
Saving the Warrior With The Iron Leg

Anastasia was given a second chance to live again. She decided to live the way she wants, but to do so, she must save the warrior with the iron leg. He is her only hope to escape from the dark life that she once lived.

Dream_catch · Fantasy
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30 Chs


As soon as Valdimir left Anastasia's tent, he called for Sergio:

- What do you want?

- I want every detail about her stepmother.

- Alright...

As for Anastasia, she took some moments to realize that the commander allowed her to stay and continue her training.

His words made her confused:

" What...What did just happen? Does that mean that I will stay here? But why did he change his mind? Was it because of that incident?... Well, it doesn't matter anymore as long as I'm not going back to that mansion at this time. This means that my plan is still on, but how am I going to convince him to marry me in one year? It is impossible to make him fall in love with me...Should I just ask him to pretend that he will marry me...Considering his tough personality, that will be hard. He will never accept doing such a thing. After all, why would he do it for me? I still need more time to get to know him better. Maybe I will be able to convince him somehow.."

Lucia came back while looking happy:

- MY LADY, I heard that you don't have to leave anymore. You are allowed to stay and to continue your training.

- Yeah, the commander told me so. He gave me one week to heal, then I can go back to the training ground.

Zachary also came to visit her after hearing what did happen in the city:

- Anastasia, Are you okay? I heard that you got injured badly.

- I'm fine, there is nothing serious.

- Do you know why those bandits attacked you out of nowhere?

- I don't know. I hope our commander will tell me after he finishes investigating them.

- I'm not sure about that.

- Why?

- The commander put all the bandits through hellish training. I don't think they will be able to say a single word after what they have been through. It will be surprising if they stay alive...

- Was it that hard?

- It was hard to the point that I felt kind of sorry for those bastards..Well they deserved it.

- I noticed that our commander is a very tough man. Maybe the war turned him into such a person.

- To be honest, I was surprised that he forgave you after you disobeyed him. Our commander has never given a second chance to anyone.

- Yeah, I'm thankful for that, I will be more careful from today onward.

After one week, Anastasia became fully recovered. The commander didn't come to visit her since that day, which made her kind of disappointed.

" What's wrong with me? I shouldn't have high expectations. Even if he saved me and forgave me, that doesn't mean he is interested in me. That man's heart seems made from steel just like his leg. I must only try to get on his good side, that's it. "

She prepared herself and went to restart her training. A lot of soldiers gathered around her and expressed their happiness to see her again.

- We are glad that you didn't leave the army.

- Yeah, me too.

" These punks are happy because Lucia will stay and she will keep cooking their meals. "

Not after too long, The commander came. He walked slowly through the training ground. Of course, he noticed Anastasia's presence, but he ignored her.



He started the training as usual. Though he decided to treat her like the other soldiers, he ordered her to do less tiring exercises.

On the other hand, Anastasia wasn't acting her usual self. She kept standing in the back and tried her best to avoid Valdimir and his gaze.

" I'm not ready yet to confront him. I know that I should get closer to him, but I feel like he will push me away if I force myself on him. He will kick me out without hesitation if I make the wrong move. I will take things slowly..."

By the end of the day, the training was finally over. Valdimir intended to leave without talking to her, but, unconsciously, he approached her. It made him kind of annoyed that she didn't smile at him and talked to him as usual.

- How are your injuries?

- They are healing fast.

- I will go easy on you until you completely heal. After that, you will be treated like the other soldiers.

Anastasia couldn't look into his eyes, she bowed her head.

- I understand, commander.

Then she rushed back to her tent.

Valdimir went back to his tent while looking gloomy:

- What is wrong, commander?

- Nothing...

A few days passed by and Anastasia kept avoiding any contact with him. She didn't make eye contact with him and she kept their conversations short.

" What the hell is wrong with me? I'm supposed to approach him, why am I running away? I couldn't bring myself to act like I usually did. When he looks at me, I feel that he will either scold me or ask me to leave. "

At dinner time, she sat like every night beside Zachary. They became quite friendly, especially since Zachary has a strong sense of humor. He made her laugh and forget about her worries.

- Hahaha what a joke!

- Do you want to hear another one?

- Yeah, I don't mind...

While everyone was chatting and enjoying their meal, Valdimir came. It is unusual for him to show up at dinner time.

Sergio ran toward him:

- Commander, do you need something? You should have called for me instead of coming.

- I don't need anything from you. I came to have my dinner. Is there any problem with that?

- N...No

Sergio wondered about his commander's sudden change of behavior.

" I will never get to understand that man. "

Valdimir took a glimpse of Anastasia, and that was the first time he saw her smiling like that.

" At least she doesn't look nervous. I guess being around me is uncomfortable for her.."

When their eyes met, he took his plate and sat a little far away from the soldiers. He knows that his presence will make everyone uncomfortable and that was his main reason for not sharing his dinner time with them.

" What the hell am I doing? The soldiers look like they are about to choke. This is useless. Why did I come in the first place? "

When he was about to leave, suddenly Anastasia popped right in front of him. She smiled despite that she was so nervous.

" This is my chance to end the awkwardness between the both of us. But why do I feel this nervous? it is not our first time having a conversation. "

- C...Can I eat with you?