
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

You would feel comfortable after a while

"Huh? Isn't it a bit noisy outside, there seems to be someone outside the courtyard."

When Lin Yan went out to check, Qian Daoliu also put down the broom in his hand and hurriedly followed.

After pushing the door, Lin Yan was shocked, "What kind of monster is this?"

When Qian Daoliu heard that the situation was not good, with a flash came to Lin Yan. In an instant, his majestic and surging soul power turned into thousands of golden lights around his hands.

He will immediately take action to kill the so-called 'monster'.

"Please stop!" Liu Erlong exclaimed after seeing that.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang also knelt on the ground with a thump. "Mr. Lin, it's me, Yu Xiaogang!"

"Uh? You are Yu Xiaogang. How come you are like this? You are more ugly than Voldemort!"

Lin Yan wondered, how did the legendary Grandmaster become like this?

However, he added silently in his heart.

It's good.

This kind of scum, it's better for him to die.

"It's hard to say in one word, please Mr. Lin, I beg you to help me."

Yu Xiaogang cried bitterly.

You are the reason for this and now you are asking me how this happened. What can I say?

Help you? Sorry, I really can't help you.

Lin Yan smiled. This guy spied on the countless records of the Spirit Hall, and came out to preach about his so call theory which belongs to Spirit Hall and touted himself as invincible in theory.

Who can compare with this kind of person?

There were a lot of treasures in his hands. But that was given to Zhu Zhuqing and the others.

Besides, even if there is some extra, he would feed them to rabbit. There is no reason to give it to him.

What's more, Lin Yan is also afraid of backstabs.

Think about what happened to Bibi Dong sincerity?

She is just being repeatedly backstabbed by him all the time.

In the end, she resented telling Yu Xiaogang about the twin martial spirits cultivation method.

But aren't you the Grandmaster? Why don't you think for yourself, use your invincible theory to deduce Tang San cultivation.

At that time, when Lin Yan saw this passage, he had the urge to tear up the book.

However, it's an e-book...

Liu Erlong also said: "Please help him, Mr.Lin, as long as you can help him, Erlong is willing to do anything."

'Erlong? Isn't this the legendary Liu Erlong who has a hot temper?'

Lin Yan was startled. But besides the hot body, why do I feel that you are so gentle?

Is it an illusion?

However, looking at her he felt a little embarrassed as her clothes are in tatters.

Her face... is... disfigured?

Fortunately you met me.

Your face can be saved.

"Then you come in with me."

Lin Yan still sympathizes with Liu Erlong and is willing to help her.

After all, this is also a poor woman who was toyed by Yu Xiaogang.

Even in the late period of Douluo Continent, Yu Xiaogang was here and Bibi Dong was gone. What kind of spiritual couple did he form with Liu Erlong?

If you love her, just let it go. She shouldn't suffer such a crime.

"Go in?"

Liu Erlong hesitated, "What about him?"

Without waiting for Lin Yan to speak, Qian Daoliu became angry as he said, "Mr. Lin let you in, is to give you a chance. Didn't you just say that you are willing to do anything?"

Lin Yan smiled, unexpectedly he was also a grumpy old man.

Yu Xiaogang lowered his head and clenched his fists. Liu Erlong's appearance was ruined, but her figure was still unstoppable.

Liu Erlong also realized afterwards and looked at Yu Xiaogang helplessly, but the latter turned his head.

This is, he abandoned me.

Haha.... Liu Erlong only felt chills for a while.

On the way, she was too disappointed. Every time she almost lost her life as she stood in front of this man to protect him, he never even exchanged a word of gratitude. He has always been complains over and over regarding his situation.

Now, this is how you abandon me?

Forget it, I will just use my innocence and help you one last time.

Liu Erlong felt that her heart was dead.

Lin Yan was speechless. You don't have to be like this, right?

This scene is the same as if I am bullying the male lead and female lead, but I don't mean anything else. I just want to treat Liu Erlong's wounds and let the other party change into clean clothes.

After all, a woman still has to be decent.

He opened his mouth to explain but stopped.

Those who are clear will always be clean, what am I afraid of?

As she entered the small courtyard.

Liu Erlong was shocked at first, but soon her expression returned to normal.

She had already felt the magic and power of Lin Yan before.

It's not normal if the house of the boss is not so magical, right?

"Follow me."

As Lin Yan said, he had already come to a small house one step ahead of her.

The hut is by the wall and a bathroom was built by Lin Yan.

Seeing this, Qian Daoliu sat down on a stone bench wittily.

Liu Erlong hesitated, still clutching the corners of her clothes, and followed in.

"Sit down." Lin Yan turned her back.

"Sit down? How do you want me to do it?" Liu Erlong was a little dazed.

Lin Yan was helpless, how do I teach you to sit down?

"Of course you have to use your butt..."

"I...I understand..." Liu Erlong gritted her teeth and dropped her hand on her belt.

Lin Yan asked, "Are you okay?"

"Not yet..." Liu Erlong's voice was low as she was feeling shy.

"It's really troublesome, is it hard? Want me to help you?"

Lin Yan turned around as he spoke. He almost dropped the ointment he prepared in his hand on the ground when he looked at her.

"What are you doing? Put on your clothes!"

Uh.... Liu Erlong, what are you doing? Why are you taking off your clothes...

"I told you to sit down. It has no other meaning. The wound on your face is a bit deep. If you don't treat it, it will leave scars. Sitting down is more convenient for me to treat you."

Lin Yan was speechless, is the human brain imagination ability so strong in this world?

It's not right.

Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and the others would not think so much. There are also Qian Daoliu, Sword Douluo and others, who easily understood what he said. Their receptive ability is extremely strong.

"Ah this..."

Liu Erlong didn't expect that from beginning to end, she would misinterpret the other party's meaning.

Her shy face was almost buried in her chest.

"The ointment I prepared can heal your wound, but it will hurt..."

Lin Yan said.

"It's okay, I can bear it."

Liu Erlong said firmly. As long as she can restore her appearance. She can bear the pain.

"Okay. I admire a woman like you."

Lin Yan didn't say much, and first disinfected her with the disinfectant that he prepared. After that, he applied the formulated snow white ointment to the wound on her face.

However, the effect of this medicine is really painful.

"Uh, ah, Mr. Lin, can you lighten it a little bit? It hurts a little bit." Liu Erlong exclaimed loudly.

Lin Yan was helpless. "I'm already doing it very lightly, but I will slow down for you. You can bear it for a while. It will become very comfortable after a while."

In the courtyard, Qian Daoliu was smiling. It's nice to be young.....

The hut was at the side of the wall, and Yu Xiaogang was very close to it. In addition, Liu Erlong screamed loudly.

Therefore, he heard the voice very clearly. Hearing this his face lost all the blood.

In his mind, a picture that any man understands appeared unconsciously.

Suddenly he just felt that his head buzz.

Hold on, I can do it, I am just using Liu Erlong as a spare tire.

She has nothing to do with me.

Repeating these words in his mind, he kept admonishing himself to be strong.

But after a while, he once again heard them. This time he couldn't keep calm anymore.

Although the sound was lighter, it still didn't escape him ears.

"Does it still hurt?"

"No... it doesn't hurt anymore, it's like you said, it's very comfortable now."

Liu Erlong's voice was a little shy in the end.

"They don't have any shame! They are shameless."

Yu Xiaogang spit out a mouthful of blood and his eyes were black.

May there will be no green hats in his dreams.


MAY 18



Few places in our world are more educational than museums. After all, where else could we hope to see so many pieces of actual history that tell so many stories about our ancestors? From prehistoric spears to Egyptian mummies, from ancient Greek sculptures to medieval armor, and from the first radio to the first planes used in war during WWI, museums have it all. Unfortunately, there are millions of people with direct access to museums that have never even visited one.

There are many possible reasons for this–perhaps they think just looking at old things would be boring, or perhaps they are unaware just how different the world was in the past and see no reason to take an interest. Whatever the reason for not taking advantage of the incredible amount of tangible knowledge museums offer, and regardless of age, International Museum Day is the time to invest in education in its most fascinating form.

Many people may ask why they would invest in something like International Museum Day when modern technology can give them all the answers that they may need. Well, to answer that fairly, all you need to do is a little Google search.

Nowadays, if you need to find an answer to something, you can surely just jump online and get it right? Well, yes, but what you need to realize is that the answer you get is quite possibly wrong.

A study conducted in 2016 on how many of the historical facts you find online were true, had some shocking results. It seems as of November 2016, over 48% of all available historical facts available online are inaccurate or downright wrong. So, taking this into account, you may want to place your fair elsewhere.

The truth is, education is important, so days like International Museum Day should be something to get yourself and your young ones excited for; after all, while there will be children filling their heads with nonsense, you have the ability to fill your children with knowledgey goodness.

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) created International Museum Day in 1977. The organization chooses a different theme for the day and coordinates every year. Some of the themes include globalization, indigenous peoples, bridging cultural gaps, and caring for the environment.

Every year since 1977, all of the museums in the world are invited to participate in this day to promote the role of museums around the world, by organizing enjoyable and free activities around the year's theme.

International Museum Day has become steadily more popular since its creation, with International Museum Day 2009 being participated in by 20,000 museums in over 90 countries. In 2012, the number of participating museums had jumped to 30,000 in 129 countries.

As the years have gone by, we have been blessed to live in a society where while technology seems to want to take over, there have been certain things that are now considered cool that were once reserved for a very target demographic.

While the numbers of participants were slowly climbing almost a decade ago, over the last five years, the numbers are climbing at an even more rapid rate. When we look at this, we may ask ourselves why, and the truth is simple, history is now something that is classed as cool.

Yes, we may live in a technology-driven society, but it seems that the more technology has reigned over the world, people have started to gravitate towards the things that connect them to a world they are scared of losing.

Today, there are more visitors to museums all over the world than ever before, and more than this, there are now more people studying history at degree level than at any point in history.

Now, it may be possible that this is just a point where geek chic is in, and students want to seem more cultural and in touch with the world, but if we stop for a brief moment, could it not be possible that International Museum Day has played a small role in helping entire new generations fall in love with history once again?

The truth may, in fact, be both, but one thing we must remember is that While it may not be as popular as some days, International Museum Day is something that should be held in high importance.

The further we move forward, the more we leave behind, and with all of the things that are now long behind us, we need something to help us remember where we have been, that way, we can take the journey ahead of us with more confidence.