

Thomas steps aside as Aliza leaves everyone and walks out the dining room, and Michelle follows her.

The other two just sit there, just like the other family members speechless. 'I thank God she is proud of me, and I am sure that when the family gets to know Christa better.

They will also be proud of the decision I made. I just have to keep a cool head and a still tongue.'

Thomas sees his Manager enters through the front door then step out, seeing the family all turn to look at him. When Jason said, "Boss, we have the new herd you order."

"Then let us get about with that business immediately."

Leaving them all with their mouth open glaring after him. 'I just hope the manager didn't hear anything Aliza was saying.'

With the new herds of cattle, it had Thomas occupy the entire week.

Ensuring that the vet came and examine each of them, then he had to go personally and get all the treatment that was recommended.

Thomas administer the course of treatment which took more time than he had anticipated. Being free Friday afternoon Thomas took his time dressing.

Noticing Christa lingering around in the room.

Christer thought, 'He didn't say where he was going to her, and she had no intention in asking.

Thomas realized she was lurking around him. 'Maybe she was waiting for me to tell her where I am going? Should I tell her?'

Turning to look at her when he notices she was looking out the window. 'Could I be wrong?'

When he heard her shriek out and she cover her mouth. "Oh no," but then she ran out of the room and down the stairs.

Looking out the window wanting to know what had caused her to react in that manner.

Seeing this tall gentleman stood looking around. His hair was black and neatly trim. Observing she ran straight into his open arm.

They embrace each other then he swirls her around. Then, hand in hand she leads him away from the house. "Is this her Paul that she was going to marry?"

Feeling this burning rage inside but he just completed his dressing. And hurriedly went to his van and drive away.

Thomas's parents looks on as she ran out to meet the person on the lawn then watch as Thomas leave.

"Cynthia, do you think Thomas is falling in love with Christa?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know that Sam? She ignores me and everyone else in the house and disappears most of the day. When he is not home, then return before dinner."

"What do you mean Cynthia?"

"Since her friends left, and Aliza returns to her apartment. I thought maybe I could try and get to know her.

Mrs. Marva says, she fixes her meal and eats then packs whatever remains and goes to the pastures."

"My love, maybe she and Thomas have been spending time with each other."

"Spending time, you say, then why it is every evening when he comes from the back he asks, where is Christa?

And look how angry he is, I only hope he calms down before reaching to that meeting?"

"I didn't know he had a meeting today Cynthia, when did he tell you that?"

"Sam, yesterday, I took a message for him from a young lady. She was saying he forgets his appointment Monday. So she wanted to reschedule the meeting for two this afternoon."

Cynthia notices the way her husband was scratching his head. "Honey, I am confused."

"I can see that but what about Sam?"

"Honey, Thomas had a luncheon set for Monday but the week was so busy with his new herd. I know he misses that luncheon. I was with him the entire day. I don't think he is that stupid?"

Sam and Cynthia turn to the footsteps as it approaches, hearing the laughter. Shocking to hear her calling them, "Mom and Dad."

Something she has never done since Thomas and she got married. "Errol, meet Thomas Mom and Dad."

"Mr. Fortune, I am happy to meet you both. My sister speaks very highly of you. When I received her letter, I came immediately.

My dad was very concerned when he received the news."

"Please have a seat," Sam indicated Errol to a seat.

Cynthia rings the bell as Errol notices the maid appear, "Mrs. Marva gets some refreshment for our guest please." Cynthia instructed.

"Please ma'am just water thanks." Errol said politely looking at Thomas's parents once more, then he ask, "So, is my sister misbehaving?"

Hearing her father-in-law saying, "She has only joined the family a week now, so she is adjusting slowly."

"I am glad to hear that, my sister told me that your son has a ranch?"

"Yes, he does."

"I am so happy to hear that, my sister loves attending to the animals back home. She takes care of all my Dad's herd.

We will all miss her very much especially my Dad. I was hoping to meet the young man but my sister said he was out."

"Yes, he is, but you could, stay the night and meet him when he returns from his business," Sam said.

"I am sorry Mr. Fortune, my Dad was worried when we received Christa's letter.

So I came as soon as possible, now I am satisfied that she is happy and safe. So I can take the news back to him.

I cannot delay any longer, my sister must have mentioned I am a Pastor. And I have my church service to conduct. So please take care of her and I will take my leave now."

Shaking their hand, "I wonder where Christa has disappeared to now?"

"I am right here Errol." Cynthia saw her with a bag wondering, 'What is it she has taken and sent to her family.'

Hearing her saying to her brother. "I have written all their names in their gifts, and tell them I will visit soon."

Cynthia and Sam notice the way he hugs her so lovingly, then they both walk out of the house.

"Christa, I want you to take care of yourself and I will write to you often."