
Saving the Warrior With The Iron Leg

Anastasia was given a second chance to live again. She decided to live the way she wants, but to do so, she must save the warrior with the iron leg. He is her only hope to escape from the dark life that she once lived.

Dream_catch · Fantasy
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30 Chs

...Face To Face...

Anastasia finished her first day in training. Her skills passed Sergio and sir Ron's expectations. She managed to defeat two other soldiers who were considered strong.

- That woman is very good, I'm impressed.

- Yeah, I thought that she came here to show off, but it appears that she can fight very well.

- I think the commander will allow her to stay.

- No, he won't. He said that she must go back to her home because she is a woman and she shouldn't stay in such a place.

- Well, she seems determined. Sending her home won't be an easy task.

Anastasia went to her tent to have a break, she was satisfied with what she showed on the first day.

- My lady, did you finish? How was your first day?

- Yeah, I think I have a high chance to stay here...but I didn't see that commander. Where the hell is he? I didn't find him anywhere.

- Well, I saw him yesterday.

- You did?

- Yeah, he came to the kitchen and he was very scary. I couldn't stand in front of him. I advise you to not meet him. I heard some soldiers say that even his heart is made from iron.

Anastasia burst into laughter:

- Hahahaha, that's can't be possible. Rumors tend to exaggerate. I'm sure that he is a good man, it's only the war and the rough conditions that made him like that.

- I hope so.....come on, you must be hungry. The food is ready.

Anastasia went to join the soldiers. She noticed that they were all looking at Lucia with admiration.

- Wow, Lucia. You gained their love in one day.

- Yeah, they said that the fastest way to a man's heart is his stomach.

- I see that you are enjoying this too!

Lucia smiled:

- Yeah, this is the first time I receive so much gratitude. I like it because it makes me feel worthy.

- I'm glad that you like it.

Sergio came in a hurry to help Lucia in serving food. In fact, a lot of soldiers volunteered to do so, but he insisted on doing it himself.

- The smell is very good! The soup looks very delicious!

- Yeah, I baked bread as well...Let's serve it before they get cold.

Like the day before, the soldiers enjoyed their meal, their faces showed warm smiles while they were eating.

Anastasia sat on a bench and started eating. She kept looking around hoping to see that commander.

At that moment, A soldier came and sat beside her.

- Are you looking for someone?

- Yeah, I hoped to see the commander.

- He must be eating in his tent, he rarely showed up.

Anastasia felt that she knows the man, she kept staring at him to remember where she saw him in the past.

" I'm sure that saw that blond hair and blue eyes in the past....but where?'

- Oh, I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Zachary you can call me Zach.

- Nice to meet you, Zack, I'm Anastasia.

- Yeah, I know, you are Count Gilbert's daughter. You became quite famous. You and your servant lightened the mood in this place.

Anastasia felt embarrassed:

- Well, I'm glad to hear such a compliment. I hope the commander thinks that way too. I wanted to meet him, but he never gets out of his tent and no one is allowed to enter except for Sergio.

- Our commander is a mysterious man, he rarely came out, yet he knows everything going on here. Maybe because the war ended he is taking a break as well. You will meet him eventually, don't worry.

Anastasia seemed a little bit disappointed.

- I didn't imagine that seeing him will be this hard

- I can help you to see him tonight if you want.


- At midnight, when everyone is asleep, come to this place again. I will take you to him.

- Alright...

Anastasia was very excited, she went back to her tent and waited for the right time to go meet Zachary.

She kept recalling the warrior's last minutes when he was dying on the fountain and asking desperately for God to accept his sacrifice.

" Finally, I'm going to meet him tonight. Should I tell him about what did happen in the past life? Will he believe me? I will decide when I meet him. "

At midnight, when she was about to sneak out l, Lucia grabbed her hand.

- My lady, where are you going at this hour?

- I'm going to meet someone. Go back to sleep.

- But, Sergio told me that it is forbidden to wander around the camp in the middle of the night! You will get in trouble!

- Don't worry, I won't be late...

She left her tent and went to meet Zachary where he told her to wait for him. It was too dark, she could barely see where she was putting her feet.

- Where is he? I hope he didn't forget about our meeting.

- I didn't forget.

Zachary's sudden response freaked her out.

- I'm sorry, did I scare you?

- It's okay....take me to the commander.

- Alright, follow me, but be careful to not make any noise.

- Why? Where are you taking me to?

- To the place where the commander usually trains. He can't sleep, so he spends the whole night in training. Do you still want to go?

- Yes, I do.

Anastasia followed Zachary through the forest until he suddenly stopped.

- Why did you stop?

Zachary asked her to stop talking and to look ahead of her. It was that legendary warrior. Finally, she saw him. He was swinging his sword shirtless. Anastasia couldn't take her eyes off his perfect body which was full of scars and big muscles.

" Wow, what a shape! considering how much he is sweating, I think he has been training for so long "

His skin was tanned due to the countless wars that he participated in, but his face was a little bit different from the past.

" He looks much younger. His black hair is slightly longer, and he has also a slight beard. Maybe that's his warrior look and it will change later when the king will banish him...Wait a minute! I still don't know his name!"

After watching him for a while, Zachary asked Anastasia to leave.

- Why! I want to talk to him!

- If we get caught, we will be severely punished. Let's go back.

- Wait! I can't just leave like that!

Suddenly, a sword was thrown in their direction and it pierced the tree that they were hiding behind.


Said The commander while walking in their direction.

Zachary's face became pale.

- This is it, he will kill us, what should we do?

Anastasia pulled him back:

- Stay here, don't show yourself.

Then she stepped forward to meet the commander without a fear:

- This is me, Anastasia...