
Sayori Bad Ending

Sayori struggles with deep depression throughout her entire life. Her emotions and thoughts become tangled over time as she navigates school, spends time with her family, and interacts with her peers. Despite her outward appearance as a cute girl, she takes compliments on her appearance as a way to mask her inner turmoil. As time passes, she starts to miss her closest friends whom she can no longer see due to family circumstances that prevent them from meeting. As she grows older and enters high school, Sayori joins the DDCL Literature Club, hoping to find solace in the virtual reality of the game. However, the experience pushes her closer to the brink of ending her own life. Unexpectedly, someone within the game becomes her savior, a player she never imagined she would meet during such a difficult time. While most players simply enjoy the virtual reality experience, this person accomplishes the impossible by saving her. As the story unfolds, Sayori undergoes a transformation, no longer willing to let go of the one who saved her, despite the challenges that arise, even if she has to take drastic measures to keep him.

MeowChan0 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Boring Morning

Sayori's alarm clock blared, its sound increasing in volume from a gentle hum to a medium-level buzz that filled the room. The sunlight streamed through the slats of her pink curtains, casting a bright glow that pierced through her closed eyelids. She groaned, her response to the alarm lacking the usual enthusiasm. With a shuffle, she turned on her left side, grappling with the blankets as she reached out to silence the persistent alarm. As she stretched her arms, the fabric of the blankets brushed against her skin, eliciting a soft rustling sound.

Her feet made contact with the cool tiles of the bathroom floor, causing a slight chill to run up her spine. The sensation awakened her senses, gradually pulling her out of her drowsy state. She picked up her toothbrush, feeling the bristles tickle her fingertips as she squeezed a dollop of toothpaste onto them. The moment she started brushing her teeth, the minty freshness exploded in her mouth, leaving a tingling sensation that accompanied the rhythmic scrubbing sounds.

Having already consumed her breakfast, a feeling of contentment lingered in her belly. It created a comforting fullness that influenced her movements, making them sluggish and deliberate. Doubt crept into her mind, wrapping around her thoughts like a suffocating vine. She sighed deeply, lifting a hand to her face. The roughness of her palm met the softness of her cheek as she sought solace through touch.

Through the living room window, she observed the outside world awaken. The rumble of school buses passing by filled the air, their engines growling as they transported excited children to their destinations. Sayori, alone with her thoughts and memories of her friends, became fixated on the faces she saw. Sadness etched onto her features, she gazed into the distance, her eyes lost in a trance-like state.

Lost in her reverie, she absentmindedly began the task of washing the dishes. Her hands plunged into the scalding water, the heat causing an unexpected jolt of sensation across her skin. She gasped, hastily turning the faucet to allow the rush of cold water to soothe her burned hands. Determined to complete the task, she scrubbed away the remnants of pancakes and sausages from the plates, watching as the suds of dish soap swirled down the drain.

With painstaking precision, she washed each dish, her movements slow and deliberate. The water cascaded over her fingers, the wetness and pressure reminding her of the present moment. Gradually, the remnants of the morning meal disappeared, revealing gleaming surfaces and giving her a sense of accomplishment that momentarily lifted her spirits.

She carefully set each dish and cup onto the silverware rack, the clank of metal against metal creating a domino effect of sound. Moving around the kitchen, she tilted slightly in her pajamas, a sense of comfort and familiarity enveloping her. Ignoring the persistent calls from her phone, both from acquaintances and family, she made her way toward the front door with a forced smile, preparing to go to school and meet everyone at the club.

As she reached for the doorknob, a voice echoed in her ears, the words repeating like a haunting refrain, "I love you as a best friend, best friend." The weight of those words turned her world upside down, shaking the foundation of her emotions. Overwhelmed, she struggled to open the front door, the turmoil of her thoughts and feelings becoming a heavy burden. Frustration surged through her, causing her to slam her head down with a grunt before storming upstairs to her bedroom.

In the corner of her messy bedroom, surrounded by plushies, she curled up into a ball, her face buried in her hands as she screamed and cried out in frustration. The wind blew through the window, gently tousling her hair as if offering some solace. The half-open window allowed snippets of rude and pushy remarks from other players to seep into her room, further overwhelming her. The thoughts and setbacks had become too much, driving her to the brink of insanity. She rocked back and forth, desperately pleading, "Get out of my head, get out of my head," trapped in a helpless trance of persistent voices.

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