
Saving the Warrior With The Iron Leg

Anastasia was given a second chance to live again. She decided to live the way she wants, but to do so, she must save the warrior with the iron leg. He is her only hope to escape from the dark life that she once lived.

Dream_catch · Fantasy
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30 Chs

...The Good Hell...

The first day of the hellish training was finally over. The soldiers crawled back to their tent without giving a damn about food. No one could walk straight after those tense exercises, especially the nobles. They were completely worn out...

- What the hell did happen today? How could that commoner do such a thing to us? I can barely move my muscles.

- Yeah, I'm going to send a letter to my father telling him about all of this. If I knew training will be this hard I would stay in my home.

- Me too. I want to leave this nasty place right away.

Meanwhile, Anastasia also went back to her tent, but unlike the nobles, she was very happy. She laid down with a big smile on her face.

- My lady, are you okay? I saw the other soldiers looking awful.

- I have never been better

Lucia put her hand on Anastasia's forehead:

- Are you sure? Maybe you are having some kind of shock due to that torture.

- Stop it, I'm fine...I'm totally fine...Though I'm exhausted, I'm extremely happy.

- Why are you happy? What did happen exactly, I was busy cooking so I didn't have time to watch.

- Well, at first I was very nervous when he said that he will train us himself, but then I became glad. I could show him how much I'm serious and the difference between me and the other nobles. No one will doubt me or dare to ask me to leave. I finally took my place.

Lucia sighed:

- I don't know if I should be happy or sad. I only wish that madam will never get hurt.

- Don't worry Lucia, I will be fine...By the way, can you bring some food to me, I don't think I can't walk back to the kitchen?

- Of course, I will. I can see how much your legs are swollen.

Meanwhile, the commander was having a meeting with Sergio and Sir Ron.

Sergio seemed pissed off while the commander ignored him.

- For the first-day training, I think you went overboard.

- Why? I trained them

- No, you crushed them. you should at least go easy on the nobles. They won't accept what you did to them. You made them train with their silk pajamas.

- Didn't you find it funny?

- No, I didn't. the last thing we need now is the nobles' anger.

- Don't worry, they won't do anything.

- You should have accepted the title that the king gave to you. Why did you refuse to be a Duke?

- I hate that community. How could I accept being one of them? Those people thought that they can buy anything with their money...But they can't buy honor.

Sergio looked quite surprised:

- What's wrong, Sergio, why are you looking at me like that?

- The count's daughter said the same thing.

- She did!

- Yeah, when she said those words, I realized that she is different from the other nobles. She has never used her father's money or position since she came here.

Sir Ron interfered:

- You are right, even in the training, she showed wonderful skills.

- There is no reason for you to kick her out, right?

- I can't trust her.

- Why?

- I'm still doubting her reasons to be here. Keep a closer eye on every move she makes.

Sergio stood up to leave:

- Please, don't act harsh toward her. And if you want to keep treating the nobles this way, you better accept that title. it will protect you if anything happens in the future

- The only thing that will protect me is my sword, as for those losers they came on their own. No one invited them, so they should respect at least the camp rules and the other soldiers.

In the morning, Anastasia headed toward the training ground while feeling enthusiastic.

- Today, I will show him more of what I got. I will gain his trust, then I will tell him about what did happen in our past lives.

When she arrives, she noticed that all the nobles were present at the right time, but their faces looked frightened due to what they have been through the day before.

Zachary approached her:

- Good morning, Anastasia. You seem okay.

- Yeah, it wasn't that big deal.

- I was surprised by your skills. It seems that you trained a lot in the past.

- Yes, I did. Since I was thirteen.

- To be honest, I heard a lot of rumors about you. I became sure that most of them are lies.

Anastasia looked at him while wondering:

- Are you a noble?

At that moment Zachary realized that he made a mistake.

- Oh, I'm not. My sister works in a Marques house. When she visits us she told us about the rumors that were spreading in the noble society.

At that moment, the commander and his assistant came.


The arrogant son of the Duke was about to talk back to the commander, but the others stopped him.

- Stop, don't talk to him. Yesterday you made him angry and he tortured us because of your inconvenient words

- But, I was doing it for all of us.

- Don't, we will do whatever he asks us. The king is on his side anyway. Don't trigger his nerves again.

The Duke's son felt so angry, but he didn't have a choice other than backing off and listening to his commander.

" I will make you pay. "

The training started. Anastasia did her best like the day before. She ran, climbed, and jump over whatever they put in front of her. It was kind of rough, but she endured everything. She only showed a smile on her face, unlike the others who were frowning and complaining.

Suddenly, while she was running, someone expanded his leg and make her trip on purpose. She fell and her ankle twisted.

Sergio and Zachary hurried towards her:


- I'm okay...

They helped her to stand up, but she couldn't walk.