
Saving the Uchiha by Starting with the Destruction of the Leaf

*THIS IS A TRANSLATION* https://mtlnovel.me/info/uchihas-god-of-muscle/ Also known as The God of Muscles in Uchiha Having crossed into the world of Naruto, reborn as Itachi Uchiha's uncle, I've also awakened Dio's Stand, "The World." Have you ever seen a Uchiha pumping iron? Broad as a mountain, shoulders like truck tires, face etched with Araki's lines. Tearing Zetsu apart with bare hands, stomping on Tailed Beasts, wrestling with Kaguya. Heard of the Cloud Village's unique Lightning Release Body Flicker ruling the ninja world? I've created the Uchiha's Yin Release Illusion Body Technique. Heard Itachi wants to annihilate the clan? I'd slap him into next week, making my nephew search the ground for his teeth. Heard of Tobi's invincible might? I can punch through the void with one fist. I am the God of Muscles in Uchiha.

Read_and_Chill · Anime & Comics
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277 Chs

Chapter 92: Uchiha Military Operation!

As the sun set and night fell, the Leaf Village was particularly lively.

Ninjas and villagers who had finished their day's work either lingered in the bustling commercial streets, took a stroll by the Leaf River in the evening breeze, or had romantic rendezvous in the small park...

People were thoroughly enjoying the pleasures of nightlife.

Until late at night.

Around midnight, the lights in the homes of the Leaf Village gradually went out, leaving only the Hokage Building, which operated 24 hours a day, and some all-night casinos and barbecue shops, still brightly lit.

The Uchiha clan's area on the edge of the village was even more pitch-black.

Not a single light was on.

The eight hundred members of the Uchiha clan, nominally villagers of the Leaf, actually kept their distance from other clans and civilians, living in their own little world.

Since the Uchiha clan handed over the police department, this clan had even less contact with the village, leading an almost isolated life.

In the darkness of the clan's area, it seemed that all the Uchiha had gone to sleep, all was quiet.


Whoosh, whoosh.

Under the dim light, shadows flickered, disappearing in a flash on the streets, trees, and rooftops.

The Uchiha ninjas were silently gathering in one direction.

In a forest near the Naka Shrine, Uchiha Fugaku stood with his arms crossed, waiting.

In the open space in front of him, dozens of clan members had gathered, standing in several orderly rows, and more were still arriving.

Each Uchiha who arrived silently joined the ranks, without any whispering or noise.

This showed a high level of discipline.

Next to Fugaku, Dan stood calmly, shoulder to shoulder with him, looking at these clan members.

They were all dressed in the Uchiha's high-collared blue robes, their belts full of various weapons and ninja tools, such as kunai, shuriken, senbon, short swords, long swords, explosive tags, ninja scrolls... all fully equipped.

Each person was a walking arsenal, completely ready for a major ninja war.

If the people of the Leaf saw this, they would definitely think that the Uchiha were about to launch a coup tonight.

After a while.

"Has everyone arrived?"

Fugaku asked, his gaze sweeping over the crowd.

Tonight, all the elites of the Uchiha were present, including eighty ninjas who had awakened the Sharingan, and twenty others who had not activated the Sharingan, but whose strength was above that of a Chunin.

Exactly one hundred people.

After confirming that everyone had assembled, Fugaku cleared his throat and gave a simple pre-battle mobilization speech.

He looked at the clan members and said slowly in a calm and authoritative voice: "The Uchiha are a clan of warriors. As descendants of the Sage of Six Paths, our clan has a history of over a thousand years, leaving a glorious reputation in both the previous Warring States period and the current era of ninjas.

In the long river of history, only the once powerful Senju clan could rival the Uchiha.

Now even the Senju have perished, and we Uchiha still stand tall, proving that we are indeed the strongest in the ninja world!"

Listening to the clan leader recount the glorious history of the Uchiha.

The clan members all looked eager, their faces full of pride and honor, proud to be a member of the Uchiha.

Tsunade, who was listening, felt a bit uncomfortable.

Especially when she heard about the extinction of the Senju, it made her frown slightly, but under the cover of night, no one noticed.

She felt an impulse to refute Fugaku face to face, questioning the Uchiha's claim to be the strongest.

But thinking that she was the only remaining member of the Senju clan, Tsunade fell silent.

Fugaku paused for a few seconds, then continued, but his tone changed:

"For the past fifty years, the Uchiha, as elders, have created the Leaf Village, but we were lured by the Second Hokage with power, meticulously crafting a cage to trap us.

That cage is the police department.

Our clan members, every day dealing with trivial matters in the village, constantly exhausting their talents and youth, also had to endure the misunderstanding and even abuse of the villagers.

The Uchiha, far from the blood and fire of the battlefield, became domesticated tigers, gradually losing their sharp eyes and sharp claws.

Fortunately, we finally woke up, united as a clan, and struggled to break free from this cage."

At this point, Fugaku glanced at his brother-in-law.

The clan members also looked at Dan, thanking him with their eyes for showing the Uchiha the right path, all without words.

Finally, Fugaku raised his voice and stated the purpose of gathering the clan members.

"This operation is to take back what belongs to the Uchiha, the historical books of a thousand years, the many secret techniques developed by our ancestors with wisdom, and the clan treasure, the Gunbai! Of course, we also want to destroy the enemy's lair and shatter the conspiracy against the Uchiha clan!"

After this impassioned speech the clan members were all eager, just waiting for the clan leader Fugaku's order to start the operation.

Fugaku thought for a moment, then turned to his brother-in-law and said:

"Dan, before we set off, why don't you give this operation a codename?"


Upon hearing this, Dan looked at the Uchiha people, glanced at Tsunade next to him, and had an idea: "This operation is full of danger, but my friend, who is highly skilled in medical ninjutsu, is willing to serve as a military doctor and fight alongside the Uchiha. To thank him for his help, I propose that the codename for this operation be... Surgery."


Hearing this codename, Fugaku's eyes lit up.

Dan's meaning was that the Uchiha were like a surgical knife, directly stabbing into the enemy's lair, removing the threat of the Mountain Graveyard to the Uchiha.

Just like a doctor removing a lesion with surgery, fast and precise.

Moreover, through this codename, the Uchiha expressed their respect and gratitude to the "Legendary Sucker".

"This codename is cool."

"No wonder he's the boss, I'm planning to open a massage shop soon, and I'll definitely ask the boss to help me come up with a good name."


The clan members also nodded in agreement, casting respectful and friendly glances at Tsunade.

"Cough, cough."

Tsunade covered her mouth with her hand, pretending to cough, but in her heart, she was quite pleased with Dan's flattering words.

Ah, there was no helping it.

She had originally thought she could slack off if possible, but now that Dan had hyped her up, she would have to put in more effort when the time came.

"Well then, let's get ready to set off."

Fugaku didn't dawdle any longer, and as soon as his words fell, his eyes turned into the pattern of the three-tomoe Sharingan.

The next second…Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Seventy or eighty pairs of Sharingan lit up in the darkness, like a pack of bloodthirsty wolves with red eyes.

Tsunade was startled and instinctively stepped back behind Dan.

Although she was confident in her transformation technique, being exposed to so many pairs of Sharingan, she couldn't help but worry about being seen through.

Just as the Uchiha were about to start their operation.

Crack. In the forest, a crisp sound suddenly rang out, as if someone had stepped on a branch.

"Who's there?!"

In an instant, dozens of Sharingan turned to look, and to their surprise, the newcomer was... Shisui.

Shisui, with his eyes closed, emerged from the darkness and walked slowly towards them.

"Why is Shisui here, wasn't he ordered to stay in the clan area?"

"His bandages are off, could it be that his eye disease is cured?"

As the people were whispering, they suddenly stopped talking, and the sound disappeared.

Because under their gaze, Shisui slowly opened his eyes, and a pair of four-cornered shuriken rotated in his pupils, emitting an incredibly enchanting light.

His Mangekyo Sharingan, had returned.

"I'm sorry, I'm late."

Shisui said, looking apologetic. He had taken some time to readjust to his own eyes.

"That's great."

Shisui's arrival made the Uchiha even more excited.

With this, all three Mangekyo Sharingan users of the Uchiha would participate in this "Surgery" operation, and the operation was bound to go more smoothly.

Compared to the excitement of the clan members, Fugaku and Itachi were more surprised.

Because they had seen with their own eyes that Dan had taken Shisui's eyes, and now, what was this situation?

Fugaku couldn't help but look at his brother-in-law and asked, "Dan..."

"I told you, I was just temporarily helping Shisui keep his eyes. Now is the time when the clan needs him, and he has repented, hasn't he?"

Dan whispered to his brother-in-law.

Itachi, standing next to them, was shocked with his mouth wide open.

Knowing Dan as he did, he had always thought that Dan would never return Shisui's eyes after finding an excuse to take them.

So, had he wronged his uncle?

Thinking about this, Itachi felt even more confused.

What was his uncle thinking? He was getting more and more confused.

He could never guess what his uncle was going to do next.

"Dan." At this moment, Shisui walked towards Dan and gave him a warm smile, saying, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will fight for the clan."

Dan also gave a slight smile, patting Shisui on the shoulder:

"Good, let you take the lead when the time comes, show your best."


Dan returned the eyes to Shisui, just to use him, letting Shisui be the first to rush up and fight in the upcoming battle.

After the matter is over.

If Dan is wary of Shisui's Kotoamatsukami, he can just find an excuse to take the eyes back.

After all, for the Uchiha, the Sharingan is like a USB drive, plug and play, very convenient.

Dan likes to beat his nephew when he's free, and he can also play with Shisui's eyes back and forth.

It's all for fun.

Of course, Shisui wouldn't know what Dan was thinking.

Seeing the smile on Dan's face, he innocently thought it was Dan's trust in him, and even felt moved, his eyes glistening with tears of gratitude.

With Shisui's arrival this time, all the elites of the Uchiha were truly all present, without exception.

So Fugaku took a deep breath, his eyes sharp, and directly ordered:

"Move out!"

As soon as his words fell.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The Uchiha members leapt one after another, darting through the forest.

On this pitch-black night.

The elite of the Uchiha clan silently left their clan area, left the Leaf Village, and headed towards the Mountain Graveyard thousands of miles away...

Charging forth with murderous intent.