushed to opponent's castle while removing his blindfold. A crazy smile crept on his face, he was having some fun after all. His hair color changed and mark appeared on forehead. Maybe, he was having too much fun for this small occasion…

While Scáthach was having a time of his life, Misha decided to ask Anos

-… ..Anos, you seem to know Scáthach for a long time….

-Fumu, of course. Have you heard about greatest lancer and a man equal to Demon King?

- ... of course, his story almost as popular as founder's history….

Suddenly Salter asked with proud expression

-Do you know his name?

- .... Naturally, his name was Scá-

Now she understood where she saw those eyes. It was in history book about certain friend of Demon king

- ....ah ...

-Yeap, it's him. By the way, both girls are famous too. Salter here was known as Black Saber during war and Sakura as White-haired demon (Anos)

Salter gained smug smile while purple head looked away because of embarrassment. She thought "It was only once ... But if someone want to hurt MY Onii-sama again I'm gonna kill them all"

[Back to MC]

Appearing in front of Sasha's castle, he intercept their Thought Communication <Liikus>

'Sa, Sasha-sama !?'

'What's wrong?'

'The enemy Demon Swordsman Scáthach has suddenly appeared in front of the castle!' (Mob)

'What !? What's wrong with his eyes? Wait, Scáthach, strange eyes? Where did I heard it? '

'Ho, so I'm still popular. It's honor to be known. Don't make a mistake, I'm not a swordsman, I'm a Grand Lancer'

'What the ... .. Why can I hear that guys voice !?'

'Shut up, I'm trying to remember' (Sasha)

'… ..AH…..It cannot be. You disappeared two thousand years ago when the demon king sacrificed himself. You- '

'Ding-ding, you're correct, let me introduce myself - my full name is Sgàthach an Eilean Sgitheanach, a man who was known as the greatest Lancer and a man who was equal to founder'

'Hmph, so what? This castle was constructed by 7 (Guardians). You won't be able to breach even the first layer. "

'Hehehe, let me check it'

Raising the sword above his head, a huge amount of dark energy began to gather around Excalibur.

<Cry. It's time you come crashing down. "

"Vortigern, Hammer of the Vile King, reverse the rising sun. Swallow the light,

"Excalibur Morgan"! >

A huge beam of dark manna hit Sasha's castle, followed by a huge explosion that destroyed not only the castle, but all the surrounding area. But, to his great regret, the opposite team managed to escape from the castle, although not unscattered.

"One crazy girl would love this explosion. Okay, that's the end of my role, it's time to go back. "

'Stage is yours, great Demon King of Tyranny' said MC using <Liikus>

Anos could only twitch his lips, because sometimes this guy is too childish, right?

After that everything happened as in kanon - Sasha's team lost and she became part of Anos's team.

A / N As you can see, this quest will be quite long, because I really like this story.

I'm writing using my knowledge from LN, so some parts might differ from anime.

Next chapter might be at Sunday, because I have a CAE exam tomorrow

As always images later.

As you have noticed, there will be no major changes, because the story is already great. But the butterfly effect will definitely affect the story, don't worry

By the way is it Anos Voldigoad or Arnos Voldigod? In Russian localization it was Anos Voldigod.