
Genesis Of Celestial Bonds: The Dance Of Souls And Cosmic Threads

In the eons of yore, the cosmos lay in utter desolation, veiled in eternal darkness. Then, on a fortuitous day, a lengthy, ivory root-like spatial rupture manifested amidst the void, resonating with the sublime frequency of an 'Ohm.' From this rift, expanding relentlessly, emerged a silhouette — an ethereal being fashioned in the semblance of a human female. She adorned a tunic of otherworldly design, transcending the limits of mortal perception.

"Bleurp!" resonated the omnipotent being, expelling a cascading torrent of golden merlot that imbued the obscurity with a vibrant, sea-like hue. Gripping her abdomen, marred by a dark incision, she attempted to employ all her healing arts, only to find them futile. "Celestial Gu Poison!… Curse you, Time Apparition, and your accursed Celestial Clan," she cursed, realizing she was ensnared by the insurmountable, soul-devouring venom of the Celestial Clan. Her utterance carried an otherworldly tone, akin to a Sanskrit verse.

Drawing a deep breath, she murmured, "At least, I have gained access to the sanctuary through my Aphrodite Clan's Yin Yang Pendant!" With a pendant materializing in her hand, bearing a pearl split between black and white, she clasped it with ten fingers, shaping it into a lotus. Imploring, she infused her divinity into it, saying, "Seal it for me, if you please."

Instantaneously, with a resounding hum, the pendant left her grasp, unfurling into a myriad of flowers in alternating white and black. These blossoms wove into the tear, akin to a sewing cord, completing the spatial seal. The Yin Yang pendant returned to her hand.

"Bleurp-bleurp!" she expelled golden blood twice more, as a golden mist illuminated the once-lightless realm. Upon inspecting herself, she realized the poison had taken a deeper hold. Her demise loomed gradually. Contemplating intensely, she devised a solitary means to sustain her existence.

Smiling, she declared, "This presents a unique opportunity; through the Nirvanic Rise Technique, I can cultivate the souls of my fallen clan members and myself, using this sanctuary as a crucible for trials and evolutions." Pondering further, she unsheathed her sword and, with an even more sardonic smirk, addressed Time Apparition, "One day, I shall employ the soul of your youngest son, harvested in this evolution scheme, and transform him into my dual partner. Then, I shall return to harvest your soul as well. Mark my words; that will be the time to trample your Celestial Clan." Her words radiated like a solemn pledge, each syllable shimmering across her skin.

Truly, she possessed the unique ability to capture departed souls within a certain radius. During the unending Divinity war between her Aphrodite Clan and the Celestial Clan, she amassed trillions of souls from both allies and enemies. Among them, she fortuitously acquired the soul of Time Apparition's youngest son, a prodigy of his era. In a treacherous plot orchestrated by his siblings during a crucial battle with the omnipotent lady, he fell victim to Celestial Gu Poison. Despite inflicting severe injuries on all seven siblings, he succumbed to the joint onslaught. The omnipotent lady, within proximity, successfully collected his soul.

Upon learning of this, Time Apparition unjustly pinned the blame on her. According to the laws of that realm, an expert of his caliber was forbidden from joining the war. However, there was also a stipulation that the lives of princes and princesses could only be captured, not taken. Exploiting this precarious loophole as an excuse, Time Apparition emerged from seclusion, concluding the protracted war by obliterating the Aphrodite Clan. Only the omnipotent lady managed to escape, albeit injured, employing the Yin Yang Pendant.

Now, she was devising a dual-edged strategy to grind her evolution, employing it to sustain a Reincarnation Spell of Life and Death Cycle. To achieve this, she had to offer her divine body and soul as the central conduit to siphon all the souls.

Having meticulously formulated her plan, she assumed a cross-legged posture in the void, commencing an incantation with a transcendental resonance. Curiously, at the culmination of each word, the resonant 'ohm' echoed, causing the fabric of space to expand and contract, akin to drumsticks striking a vast, cosmic drum. Corresponding to each 'Ohm' tone, the cosmic reverberations collided with the colossal form of the female entity. As an integral part of her mantra, the tones initiated the breakdown of her body, starting from her toes. Each phase transformed into minute particles, culminating in the creation of galaxies. In the span of her breath, trillions of galaxies emerged, spreading and traversing a specific path through the emptiness.

After countless epochs, every part of the omnipotent being had disintegrated. The once expansive void, known as Sanctuary, was now adorned with celestial bodies—stars, planets, moons, comets, and entities later collectively termed the Universe. Only a ball-like entity remained where the omnipotent being once existed—her soul. After a dazzling phase, it transformed into a virtual semblance of her, surveying the expanse of the Universe.

"Hmm, what an aesthetic view," she uttered with satisfaction. "Now, I'll utilize the Divine Division Rock Armament to partition the Sanctuary into nine rings of invisible spherical walls. The innermost ring will be the First Realm, the genesis of evolution, with the lowest form of energy and world law. Upon attaining a certain level of power, entities would undergo a celestial tribulation to ascend to the next realm, the Second Realm. This pattern continues until they reach the Tenth Realm, which must be here, at the very edge of this Sanctuary."

She extended her right palm, conjuring a rusty-like, spherical stone adorned with symbols and numbers on its 64 faces—a Rubicon sphere with an 8x8 configuration. Her hands deftly maneuvered the faces in a pattern, so swift that it appeared as if trillions and trillions of hands were orchestrating the Rubicon sphere in a mesmerizing dance.

Crack! A cracking sound echoed as the password was finally deciphered. Smiling jovially, she tossed it toward the central region of the Sanctuary. Upon reaching the designated spot, the Divine Division Rock Armament activated, erecting nine invisible domes that partitioned the Sanctuary into ten realms.

"Good! Everything aligns perfectly," she whispered to herself. "Now, it's time to breathe life into those countless worlds I've created."

Performing a series of hand seals, two colossal gates materialized before her. With a resounding thud, both gates swung open—one emanating a brilliant white light, and the other engulfed in total darkness, attempting to draw in all surrounding light. However, the Door of Life balanced this pull, preventing the absorption of light.

"The Door of Life and the Door of Death! With this, any soul can experience a complete nirvanic rebirth cycle." She added, "Alright, now, I'll release all the corpses of the ninety-nine tribes I've ever collected." Tossing a jade ring toward the Gate of Life, it floated nearby, pouring countless corpses of beasts and humanoid species into the door. These entities transformed into seeds, dispersing across the countless worlds in the nine realms.

"Now, the souls," In the wake of her command, she clapped, releasing a torrential cascade of souls akin to dandelion seeds. Trillions upon trillions spiraled from her mouth and palms, pouring ceaselessly into the Gate of Life. Simultaneously, she relinquished all her possessions into the gate, a collection encompassing Divine Armaments, Cultivation techniques, and skills encoded within bamboo slips bearing a rugged appearance.

Before long, the meticulously engineered primordial beings sprouted from the soil and rock, the result of her precise craftsmanship. The evolutionary journey of these beings commenced swiftly, marked by rapid proliferation. Even in their demise, their souls were forcibly expelled through the Door of Death, swiftly channeled into the Door of Life for reincarnation within the arbitrary worlds of the First Realm.

Eons elapsed within the First Realm condensed to a mere blink in her perception due to the differential time and spatial laws. Intelligent humanoid species soon emerged, the pioneers who successfully weathered the inaugural Heavenly Tribulation, securing passage into the Second Realm. Thus, the Second Realm became bustling with life.

Observing the ongoing struggles of the beasts and monsters still embroiled in the First Realm, the Omnipotent Female's brow furrowed in consternation. "Ah, what an oversight! I neglected to factor in their limited intelligence. How may I rectify this?" An epiphany struck her, prompting a snap of her fingers and the emergence of a miniature soul ball from her mouth.

For a fleeting moment, the soul ball radiated brilliantly, transforming into the virtual likeness of a handsome youth. Spotting the Omnipotent Female, he exclaimed, "Princess Sasha!" instinctively adopting a defensive stance, startled.

"Relax, Ashlee Buster of the Celestial Clan! You exist in your soul form. Recall, you met your demise at the hands of your brothers and sisters," Princess Sasha reassured.

Memories of his final moments resurfaced, yet Ashlee maintained vigilance, recognizing the lady as a formidable adversary with a history of numerous battlefield encounters.

"Come now. We have transcended our past conflicts. Let go of all that and witness the creation unfolding in Sanctuary," she gestured, drawing the youth to sit beside her despite his futile attempts to break free.

After exhausting all efforts to liberate his soul, Ashlee stood by her side, fixing his gaze upon the expansive virtual screen.

"What are your thoughts, Ashlee?" Princess Sasha inquired after an eon of evolution played out.

Now less tense, knowing he would soon become part of her creation, Ashlee responded, "Evidently, there is a significant flaw, and I know how to address it."

"Ah, then you must enlighten me. Can you?" she prompted.

"Absolutely, I'm willing to, but first, you need to explain why I'm still here," he countered.

"Alright, you have a deal. But, entertain me first. You know you require extraordinary strength and stamina to satisfy someone of my stature, yes?" she teased, winking lasciviously.

Ignoring her provocations, he replied, "Considering the beasts and monsters lack sufficient intelligence, why not gift them the Bloodlines, Dao, and rekindled knowledge?"

Without hesitation, she waved her hand, conjuring ten vials of blood encased in glasses within the void. Engraving a series of sigils onto them, she tossed the vials into the Gate of Life.

Meanwhile, highly intelligent humanoid creatures had already reached the Fifth Realm. After a cohort of beasts reincarnated, they began to manifest unique powers and formidable physical prowess. Their intelligence steadily ascended alongside their strength through repeated evolution. Eventually, they transcended swiftly, climbing to the Fifth Realm, and triggering a war. The combined might of the Beasts and Monsters overcame the humanoid creatures, marking a decisive conflict in the ongoing saga.

"Hmm, now it's good," Ashlee turned towards her, seeking an answer to his earlier inquiry.

"No, it's not just good. You've surpassed it. Hahaha, alright, listen," she continued, "I've kept you here with me because congratulations are in order; you've become the most significant person to me."

Frowning, Ashlee responded, "What do you mean by that?"

"Ash, since I'm also in this soul form, I've contemplated traversing the path of the Nirvanic Rebirth Cycle, and for that, I need a partner." Princess Sasha infused the last remnants of her divine essence into the Yin Yang Pendant and struck it against his forehead, leaving a mark of black and white. "So, I've chosen you as my dao companion for eternity. Mark my words, our fates are already intertwined. In all of our reincarnations, we'll meet, and the moment you lay your eyes upon me, hee hee hee, you'll fall for me."

"No, I disagree."

"Hmm, you don't have a say in this. It's already done. Oh, look—nine of the beasts have already transcended the Eighth Realm," Sasha said with a smile as she began copying all of her memories onto a wooden slab and placed it in the void of the Tenth Realm. "Everything is set, go!" Then she pushed him into the Gate of Life. "Sadly, after treading the path of Nirvana, all of my memories will also be wiped clean." Shaking her head, she jumped into it, leaving the outcome suspended. (Please stay tuned!)

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