
Ch 23

Should I really be doing this? Standing outside of a lady's room that I had just meet yesterday. She was really drunk, there was a possibility that she didn't even remember. Regardless, I always tried my best to keep my words.

"Are you going to knock?"

Mark was standing next to me, we were all ready to go.

"Yeah I am."

I hated to look like a fool, if she couldn't remember I would be embarrassed especially since I had a kid here. Knocking on the door, that same lady I met yesterday opened the door. Only covering herself with a thin sheet of blanket over her. It was perhaps an erotic sight to see that would surely make ones heart rate rise but I was more focused on the alcoholic scent that lingered. Only the images of her puking popped up.

"I'm that guy you met yesterday. You said you wanted to tag along yesterday, but I think you were kind of drunk so if you don't want to then-"

She didn't change at all, she nodded aggressively. Closing the door, and reopening it shortly fully dressed.

I needed to get new clothing, remnants of her puke was still on my shirt. I was a bit surprised earlier this morning when Mark told me it wasn't a rental shirt. If I would had knew earlier, I wouldn't have used it. A bummer.

"Welcome! What can I get for you all?"

Arriving at the clothing shop, we were met with a standard lively greeting of a woman with an obvious thirst for money.

Her face had greed all over it.

"I need new-"

Before I could finish, bunch of clothes were shoved at my direction.

"Maybe this one would do? Or this one... They'll all look good on you. How about you buy them all!"

I couldn't see her face with all the clothes shoved in my face but I could sense her money grubbing face. Getting a bit irritated by her approach, she was definitely pulling the strings her.

"There's a changing room, go try them on."

"Also, this little guy needs some clothes as well."

"Oh my... Of course!"

Mark let out a distress huff but I didn't really care. Finally I could breathe.

After a few minutes, we came to finish our time at the clothing shop. With our next destination at the armory shop.

"Thanks." Mark's voice was quiet. It was hard to pick up with the noise from the chatters in the road. He no longer had his plain robe, instead we had gotten him a dark blue tunic, brown slacks, and a grey hood. His unkempt hair was tied into a ponytail with a cloth matching his tunic. He no longer looked like a scrub or beggar. I wouldn't be surprised if some person kidnapped him and sold him off to people with those fetish of young cute boys. I had bought the same color of clothing. The lady passed it off as cute for a parent and kid to be matching. It really didn't matter, I would be wearing armor most of the time anyways.

Upon arriving to the shop, a rhythm of metal crashing together could be heard in the back. More like a song.

"Excuse me."

The noise stopped and a man came out from the door to the back. A muscular man that could easily be mistaken for a dwarf with his frame. He was taller than a dwarf but shorter than the average human height. His arms was exposed and his hands covered by smithing mittens. Wearing a leather a standard leather apron. This man's face was blocked by a piece of metal. Lifting it off his face, his strong features complimented his muscularity.

"What can I do for you?"

"I would like to browse your armor first."

"Hrmmm. Your job?"


With the mention of the word mercenary his opened his eyes wide, shifting his gaze between me and Mark.

"A mercenary and a kid... You're a bodyguard for this kid, yes?"

"That's right..."

Mark looked at me, his face full of questions.

"I don't know kid."

"Follow me."

Listening to his command, the blacksmith led us pass his work space to another room. It was his bedroom. It had almost nothing in it beside a bed and a table covered full of disorganized schematics. What really caught my attention was the pieces of armor mounted on the wall. It wasn't flashy but it was well crafted. The armor showed no metallic properties such as lustre. It was fully dark grey and the edges of some pieces were black. It was as if it was made of rock. He grabbed the pieces off the wall and then proceeded to start touching my arms.

"What are you doing?"

"Grabbing measurements. You can have this for free."

This was all too fast and suspicious.


"Few days ago, you saved my dad yes? This is my appreciation for saving him."

"Hrm. Ron's son?"

He did look like his father. A younger version of him. Although the path they chose were really different.

"This armor was meant for him. He use to be one of the greatest adventurers out there until he took a severe wound and had to retire. He became a merchant and stayed a merchant. I made it in hope he would return back to being an adventurer years ago once he recovered from his wound. My finest creation using multiple of rare materials. It would be better used on someone then collect dust."

"Is that fine?"

Hearing his explanations, It really seemed too much to graciously accept it. I'm confident this armor would cost a fortune to obtain. The veins in his head was clearly visible and was growing bigger.

"Yes! Don't make me explain more. Just take it. Armor is just metal in the end. It can always be obtained with money but, you can't buy people back from the dead."

"Ah- thank you."

"I'll have it ready for you in an hour."

"I'm also looking to purchase a weapon as well."

He rose an eyebrow and leaned one ear closer to me.

"What kind?"

I would normally choose a long sword but I needed to reconsider. Long sword were useful in killing unarmored humanoid beings but what I'm now up against would most likely be different. The current mission was The Land of Old, home to monstrous beings. I needed a weapon strong enough to bypass the rough protection these beings had.

"Something not too heavy but useful in penetrating tough protection and perhaps can be used in daily things."

"I got the thing for you."

Leading us back to the front counter, he picked up an ax etched with strange symbols. The tip was sharp and could be used to pierce, the back was flat and could be used as a blunt. The ax could be used to cut flesh or wood. It wasn't long enough to be considered a poleaxe and it really was handy for multiple of situations. I handed my entire sack of coins, it would surely take almost all the funds out of it. Only taking a coin out, he handed the sack back.

"I'll give you a discount. Come back in an hour."

Disappearing off into the back, we decided to go as well. Arriving at a restaurant, we took a seat. With both Mark and Ene sitting and behind their menus, they really did seem alike. Both shy.

"I don't think we introduce ourselves yet"

She was a strange lady. To follow two strangers around without even knowing their names, she must've live secluded or something to not be wary of strangers. Though it was a bit of my fault for not giving her my name yesterday.

"I-I'm Mark."

Mark looked down as he introduced himself. What returned was not a response but the stare from Ene.


Noticing his distressed face, Ene leaned across and patted his head.


Mark's face lit up like a dog seeing his owner. Friends... Did he have any? As soon as this friendship was established Mark went on a story telling spree after confirming she wasn't going to talk. From when we met to present time. Ene responded with a nod every once in a while show she was still listening. We were finish with our meal by the time he got to the tournament part of the story.

"Yeah so he participated in the tournament and lost! I was so scared. I thought he was going to die, I had to heal him myself.

What? he healed me even though the kingdom had a dedicated special healing team for the tournament... That was quite odd.

"Yeah so now that he's good, we're going to The Land of Old today right after this."

Mark smiled. He was truly obtaining a more natural smile compared to when I first met him.

"But... I'm going to miss you."

As Mark said this, he started tearing up. It was quite entertaining seeing a boy crying over a friend he made just an hour ago. Starting to sob, Ene placed her hand on his shoulder and pointed at herself.

"You want to go too?"

She nodded in response to his question. As she did, she began flexing both her biceps indicating she was strong. She looked quite proud of them as well.

"I don't have any money to hire you though."

She stuck both her hands out and shook her head. Trying to find some sort of way to communicate, she gave up and resorted on talking.

"I want... to go there too."

Her face was flushed red as a strawberry. Her and Mark were alike, taking care of one was already a handful. If she had some sort of expertise, it would be handy. I wouldn't deny her tagging along, beside it was his adventure. Again Mark looked at me for approval.

"Yeah, I don't see any problems with it. We'll meet up at the second side gate. It'll be a while since we have to do errands."

She nodded vigorously and a ray of positivism seemed to emit from her eyes.

"I'm going to go retrieve the armor and buy some rations and that sort. We'll see you then."

We departed from the restaurant and headed to do our errands. What a strange person, I wonder if she's a combat person. I couldn't imagine her being a mage since she doesn't like talking. I'll see in a bit but whatever she is, If I need to protect her along with Mark then I'll figure something out.