

He knew he was wishing for the impossible but he still felt disappointment tug at him when he woke up in the same room. He sighed before slowly getting up.

He expected Wade to be already gone, probably already signing documents after documents in his office. It surprised him to see him sitting on one of the sofas in the living room, sipping coffee. His brows are furrowed while reading a newspaper. He gently placed the cup of coffee on the coffee table, beside a small brown envelope.

Wade must have smelled him or sensed his presence, but his eyes drifted to him and he slowly folded the newspaper and placed it beside him on the sofa.

“Good. You’re awake,” his voice sounds extra rough in the morning. “Take a seat.”

He gestured to the single sofa in front of him. Klyde quietly sat down. He suddenly feels conscious under the man’s gaze. Wade is already dressed in his smart suit, the suit jacket draped on the headrest of the sofa, while he’s still dressed in his sleep wear. Although he already did his morning routine before coming down, he still feels conscious.

“I already have the contract here,” Wade started, reaching for the brown envelope and revealing its contents. Papers. A bunch of papers they have to sign.

Wade pushed a copy on his side of the table and he stretched to reach them.

This business agreement is made between Wade Ashton Curtis and Klyde Rehan Taylor. The tenure of this agreement is from 12th of Novermber, year 2021, to 12th of November year 2023. None of the party can withdraw the business services before the completion of the tenure.

Description of the business: Merging of the Taylor Inc. and Curtis Inc. and Co.

Details of payment: Both parties should remain married until the end of contract. No third parties should be involved. The agreement should remain between the two to avoid outside conflicts.



Damn. He really went all out huh?

“Anything you want to add?”

Klyde looked at him.

“How about your rut? What do we do about them?” He asked. He’s not too keen on serving him. He has no problem with his heat, he has been taking suppressants ever since and he plans to continue.

“Don’t worry about that. Unless you’d want to spend it with me?” Wade gave him a questioning look, the answer must have showed on his face already, seeing the amused glint on Wade’s eyes. “Then no need to worry about it. I can just rent a rut room for that.”

Klyde physically had to stop himself from raising his brow at that. A powerful ceo, renting a rut room? That is new.

“Then no. I have no problems with it,” Klyde replied.

“You understand that you can’t tell even your closest friends about this?”

“Don’t have anyone to tell them to in the first place.”

Wade studied him for a moment. Black eyes piercing him. He fought his omega urge to bare his neck, to show submission. “Then we can sign them now.”

Wade slid a ballpen to him. He picked it up, hand trembling as it hovered over the paper. He already got married. He doesn’t have anything to lose now, does he?

And so, with a bated breath, he quickly wrote his name on the paper and signed it. Nothing else to lose.

He extended his arm to hand the papers back to Wade. If he noticed how bad his hand is shaking, he didn’t mention it.

Wade took the papers from him, sliding them neatly back into the folder before standing up.

“If you plan to go to your company today, I got you a suit. It’s on the kitchen counter, the big box there,” he said while shrugging on his suit jacket. He moved to fix the collars. “But if you plan not to go and just get your things from your place, I prepared casual clothes too. They’re on my bed.”

“I’ll go to work. I need to fix my company,” he said as he’s standing up too.

“If that’s the case, can I scent you?”

Klyde stopped on his tracks. He faced Wade again, eyes wide.


“You’re going to your company. You will meet so many people there. They’d be curious as to why you don’t smell like your husband,” Wade calmly explained.

“What if I say no?” he asked, not really liking the idea.

“Depends. Do you want them to start rumors? You already have a bad reputation there.”

Klyde closed his eyes, defeated.

“I already wore your clothes to sleep,” he reasoned.

“It’s not enough. We are restoring your company AND your reputation. If you want it to be believable, we should scent.”

“Fine. You’ll do it now?”

Wade only nodded. When he gave him his affirmation, the alpha slowly approached him. He tensed when he put his arm on his shoulder.

“Relax,” the alpha whispered, his hand moved to settle on the juncture where his neck and shoulder meet. “Is this okay?”

He only gave him a small nod.

His breath hitched when he felt his nose lightly grazing his neck, his breath warm on his skin. The alpha gently nuzzled on his neck. His knees almost buckled when he felt him kiss his neck, lightly nipping on the skin. Wade weaved his free arm on his waist to keep him upright. Klyde gripped on his arms tight, steadying himself as the alpha continued to scent him, switching to the other side of his neck to thoroughly cover him. He tipped his head back, baring his neck more, submitting to give the alpha more room. He heard a low hum of satisfaction from the alpha.

He whimpered when he felt a particularly hard suck, he’s sure it will leave a mark. He swallowed down a what seems to be a beginning of a purr. The alpha growled in response, his grip on his waist tightening for a fraction before slowly pulling away. He’s thankful for the distance, he can already feel himself beginning to get wet from slick. He’s not sure if the alpha can smell it, he sure hopes he can’t.

Wade’s pupils are wide, he has a wild look on his face but he distanced himself. He Removed his hands that are still gripping Klyde’s waist and took a step back.

“Now you reek of me,” Wade said. His voice sounds rougher and lower. Almost like a growl. “I’ll go ahead.”

He watched the alpha take the envelope from the table before leaving without looking back. The apartment is covered in silence as he was left alone to wallow on his embarrassment. Only then does he notice the slight spike of the alphas scent left in the apartment. Did it affect him too?

He wills himself to get rid of the pink dusting his cheeks before running up the stairs to his room. What was that?


When he arrived at his company, it was almost noon. He’s wearing the suit Wade got for him. The color similar to what he wore in his wedding, the top two buttons are undone as he decided to forgo the tie. In doing so, he’s sure the hickeys Wade left are proudly on display for everyone to look at. He can feel his cheeks coloring from the realization. He forced himself to ignore all the curious stares he got while walking. He released the breath he’s been holding once he’s in the safety of his office. It’s fairly small, especially compared to Wade’s, but he doesn’t need a big office anyway.

He sat on his chair. His secretary entered minutes after, carrying a cup of coffee for him. He gave her a small smile; she tipped her head in a small bow in return before exiting his office.

He sighed as he eyed the pile of documents, he needs to review them quickly so he can get his company back in the running as soon as possible.

He doesn’t know how much time has passed, buried in the work. He was pulled out of his productive bubble when he heard the beeping of his intercom. He pressed a button to hear his secretary’s voice.

“Sir, Mr. Curtis is here to see you,” she said. He looked at the intercom confused, as if it will answer his questions. Why is he here? He did not mention that he will be going here. What’s the catch?

He pressed a button to speak.

“Let him in.”

“Yes, sir.”

A few minutes later, the door of his office opened, revealing his secretary followed by Wade. She gave them both a short bow before closing the door, giving them their privacy.

“What are you doing here?”

Wade cocked an eyebrow at him. His nose flared, probably at how potent his omega scent is in here. Now his scent is permeating the air too, mixing with his.

“Is that a way to greet your husband?”

He doesn’t seem serious with the question, his eyes holding a playful glint. He approached the visitor’s chair in front of Klyde’s table and sat down, eyes roaming around the office. It’s odd seeing him there. The youngest and most powerful businessman in their generation, sitting inside his small office. He sticks out like a sore thumb.

Klyde suddenly feels conscious. He seems to always feel conscious around the man.

“Why are you here, Mr. Curtis?”

“Mr. Curtis? Come on Rehan, we’re married. Call me by my name.”

Klyde sighed. Wade looks playful but he has no time with that right now.

“Why are you here…Wade?”

Wade’s smile grew.

“Better,” he said, fixing his posture. “You said you need to fix your company?”

He nodded at him.

“I assume you’ll be calling a meeting today?” Another nod. “Great! I’ll go with you.”

“What? Why?” He spluttered.

“Why not?”


“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll just watch,” Klyde resisted a shudder at the nickname. “Just think of it as parading me. Parading your powerful alpha husband in front of the board that screwed you over.”

He looked at the man straight in the eye. There is a playful smirk adorning his lips but his eyes are serious.

Wade has a point. But he doesn’t want to seem dependent to him now. He managed to run his company on his own for years. But he also thinks it’s the best thing to do at the moment. Considering how low they all look at him right now. His company crumbling, together with his reputation. An alpha beside him, especially his husband, would shut them up.

Coming to a decision, he reached to press a button on his intercom.

“Louis,” he called his secretary. “Call for a board meeting in 20 minutes.”

He watched the smirk grow on Wade’s face. Right now, he thinks he’ll do anything for his company. Even if it means submitting to an alpha.