

Leaving after five that Wednesday morning. Thomas reaches home almost nine-o-clock. Walking with the envelope that the lawyer had drawn up for each of the men to sign.

Going to the back Thomas decided to interact with the men, He knew it was important to know who is responsible for injecting his cow. Busying himself trying to solve the mystery.

Firstly he set about getting the fingerprint of each of the herd hands.

Seeing Jason first he asks him to get all the men together, saying he wants to have a small meeting,

By half ten he had given each of them a contract which his new lawyer had prepared so they can sign the agreement.

Half one Thomas had all the contracts with the men signatures, and fingerprint and the envelopes Christa had with the fingerprint from the syringe to get it tested at the lab.

'Afraid that Jason might be the one responsible, but he was not, none of the herdsmen were involved in any way, but who could it be?

That is responsible and capable of having access to the premises that he was unaware of? The men must have trusted him but then Jason said he was alone and had no visitors.'

Fear creeps in, 'Jason is a very responsible person and he takes pride in attending to the animals.

If Christa found the syringe and went to the lab, then whoever did this wickedness must be angry and want to take revenge? I don't think Jerome would stoop this low?' Thomas thought.

Wednesday night as Thomas lies on the bed trying to figure out the puzzle when his mind went back to the incident with Paul.

"Nah, that can't be possible, he won't dear return in this compound. Thomas knew the way Paul was angry he could spite him. I must speak to Jason once more."

Early Thursday morning visiting the pen seeing Jason, "Boss you are here early, did you need something?"

"Come and sit for a moment Jason, I have something very important to discuss with you."

"It sounds serious Boss?"

"It is, now I want you to think back to that day when the vet came, and Christa insisted that he attend to the cow?"

"Boss, I told you I was alone in this pen."

"Jason listens to me, my cow was injected with a poisonous substance, and I am not accusing you but just as the person came and inject the cow.

They could do the same again, do you understand what I am trying to say? Who knows what else they could attempt to do again, think back please?"

"Look Boss, I can't recall any visitor and you know we don't allow anyone to enter past the fence. The only other person is your house guest, she comes regularly."

"I know she comes and I am going to reveal something to you in confidence. Jason my house guest is my wife, and you have seen for yourself she cares for the animals a lot.

Also, she is the one who saw the person drop the syringe that injected the cow. Jason because of her quick thinking the cow was saved."

Seeing the shock on his face, "Oh my goodness Boss, she must be thinking it is I that did it. Because I give her such a fight down when the vet came?"

Thomas sees him bend his head, "Oh my God if she wasn't determining, then that cow would have died."

"Yes, now go back in your mind, say about two-o-clock, what were you doing?

Because from the report I received she went to get the substance in the syringe tested about three-thirty.

It must have taken her about an hour, maybe a litter more, because she wasn't well and had to walk, then take a taxi before she reached the lab."

Thomas notices when he sprints off the chair, "Oh my good Lord, Boss how could I be so forgetful?

Boss, I received a call from the hospital stating that my brother Jim was in an accident.

I left the ranch for like twenty-five minutes and rush home to check on mom. Only to hear that Jim was asleep. I never thought it was a diversion, oh gosh I am so sorry."

"Okay, I understand but can you recall the person that calls you?"

"No Boss, but the person said they were calling from the hospital."

"Which hospital, did they say they were calling from?"

"Boss they say it was Plain View, but if they had plans of entering the Ranch. Then it had to be someone calling from not too far away, in-fact maybe they were watching me."

"Okay, was it a male or female that spoke to you?"

"Boss it was a female, that why I didn't suspect anything, I thought there was some kind of mix-up."

"Okay, I will check on it, and thanks, Jason."

Watching Boss leave, then thinks, 'This is all my fault, he had such a great loss. That cow that die was very expensive and he had great plans to train the young that die.

How could I allow such mishap under my watch? If only I find out who did this wickedness I will penalize them myself.

Slumping down on the grass thinking, That person had to know me and Jim for her to call his name, so how could it be a mix-up thinking about it now?

Whoever did this wickedness had plotted this for a while and also was watching the pen.

But how could they enter the premises and no one saw them hanging around. I should ask the men if they see anyone suspicious loitering around.

Thinking back if he could recognize the voice. Coming up with nothing, then he thinks if someone wanted to spite him.

Jason scratched his head, "Could it be someone who wanted to spite the Boss and this news of marriage. when did he marry?

It never crosses my mind that he will get married, hearing the report from the other ranchers of different women he take along when he visits their ranch.

Oh God, could it be possible that one of those women want to seek revenge on him when they heard of his marriage?

But when did he get married and no one in the ranch knew?" Hearing the men talking, Jason stood up and went to wash his face.