

Taking up her breakfast and sit in the rocker enjoying her meal as the phone started to ring again, "Whoever it is, I am not home."

Nine o clock, Christa walks to the cow pen. Observing the new herd of haulstine cows he bought, it was very intriguing, which she love looking at.

Back home she attended to all the animals. and have learned so much from Papa. Few times when the vet came and ask for someone to assist.

She always volunteers to assist him with the delivery of calf or lambs. Especially when the mother has trouble giving birth.

Reaching the pasture, there were only a few cows in the pen, the men who knew that I come by to look at the heard.

Just wave to me, doing the same then I walk to the other pens Visiting the pigpen, noticing two of the pigs had delivered during the night.

Entering where they were, counting the piglets. "You two did an exceptional job ladies."

The workmen who were cleaning the pigsty observed while she strokes both mothers then she lifts each piglet examining them.

Overhearing her, "Not bad ladies you have given us ten males and seven females. Your master will be proud, Louise and Laura would love to see you all."

Sitting with them making sure they all nurse properly then she waves to us and moves across to the goat pen.

Noticing there were only a few goats inside, the others were out on the field.

Walking this distance was tiring and the pulling behind her cabs was just a way of saying, 'You have overdone it today.

Sitting under the huge almond tree, opened her bag taking out her lunch. Washing her hands then munches on her meal.

Enjoying the cool breeze, Christa stretches out. Mr. Fortune property is huge thinking I am tired and

I will rest for half an hour then return to the stables.


Walking into the hall Carla notices Jerome was already home. "Jerome, what were you doing in Tom's room?"

"I wanted to see Tom."

"What nonsense are you talking Jerome?" Massy shouted. "You know Tom van is not home and when his van isn't around he is not home.

Look Jerome if he finds you in there you are in for trouble. I heard him warning you about going into his room on many occasions. Now I only hope you did not go to provoke his wife.

Your previous behavior towards her is unforgettable. And I don't want a repeat episode do you hear me."

"Why would you think such a thing Massy?"

"Listen to me Jerome, and just try to understand, Tom is married to her, and if you continue to make mischief.

You are going to make bad for all of us, now get out of his room this instant."

Jerome had just reached down the stairs when the family all troops in one after the other.

When Mom and Dad walk in, then Tom came in fifteen minutes later. Hearing everyone asks, "Tom, where is Christa?"

The place was already beginning to get dark. Thomas looks around then said, "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Thomas, you were supposed to take her with you." His parents respond.

"When did we decide that?" Thomas asks.

Thomas knew since they were married and she had the visitor he had avoided her. Only placing the rose in the room and leaving.

Then return late so he won't have any reason to communicate with her. "Thomas," his dad reply, "We told you two weeks ago we would be out this Friday and returning today."

"Dad, I have completely forgotten, with all the arranging of sales for next weekend. And today I went visiting the Waterfield auction sale so it completely slips my mind."

"Thomas, you are neglecting her, so when something goes wrong in your marriage. Don't go blaming anyone except yourself."

"Dad, why do you feel something will go wrong?" Thomas asks, knowing he has a special gift for her on their first month anniversary.

Tightening his hold on the bag, then turn to go upstairs.

"Thomas where do you think you are going?" His dad asks.

"Dad, you all want to see Christa, so I am going to get her." Holding the bag behind his back as he enters the room.

Thinking that she was already asleep, but she was nowhere around. It is almost nine-o-clock, already, checking the washroom. 'I only hope she didn't leave and return to her home?'

Checking the draw I place her money. Seeing all the money neatly tie in a rubber band inside a pair of sucks.

Whispering, "She must be around somewhere, but could Dad be right? When I think of avoiding her, she will be curious and want to make conversation.

"Oh Lord, am I making things worse by shunning away?"

Opening the wardrobe but all her things were still hanging. Resting the gift bag on her side of the wardrobe then close it, and hurried downstairs.

"Dad, Christa is not in the room."

"I could have told you that," Jerome said.

"What are you talking about Jerome?" Thomas asks looking at him angrily.

"I went to your room thinking you were home," Jerome respond to his question.

"You did what?" Thomas advance towards him in just a few strides and with such rage. Massy had to grab him as he rushes towards Jerome.

"How many times have I told you not to go into my room?" He shouted at Jerome.

"You don't seem to listen, I have warned you on many occasions to don't go into my room.

Just suppose when you enter my room and Christa is indecent, what would she do?

Jerome, I am begging you for God's sake don't go into my room. This is my last warning, I am not single anymore."

Watching him walk towards the door, then he turns around suddenly saying to Jerome.

"You know what Jerome, from now on when you are coming home, call."

Noticing everyone looking at him when Thomas shouted at him.

"Next time I come home and find you here, I will throw you out, do you hear me?"