
Scáthach in Multiverse (Male MC, DxD main world)

The story of "hero" and his adventures on different missions in the multiverse ******** The character will be like Esdeath, OP, but there may be obstacles in the future. There will be no nerf, but sometimes he will just be an observer of events, nothing more. DxD will be AU, and story mostly will be about quests. Tags: antihero, harem(no pokemon), gore, blood and so on It's my first time writing, so do not expect it to be good. I have to start from something. I own nothing.

spearsexual · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Bullying and return

Before I start, I want to say that Esdeath will not be on the team. For simple reasons - I don't know how she can be integrated into history, besides killing she isn't suitable for anything, there are several yanderes in team already. Make her a masochist? I see no reason to introduce a character just for the sake of this. I will not kill her, she will remain in Lands of Shadows, we will assume that this is her punishment. Sorry if you were waiting for her, but I just can't fit her into the team.

I also wanted to say that Sakura's hair will be purple, why is that? I just can't imagine her with a different color. Yes, I know, before she got into the hands of this pedophile, her hair was like Rin's, but let's just pretend that she had it in the first place.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next day

When Sakura woke up, at first she could not understand what was happening, but when she realized that her parents had abandoned her, tears rolled down her eyes. Before she started crying again, a big warm hand started stroking her head and she heard a strange, almost emotionless voice, which, surprisingly, was able to calm her down a little.

- Do not worry, everything will be fine. Eresh and I will protect you, don't cry, okay? My name is Scatchah, and the girl who "stole" you yesterday is Ereshkigal.

When he mentioned these names, Sakura thought she had read about them somewhere, but she didn't pay much importance.

-Let's have breakfast, and after that I'll explain everything


Nodding her head Sakura went with MC to dining room.

After breakfast, Scatchah tried to explain to Sakura everything about the other world, about his team and what situation she was in. Naturally, he did this considering the fact that she was a child, explaining everything as simply as possible.

-All in all, in different world you'll be a princess of our organization. You can make many friends, and if someone dares to offend you, I will <BOOM> <ORA> <MUDA> and all bad uncles will be punished.

Laughing happily Sakura talked a lot with Scatchah and Eresh, and her eyes, which had previously been deprived of life, began to shine.

After making sure that Sakura was okay, the main character went in search of Caster.

"Tch, this damn Grail, among all Casters it summoned the most disgusting one. Even dick Mage is even better. Hehehe, but I'm not gonna kill him immediately, I just prevent him from laying hand on all children and watch him in despair"

While our hero mocked the "poor" Caster, all the masters of this war were in shock, so if Scatchah enters the war for the Grail, no one can stop him. Even Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, prefers not to mess with him. Although they never fought, using one of their skills that show the future, he saw that he had no chance of winning. (A / N I couldn't find skill or treasure, which he uses to look into the future, if you know how it called, write it please)

At Einzberg Castle

As in original history Caster went to Einzberg territory to save Jeanne from God and other bullshit, at same time MC was looking for Lancer, because he previously saved all children from Gilles de Rais, and now it's time for good battle between two lancers. As for killing Caster? Well, he's waiting for him to use his NP <Prelati's Spellbook>, so that he can use the best way to kill - overkill.

When the hero found Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, who was on the mission of his master, they started a fight. In order to somehow diversify the situation, MC decided to rely purely on his skills - pure spear techniques. To his great regret, the fight turned out to be quite short, since Diarmuid simply could not hit him, and in order for him to use his NP, he needs to injure the opposite side. At the moment when Diarmuid made a mistake with a sharp and precise thrust, the main character pierced through his head.

Disappointed Scatchah, went to the place where all Servants will fight with Caster. While everyone was discussing how to deal with him, the main character appeared next to them.

- Let's not waste any time and you will let me deal with him. Maybe at least it will save me from feeling of disappointment.

-HAHAHA, what a fighting spirit, maybe you want to join me, Scatchah?

-Well, Iskandar you good guy, but do you think someone will agree to be under someone who is weaker then himself? Oh, by the way, now Golden Boy will say <How dare you command here, you mongrel, you are in the presence of the King> AHAHAHAHAH, how it feels, Gilgamesh, to be so predictable?

While Gil was fuming with rage, others sweatdropped due to antics of MC, they almost feel pity for Gilgamesh, almost. While the others had such thoughts in their heads, the main character erected a huge number of magical barriers to prevent the complete destruction of the city.

The next moment he uttered a phrase, everyone were shocked, isn't it cheating? He is a Grand Lancer, but he can cast at the Grand Caster level, if it's not cheating, than what?

<Jio Graze>

A powerful miniature jet-black sun appeared above their heads, which can be fired off at the enemy like a comet. Colliding with the Caster, this magic not only erased the monster, but also dried up all the nearby water, if not for the barrier, then the bridge, which was not far away, and all the servants, along with their masters, would be destroyed.

-Ops, I think I overdid a little bit.

-Shishou, you never change, you know? (Saber)

After getting piercing gaze from Artoria, MC can only look away while whistling.

-HAHAHA, what a splendid show, I like it!

-See Saber, even Iskandar get it, don't blame me, this abomination looked too awful. And his bullshit irritated me even more.

-Well, that's true (Saber)

After that, Scatchah did not take much part in the events, as they did not interest him. While he waited for the outcome of this war in order to fulfill his part of the contract, he spent most of his time hanging out with Eresh and Sakura. During this time, she became much more cheerful and began to smile much more.

The last day of the war, the decisive battle.

The moment Kiritsugu ordered Saber to use NP to destroy the grail

-EX ...

<Zora E Dipto> (A magical technique that summons chains of hell flame to constrict the enemy's movements and finish them off. From wiki)

-Sorry, Saber, I can't let you do this, because destroying it only brings harm, because Grail in this war was corrupted. It can grant your wish, but only in twisted way. But before that, Golden Boy, it's your time. I always wanted to use it, but I had no chance, but now ...

Both used their NP, Gilgamesh - Gate of Babylon, MC - <Edin Shugra Quasar>. A struggle began between a huge number of weapons and magic rays, but very soon GoB began to lose, because no matter how powerful the weapon was, the reserves of the protagonist's magic are infinite, therefore, pouring in a little more mana, Scatchah simply destroyed Gilgamesh, leaving no trace of him ...

-Sayonara, King Of Heroes. Well, Saber, it was good to see you again, but it's time for you to go. We'll meet each other next time.

- Yes, Shishou, goodbye.

Grabbing Grail MC used <Bebesd> to destroy its core, in order to prevent destruction from Angra Mango (A / N idk, maybe it cannot work like that, but it was the only idea I had)

-Here you go, Kiritsugu, for this golden cup you exchanged the life of your wife and the happiness of your daughter, I hope you are glad

Said MC with evil smirk.

Once again in white space, the hero came face to face with Alayshiki.

-Good job, Scatchah, now it's time for your rewards.

-Wait, I don't want anything, but can you grant Sakura <The Denial of Nothingness>

-Hmmmm, why not? It's not like that would be my problem after you leave this world, but I still will give you small reward.

-Great, thank you Alaya. Hope, I will never see you again. Now, send me back.

-Fufu, I can't wait to meet again.

Dxd universe

The main character, along with Ereshkigal and Sakura, ended up in the throne room, but before he had time to watch his reward

-Maaaaaster, why this girl looks like you? Is she you daughter?

Asked Jalter with dangerous glint in her eyes. Looking at Eresh for some help, he saw her smirking

-Yeah, she is his daughter, look, they even have the same hair color.

"Hehe, Eresh You May Have Outsmarted Me, But I Outsmarted Your Outsmarting"

-By the way, Ereshkigal here is her mother.

While Eresh was running from the rampaging Jalter, MC checked his reward for quest.

[Quest completed. Reward: Noble Phantasm - Rhongomyniad (A / N from Artoria Lancer)]

"Hehehe, new method for trashing, hehehe. Alaya you're the best "

-Onii-chan your smile is dangerous. And, don't you think that you should save Eresh-nee-chan from angry Nee-chan? (Sakura)

-Ignore them, Sakura, I don't think it will help. Let's go, I introduce you to other team members.

As they traveled through the base, an interesting situation appeared before them - Bikou, who had a lot of food in his hands, was running away from Salter, who was holding Excalibur Morgan.


-There-there Onii-chan.

Wiping imaginary tear they continued their stroll, while Sakura was getting acquainted with other members of Chaldea.

-Oi, Kuroka come here, I know you're lazing around somewhere, I got quest for you.

-What do you want? A dinner, bath or… maybe me, nya?

-Oi, you naughty cat, don't say something like that, we have child here. Instead of fooling around, teach Sakura the history of this world, and possibly youkai techniques. And if I find out that you are teaching her all kinds of lewdness ...

-Aye, Sir, nya

-By the way, where is Valina? I have some business with her.

- Well, where she can be if not in training room, nya?

-Yeah, stupid question.

Arriving at the training room, he saw Valina training.

-Valina, stop for a minute, I have to tell you something.

-I'm all ears

- OK, so let me get this straight. Without Divine Dividing you can't do shit. For example, if the opponent has a huge amount of energy, using Divide will only hurt you. Another problem, a weapon that ignores defense, the simplest example of this is the Gae Bolg. Another problem, Dragon-slaying magic, swords and curses is a huge weakness that can easily kill you. If I were you, I would choose a weapon to my taste, so that I can always protect myself from my weaknesses. Moreover, I can create a weapon that will work with your Sacred Gear. Don't be downcast, I want to help you, because you are in my team. And, yes, I want to warn you that if you suddenly meet Samael, retreat right away, this freak can even kill GR and Ophis. By the way, no offence, Albion

[None taken, Scacthah, I also agree with you, because being dragon also had some weaknesses and always relying on Sacred Gear is stupid, if you have opportunity to learn more]

-Let's go to armory, we'll try to find what weapon is the best for you.

For Scacthah astonishment Valina have great aptitude for scythe. In his opinion one of the most badass weapon, but also really hard to learn how to use.

-Well, I can teach you through some boring technique, or through actual fi ...

Not being able to complete his sentence, MC sidestepped swing from scythe.

After that they were fighting for several hours, and both of them were satisfied. MC were glad that Valina improved dramatically, and she was glad for several reasons: she spent time with Scacthah and she had a good fight.

- Scáthach, I always wanted to ask, what is your trump card? You're first one in top, so you surely have one or two, yes? Can you show me?

-No problem, not like that is secret

In the next moment his eyes changed - they become rainbow colored, when Valina looked in them, due to her instincts White Empress leaped for several tens of meters from her previous position. Never in her life she felt death so close.

-WTF is those eyes?

Said Valina while sweating bullets

-To put it simply - I can kill everything what I consider alive. For example: Something like a telephone is seen as "being alive because it's not broken", so I will not see lines on a broken telephone because I feel that it is "already dead."

-Isn't it cheating?

-What do you want from me? You can get those eyes only when you experience death.

-What? What do you meet "experience death"?

-Oh, I think Sakura is looking for me. I have to go.

No way, the wielder of the legendary spear and the most powerful "human" will tell that he was an average teenager in his previous life.

-Oi, Tamamo, find Sakura, we are going to Youkai Faction.

-Oh, Master, I'm too occupied with my work, I can't go with you.

-Naïve, to naïve, Tamamo, worry not, Ross will do your work


"Don't even think that I forget about your punishment"

Several hours later

While mc were being stroked by Sakura and Kunou who became friends instantly, although at first the purple head was a little bit shy, two mature foxes were having a mental battle. Maybe it was his imagination, but he can swear that he saw sparkles between them.

-Master / Scáthach, she irritates me, hmph

"Dafuq wrong with them? Both are more than centuries old, but behaves like children"

-You were thinking something rude about me.

Both said while squinting their eyes.

-I'm glad that you both on same line, nya


-Well, Kunou, Sakura let's ignore them, let's go for stroll, nya

This is how the strongest creature in DxD spent his free time. He really likes youkai territory, because it's always peaceful here, especially after his stunt with Naberius clan. Does he care about devils? Pfff, some nuke bombs and no devils will ever bother him. MC was glad when he saw, that Sakura befriended a lot of children. He was fairly popular among young generation of youkai, because he played a lot with them and told them histories about his adventures.

Next day

After lessons Sona invited him to Council Room.


-Hello Sona, something happened?

- No, I want to ask you, Lord Scáthach, for match in chess.

"Hoooo, maybe I need to bully her a little bit? Well, but her engagement ... I like her, but it's too early"

-Yeah, no problem, but I don't want to be engaged with you, no offence, but you too young and immature for me. Also, your sister… you know.

-Erm, I know, let's forget about her, a want to play a game with you, without being engaged.

After 10 matches Sona surrounded, because she had no chance.

"Considering that I can simulate thousands of situations, it was predictable"

-Sona, your sister is calling me ~

'Hi-hi, Sca-chan, I want a favor from you. Can you heal Misla Bael? '

'Yeah, no problem, but what about The House of Phenex, did you contact them?'

'Of course, Miracle ☆ Levia-tan had done her assignment'

'Good to hear, can you send details to Altria? She in charge of politics, not me'

-Sona, can you bring me to your family hospital? I need to heal someone. Also contact Sairaorg Bael, I want to have a word with him.

Underworld Sitri Hospital

"This Bael Clan, it's their blessing that they didn't cross a road with me, otherwise I would have a reason to destroy them. Is that why I hate devils, this whole race reminds me of retarded Chinese masters. What's wrong with them? I think that it's better for Lord Bael to go to urologist than blame Misla for what she is not responsible for"

While MC was looking at patient, someone barged into room.

-Greetings Lord Scáthach, it's true that you can cure my mother?

-Yo Sairaorg, before I cure your mother, I want to say that I will always welcome you at my base, we have new members and I want them to gain some new experience, so I'm waiting for you.

-It's honor to be invited by you. I promise that I'll visit Chaldea.


<Ei Sheal>

Seeing his mom open her eyes, The Strongest Youth bowed his head deeply.

Leaving their reunion MC went back to Chaldea.


Next chapter will be half about slice of life in dxd, and second part about new quest. This quest will be really long. For time being team/harem is closed, I need to show interaction between already summoned Servants.

As usual images will be later.

And to my surprise i already past 15.000 words, praise me, umu

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

spearsexualcreators' thoughts