

Raising his head seeing all eyes on him. "What! Why, are you all looking at me?"

When his mother asks, "Your wife was unwell, is there a problem with her?"

"Mom, last night she drinks some milk and got upset with it. I told you this morning she cannot use certain dairy products, so she brings it all up.

And another thing, I never reported anything to you all before. And I am not about to start now."

"I only hope she is not pregnant?" Massy responds.

Standing up Thomas scoffed at them, "You all make me sick." Everyone looks at him as he shoves the chair aside and storms out to the hall.

"Mish, you are Christa's best friend, is she pregnant?" Sylvia asks, being curiously herself wanting to know. 'Maybe this is why she is getting married?'

"God Sylvia, I can't believe you would ask such a dumb question?" When she was about to respond Christa responds instead.

"Yes, Sylvia I am pregnant, but please don't worry. I explain my situation to Thomas when he proposed to me before we got married.

He didn't mind because he wanted to remove any stain that will come upon his family. It was also the reason I agreed, it will remove any stain in my family as well.

So now everyone knows the truth, now can we all discuss another topic please."

"I knew it," Massy shouted. "But how could he be so stupid, no one forces him to get married?"

Thomas stood away from everyone's sight, listening to her. Wanting to know what would be her response.

'Lord, why did she have to say she was pregnant? What is her reason for doing that.'

"You say stupid, and I agree with you. I beg him to annul the marriage and no one will know.

Yet the stubborn fool won't listen. So now I am stuck in a marriage just like him, just to save the family name. What a waste, especially when no one appreciates the sacrifice."

Noticing when she took a few footsteps then turn and said. "Oh, and one other thing. I understand why he did it, but what I can't figure out is. Why did no one else come up with a better solution earlier?

There were so many gossiping and murmuring circling the Church. And you call him stupid, yet he is the one to save the family name."

"You are a very rude young lady." One of Aliza's brother's replies, he looks like the eldest boy.

"I suppose I am, and I am very sorry because I am outspoken. You are also one of Aliza's brothers, right?"

"Yes, and what does that have to do with your outburst?"

"Nothing I supposed, and I said I am sorry. I had observed while everything was in a chaotic state.

You sat very comfortably just observing and laughing like other guests. While your Dad and Mom were freaking and frantic.

Not once did you come to console them nor did the others seem concerned? You might even think I am insolent but I help.

So I have a say, you don't. As you know carrying the name is not all. Up-keeping is what matters.

I stood with your brother and save face for the family." When the others were about to say something.

Thomas steps in, "I have heard enough." He snapped. Looking directly at Christa, wanting to thank her for her boldness.

Instead, his outburst sounds strange even to his ears. "You have said enough, now I need to speak with you."

Christa looks into his eyes. 'Why do his eyes say something else? And his lips said another, well who cares.'

Bending her head and obediently began walking away. Hearing a chuckle, Christa just slowly turns and looks at them.

Then turns and continues walking unable to hold back the tears. When Thomas said, "Mom, Dad I need to speak with you."

"Not now Thomas." His mother said sounding angry like himself.

With his footsteps fast behind her, then he held her hand. In the room, he slams the door, "What the hell is wrong with you? They are my family.

Do you want to agitate them and make trouble in my life? Do you want the family to hate you, is that your plan?"

With his back turned towards her unable to look at her. Feeling such rage deep within. Yet he wanted to love her and comfort her.

Afraid to be sympathetic with her Thomas just shouted.

"Answer me, if you feel this is one of your tricks to get out of this marriage, you better think again?"

Christa just listens as he rants and raves not saying another word. "I didn't force you to say yes, you accepted this marriage willingly. From now on I will not tolerate you abusing my family, do you hear me?"

Waiting for a response, recalling her outburst but getting none. Thomas turns around, only to see her hands covering her ear.

And her face was wet, the tears were just flowing. Angry with himself for abusing her.

Thinking, 'He should have listened to his heart instead of his head, since we got married she has been constantly crying.'

Kneeling in front of her, "I am sorry for touching you without your permission." Touching her face, "I will not tolerate this insolent behavior.

And why for God's sake did you lie about being pregnant? I know you want to help and I thank you.

Whatever you told the family was not wrong. It was true, but please getting the family angry is not the answer."

Seeing her nodded, pushing away his hand that was stroking her cheeks. And lies down quietly only whispering, "I am sorry."

Wanting to comfort her so much, that the loud voices downstairs caught his attention.

"You rest, let me see what is their problem now?" Walking down the stairs angry at their outburst towards her.

'Why can't they see she has dug us out of that pit of shame and embarrassment? Yes, I got what I wanted but she could have said no. Then it would have been difficult to fulfill my promise to her.'