
Saving Zhu Zhuqing from the start

In Douluo, I met Zhu Zhuqing at the beginning… I thought i had reached the pinnacle of life. Unexpectedly, this is just a start. Ning Rongrong, Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong, and Gu Yuena came one after another. But I really just wanted a quite life, I don’t want to be encountered by a goddess again! .................................................... I am not the author of this. I am translating this chapter by chapter so even I don't know what is going to happen in the story. The picture is not mine. .....................................................

dragonNEET2567 · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs


"Haa, this year's vegetables are growing well..." Lin Yan's eyes lit up.

At the same time, he sighed again, "Haa..."

"Mr. Lin, Why are you sighing?" Qian Daoliu asked suspiciously.

If he had these many treasures he will wake up with a smile even in his dreams.

Could this be the legendary rich world that ordinary people don't understand?

"Actually, I am not that interested in these vegetables. The main thing that I am interested is the process. Now they have all grown, and my happiness is gone."

Lin Yan explained sadly.

Do you even listen to what you are saying?

Qian Daoliu wanted to scold his mother very much, but he had to bear it.

"Furthermore, with so much output, what I can't eat can only be thrown away." Lin Yan was helpless.

Throw away?

He actually said..... He is throwing so many treasures if he can't eat it?

Gods, are you blind? Such a waste of treasures, why is the heaven not punishing this guy! ?

Qian Daoliu remembered the weed that he had just collected into the Space Soul Guidance Device.

He unsatisfactorily shed bitter tears.

It was the weed that Lin Yan casually grew beside vegetables, but it also had an unimaginable magic.

Although Qian Daoliu knew that he was very unhappy, he couldn't help but stay quiet.

I can't watch the gangster waste these treasures so badly.

That is a crime.

Finally, when the collecting was over, Qian Daoliu followed Lin Yan back to the courtyard in a desperate manner.

He felt a pain when he remembered Lin Yan, who was uprooted vegetables like a weed.

How many powerful people would this create for Spirit Hall?

Wait...what is he doing?

Suddenly, Qian Daoliu found that Lin Yan came to the pond.

What do you want to do?

Don't tell me you want to feed those rare treasures to these two firefinchs?

Qian Daoliu felt that he might have discovered the truth of the matter, otherwise how could they show signs of returning to their ancestors.

However, he soon heard a sentence.

"You two, lay eggs."

Qian Daoliu's body became rigid... Is he asking them to lay eggs?

But soon he saw it, as the two firebirds squeaked and gave birth to eggs naturally.

When did Firefinchs become so shameless?

Qian Daoliu suddenly felt that everything was so superficial.

It turned out that I was wrong right from the beginning.

And my assumption was very wrong, these two firebirds aren't pets.

They are poultry?

Okay, I'm not sensible anymore. Big brother's world...I don't understand.

Lin Yan quickly picked up two eggs and was feeling very satisfied.

The world where living beings can cultivate is good, even chicken has become refined.

"This egg tastes delicious, and this chicken is very sensible and can lay eggs at any time." Lin Yan explained with a smile.

Seeing Lin Yan holding two firefinch eggs with flame patterns in his hands, Qian Daoliu's eyelids twitched.

The eggs laid by this top spirit beast contained unimaginable spirit power.

Even though he was the great worship of the Spirit Hall, he had never tasted this luxury.

Since firefinch can lay eggs... Then, what about that goose?

Soon food was cooked.

In a white porcelain plate, the red tomatoes were delicious in color and their lightly rolled red peel is like a coat, lined with juicy flesh. The scrambled eggs are golden and elastic. They are also decorated with some green onions and have a slight egg fragrance. It is mixed with the scent of green onions and diffuses in the air.

Guru... Qian Daoliu swallowed his saliva fiercely. Can scrambled eggs with tomatoes be so tempting?

He stayed in the angel temple all the time and he almost reached the state of wantlessness, but now suddenly there was desire in his heart.

No, you can't make a fool of yourself. I have to look away quickly.

Qian Daoliu thought this way, his eyes moved to the side a little.

At this time, Lin Yan just brought up the second dish.

Stir-fried cabbage.

The jade-like vegetable leaves are bright green and white. A few bright red peppers are garnished. It's like a beautiful piece of art.


Who can stand this?

"Quickly eat while it's still hot."

Lin Yan put two bowls of rice on the table and said to him with a smile.

So what if you are the Great Worship of Spirit Hall? You know, so far no one can escape the temptation of gourmet food.

"Thank you Mr. Lin for the hospitality."

Qian Daoliu thanked him, but he couldn't move his eyes off the scrambled eggs with tomatoes on the other side.

Simple cuisine, but extraordinary everywhere.

The red and yellow are like dancing between the plates. You can imagine how delicious the slow-flowing soup is when your tongue tastes it.

No longer hesitating, he took a bite of scrambled eggs with tomatoes.

Sweet and sour and delicious, crispy and smooth.

Qian Daoliu even closed his eyes exaggeratedly and enjoyed it.

When the sourness of tomatoes makes you clever, the fragrance of eggs immediately fills the gap.

How many years... No, Qian Daoliu swears, he has never eaten such delicious tomato scrambled eggs in his life.

Of course, it is also the most luxurious.

He almost burst into tears.

Too many things have happened recently, the Angel God has fallen, and most of his martial soul has been destroyed.

It can be said that he has been hit quite hard repeatedly.

He no longer felt that such a big trauma was a problem after tasting it.

After all, what can't be solved by a scrambled egg with tomatoes?

Yes, let's have another stir-fried cabbage. It can definitely make up for the wounds I have suffered.

It turns out that what ordinary people say that being able to eat is the greatest happiness, it is indeed true.

Happiness came so fast, I am so happy.

Huh... my soul power is growing?

Qian Daoliu was surprised at first, and then became very relieved. These tomatoes contains fragments of the law and firebird eggs contains traces of the ancestor bloodline, when used for cooking, it really should look like this.

If things go on like this, doesn't that mean that there is hope for him to return to level ninety-l nine?

Sure enough, being able to live means there is hope.

"Come on, have a taste of this wine."

At this moment, Lin Yan took out his wine.

Qian Daoliu took the wine and drank it.

The wine entered the throat like a line of fire, and it burned to the abdomen.


This wine is delicious.

It's just a little bit on the top.

Drinking such a high level of alcohol like this, che che che.Lin Yan smiled and shook his head, and poured himself a glass.

In this way, you and I have to drink a lot.

After a while, Lin Yan was also a little drunk.

"Mr.Lin, what do you think of the Gods?"

Qian Daoliu's face flushed as he asked this.

Thinking of the fall of the Angel God, he felt uncomfortable in his heart. It was so much that his heart that couldn't make it through.

In his opinion, only Lin Yan can give him some pointers.


Lin Yan smiled coldly. What is the nature of the gods in this world? This question is too simple.

"I don't look up to them very much, they are just thieves who steals faith."

Thief? A thief who steals faith?

Qian Daoliu was shocked. This answer is completely different from what he perceives.

"Don't you think it is strange? Why does a spirit master who can cultivate but when reaches a certain level, they need a spirit ring to break through? Don't you feel that it is a bit wierd?"

Wierd? Qian Daoliu didn't feel anything before, but now it is indeed a bit wierd to think about it.

"In my opinion, this should be deliberate misleading of information. After obtaining the spirit ring to break through the realm, it seems there is an increase in strength, but in fact it adds an invisible shackle to oneself, restricting one's own development.

After reaching Titled Douluo, a person seems to be very strong, but in my opinion, they have actually become very sick. If you want to go one step closer, you can't do it with your own potential. At that time, if you wanted to go further, you could only absorb the power of faith and inherit the position of God. This is still an external force, and this is the only way. "

Lin Yan said. "And people who can't become Gods? To be honest, the creatures of Douluo Continent, even the Titled Douluo at the peak, are similar to the pigs, horses, cattle and sheep raised in captivity. It's just that cattle and horses produce meat, humans produce a resource. It's faith. In my analysis, I think this is actually a conspiracy."

"A conspiracy!"

Qian Daoliu was shocked, a soul master hunting for the soul ring was deeply ingrained in everyone, but Lin Yan's words completely subverted his cognition.


MAY 12



Unfortunately, many people seem to think that the most important people in the healthcare system are the doctors, but this is simply not true. Ever the underdog, nurses play a key role in all of our medical institutions, being responsible for the welfare, safety and recovery of patients.

Nurses have an enormous amount of knowledge and many diverse skills they spend years perfecting and developing, all the time working in decidedly tough environments where extreme stress is just a part of the job. Nurses help bring new life into the world, care tirelessly for the sick and injured, and sometimes watch the patients they did everything to save pass away despite their best efforts.

On many occasions, it was a vigilant nurse who noticed a mistake in a doctor's prescription in time to save someone's life. Acknowledge the hard work, long hours, and emotional duress that are part of the life of every nurse on International Nurses Day.

International Nurses Day has been created so that we can pay honor and tribute to all of the nurses around the world and the incredible work they do. It is crazy to think about a world without nurses. Who would be there to care for us when we're not feeling well? Nurses bring so much to our lives, and the lives of the people that we love, and so it is only right that we have a day that honors them and recognizes all of their efforts!

Nurses have a very varied role and they are responsible for a number of different things in the workplace. This includes writing care plans for patients, assisting with evaluations and tests, setting up blood transfusions and drips, checking and administering drugs and injections, observing and recording the condition of patients. They will also maintain patient records, mentor junior and student nurses, organise staff, and reassure patients and their relatives. This merely scratches the surface! From responding quickly to emergencies to planning hospital discharges and carrying out routine investigations, the list goes on! Nurses certainly have a huge role to play when it comes to the health and wellbeing of people all around the world.

It all began in 1953, when Dorothy Sutherland, an official with the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, contacted President Dwight D. Eisenhower proposing he proclaim a "Nurses' Day". However, he did not approve her proposal at that time. The International Council of Nurses has celebrated on May 12th since 1965.

May 12th is an important date to all nurses, as it is the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing. In January 1974, this day was finally officially made International Nurses Day. Each year since then, ICN prepares and distributes something called the International Nurses' Day Kit which contains educational and public information materials, for use by nurses everywhere.

There is a different theme that is attributed to International Nurses Day every year. We would recommend taking a look at the theme, as this will give you a better understanding of the focus and could even help you to decide what you are going to do to celebrate International Nurses Day. For example, one of the recent themes was "Nursing the world to health." This theme was designed to focus on the real value that nurses bring to people all over the globe. A lot of the major organizations around the world that embrace this date will use the theme to guide their celebrations and activities.