

As Thomas drives along, it seems that the air-conditioning in the van isn't giving sufficient coldness to quench this extra heat that is radiating from his body.

'What is the matter with me, I am accustomed to this heat. So what is causing me to feel this way?'

Feeling as though the heat continues to be unbearable, Thomas turns the AC to the coldest.

As the cold breeze circulates the inside of the van. Thomas had already unbuttoned his shirt to the waist so the cold breeze could reach his back.

  His chest was feeling much cooler just his back now, 'God this feels so much better.'

He just wanted the coldness to remain this way, but five minutes later Thomas heard her sneezes a few times in the back seat.

As her hand moved to cover her mouth, Thomas realized she was being affected by the coldness.

Smilingly Thomas thinks, 'Is she allergic to the coldness? but then he thinks a few minutes ago when he was experiencing the terrible heat she was praying for him. It seems that prayer was answered because I am feeling a slight bit better.'

Christa looks at him and then returns her gaze outside, thinking to herself, 'Why on heaven's name am I feeling so cold? It is not like I am not accustomed to coldness. And from the moment I sit in the van, I got this chilliness.' Hugging herself although she had on a thick sweater.

Thomas views the review mirror once more. 'I can't believe she has on so many pieces of clothes but he could see she wasn't pretending especially the way she hugs herself. Her face was white as though all the blood had drained from her head.

So how on earth is the coldness penetrating inside all those clothes and affecting her? While I feel this heat is so unbearable.

She is experiencing this coldness in the van, and I am experiencing the heat from outside. What a pair we are! In fact, we are opposite to each other. Right now all I need is a few more minutes of this coldness. And then I will turn it back to just having the van cool.'

Glancing through the review mirror, he observed how she leaned against the door as she folded her arm hugging herself to keep warm.

Hearing her teeth rattling, Thomas switches off the AC immediately. 'My God she is not making a trick, I only hope she is not getting sick.'

These days, the day is so hot and so much longer, and the night is shorter. I wonder what sort of weather conditions she left in her homeland or state. And from which country or state she is visiting?'

When she sneezes again, having no choice, Thomas turns the AC to give her some warmth

Thirty minutes later Thomas, swings into the driveway feeling much better now. When he heard her whisper although her teeth were rattling, "Wow, this is awesome."

Wondering, 'What is it she sees that she likes so much?

Many of my friends had visited my ranch before, but she was the first who seemed to like what she saw.

Her voice was soft and gentle, it was only then she removed that weird-looking pink hat.

Thomas observes there was another obstacle that covered her face and head.

'Good Lord, where did she originate from? That sunglasses are so huge and that hoody covers her head.

The little I can see is that her complexion is fair, and she sounds excited about something?'

Noticing she was viewing the orchard as she winds down the glass and reaches her hand out.

She seems to like the fresh air, 'Why does that please me so much?'

Hearing her clear her throat, Thomas looked through the review mirror thinking, 'She was going to say something.'

Her eyes were looking at the mirror as though she knew exactly what I was thinking.

  'Is that possible? Naah, that can't be,' but then he notices the smile on her lip. Afraid to think, Thomas heard her chuckle and looked outside. Christa saw the huge mansion and wondered how huge the property was.

The yard at the front had no more parking space so Thomas continued driving to the back, He parked in such a way that if anyone else came he would not be blocked or blocking anyone else. Thinking, 'He will have easy access to drive out if necessary.

Before he could say we were here, she had already alighted the vehicle with such vigour and closed the door.

  He noticed the way, she was looking around, he could even observe from her expression that she was pleased with his property.

The bag was at her feet and both hands were over her head in such a lazy way, that it was as if she was taking a good stretch.

Thomas was still unable to see her face but said, "If you will follow me, I will show you where the guest room is and get Aliza for you."

Observing the way she nods so childishly, but who cares, 'I have done my part and got her here, now Aliza will be responsible for whatever happens next.'

  Without hesitation, Thomas leads the way, he hears her footsteps following behind him. Reaching the side door, just to enter the hallway Thomas heard the murmuring and he stopped abruptly without any warning not wanting to barge into their conversation.

Unexpectedly he felt her body collide with his sending him straight into the group of gossiping women.

When he turned around to look at her, thinking she would be rig+ht behind him she had already disappeared completely out of sight.

Being put in an odd position Thomas said, "Ladies, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to drop in like this."