
Saving My Boyfriend From An Evil Villainess

In the Kingdom of Greencourt, Princess Andrea's world is turned upside down when her beloved prince, William, is kidnapped by an evil villainess (for literally no reason at all!) With her heart set on rescuing her true love, Andrea embarks on a perilous journey, facing treacherous terrain, dangerous beasts, and deadly magic. Along the way, she meets a band of unlikely allies, including an absurdly beautiful angel-looking fairy priestess and a mini-unicorn dad with a bad attitude. As they draw closer to the villainess's lair, the princess must summon all of her courage and strength to confront the evil villainess and save William before it's too late. But love can be lost and found, even in the most unlikely places... Find us online at: https://linktr.ee/savingmybf IMPORTANT: This web novel is AI-Generated using ChatGPT. All content is edited for story-telling purposes. All art is AI-Generated using MidJourney or similar technology. This web novel is designed to be a short story and is planned to be completed in mid-2023.

SavingMyBoyfriend · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Storming The Evil Villainess' Castle

Despite the Princess' weary eyes, she knew what lay in front of her. The distant silhouette of the castle was shrouded in mist and shadow and stood as a foreboding presence against the dawn sky. Andrea knew it was normal to feel a sense of dread, but it simply didn't feel... right. An aching thump took hold of her chest, and her hands shook with anticipation.

Andrea shook her head, clearing the fuzziness that had leaked through her brain. She was just tired, she told herself.

After returning to the lookout with Etherea, Juno, Oakley and Roy, the realisation their journey was coming to an end loomed over them. The Princess squinted her eyes, the sun casting a faint glow through the clouds. She turned to Roy; her voice filled with a mix of nervousness. "Roy, you're sure we'll reach the castle by nightfall?"

Roy nodded; his gaze unwavering as he scanned the path ahead. "Yes, Miss Ma'am, we're making good time. The bricks that maketh Odessa's stronghold aren't far now. We must stay focused and cautious."

Etherea tightened her grip on the braids she'd been fidgeting with since seeing the castle.

Oakley fidgeted with his backpack straps, his eyes flickering with a mix of worry and determination. "Juno and I are ready to take her down."

Juno nodded, his eyes gleaming with newfound strength. "I won't let her hurt any more of my babies. We'll get them back and get justice for your parents Oak."

The young boy wiped a sleeve over his eyes quickly. Etherea enveloped the boy in a hug, whilst Juno nuzzled at his knees.

"And we'll get justice for Sir Jamathon," Andrea said strongly.

With the castle looming before them, their mission to confront Odessa had reached its pinnacle.


As the crew approached the castle under the fading light of dusk, they huddled together, voices hushed and nerves high. They knew they needed a well-coordinated plan to confront Odessa and her cronies.

Juno, it was decided, would create a diversion, giving the group time to attack. Etherea would take to the skies as the team's aerial assault, disorienting and weakening any enemies from above. Oakley had crafted a stash of grenades; he informed the group with pride. He would throw these explosive devices, creating chaos and confusion among Odessa's forces.

Oakley told the adults that it was all about precise aim and calculated timing to ensure maximum impact. They all nodded cheerily, simply glad that he wasn't insisting on being at the front of the battle.

Roy would stay at the backline, ready to tend to any injuries or provide support in critical moments. And Andy... Well, she would do her best with Jam Jam's sword. She'd only been at it for a few weeks, Etherea had reminded her, but she felt strong and capable, a true warrior now.

The group made their way to the gates of the castle, their footsteps echoing in the stillness. They crept through the courtyard, but they were met with an eerie silence.

Juno couldn't resist and remarked, "You know, I can't help but wonder if we got the wrong address. Maybe Odessa decided to move to a different castle. Must have forgotten to leave a forwarding address."

But beneath the light-hearted banter, a sense of caution remained. They continued their advance through to the foyer, senses heightened. The mysterious absence of resistance only frightened them more, but Andrea refused to back out now. She had to confront Odessa.

As Princess Andrea stepped further into the castle, her breath was momentarily taken away by the unexpected sight before her. Contrary to her expectations of a gloomy and damaged interior, she found a scene that felt strangely warm and inviting, yet modest in its simplicity.

Warm fires crackled in the many hearths, casting a soft glow that illuminated the rooms. The air carried the comforting aroma of freshly brewed tea and the lingering scent of sandwiches as if enjoyed just moments before.

The group's eyes wandered about the space, captivated by the subtle traces of life that remained. The castle, despite its grandeur, was infused with a sense of warmth and familiarity.

It was a stark contrast to the desolate and haunting image Andrea had painted in her mind.

With a mix of caution and fascination, Andrea continued her exploration, her steps resonating softly on the castle's aged floors. The Princess was surprised at the beauty and comfort displayed in the castle; she couldn't believe its owner was a bak-stabbing bitch of a villainess.

The group finally arrived at a pair of massive doors looming before them. With a collective breath, Etherea and Andrea pushed the doors open, revealing a sight that held them in awe.

The throne room unfolded before their eyes, a magnificent space adorned with opulence and grandeur. The room was bathed in a soft golden glow, emanating from the grand chandeliers suspended overhead. The walls were embellished with tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and noble triumphs, from setting throughout the empire, from places Andrea couldn't believe existed.

At the far end of the room, two thrones sat side by side, each a masterpiece. The first was crafted from rich, polished wood, intricately carved with golden accents that depicted mythical creatures and swirling patterns. Its presence exuded strength and stability.

Beside it stood the second throne, equally resplendent, but with a distinct air of elegance and grace. Made of gleaming silver, its ornate designs reflected light in a dazzling display.

As the group stepped further into the space, a sudden crack echoed through the room, startling them all. Their attention was drawn to none other than Odessa herself. She emerged from the shadows, gracefully settling herself upon the magnificent silver throne.

The sight of Odessa on the silver throne sent a shiver down Andrea's spine, Odessa's presence intimidating the Princess. Her regal posture and confident gaze spoke volumes of her authority.

As the group stood before Odessa, tension filling the air, Juno's frustration and worry bubbled over, bursting forth in a voice filled with anger and concern.

"Where are my kids, you evil bitch!" Juno's voice reverberated through the room, the words sharp and cutting.

Etherea outstretched her hand in a calming gesture. "Calm down Juno, we have to be calculated with our attack." Her voice was firm yet gentle as she intervened, seeking to rein in Juno's fiery outburst.

As the group stood before her, Odessa reclined on the gorgeous silver throne, an air of confidence and control emanating from her.

"Well, well, well," Odessa's voice carried through the throne room, her tone leisurely and relaxed. "It seems you have finally arrived, right on time too."

Her words were accompanied by a slight smile, her eyes glinting with a mischievous spark.

Andrea, her eyes locked with Odessa's, couldn't help but notice the absence of malice in her voice, causing a flicker of uncertainty within Andrea.

"Oh, my dear Princess Andrea," Odessa spoke with a measured tone, her voice carrying a melodic quality. "Prince William is well, I assure you. He has been a most delightful guest here in my humble abode."

The casualness of her tone and the hint of affection in her voice seemed to juxtapose the weight of her words. It left Andrea puzzled, unsure of Odessa's true intentions. Andrea's brows furrowed, a spark of jealousy shooting through her. What kind of "delightful" experiences had Prince William partaken in with Odessa?

"Prince William has experienced only the finest delights in my castle, he might not even wish to leave," Odessa stated plainly.

Enraged by Odessa's insinuations and fuelled by her determination, Andrea lunged forward, sword raised high above her head, ready to strike. But before she could land a blow, an explosive sound filled the room. Oakley had swiftly thrown a grenade, aiming to disrupt Odessa's hold on the situation.

However, in a display of otherworldly power, Odessa effortlessly halted both Andrea's assault and Oakley's grenade mid-air. With a wave of her hand, the objects froze in their tracks, suspended in time.

"Oh no, that simply won't do," Odessa remarked, her voice dripping with a mixture of confusion and amusement. "You underestimate the power I possess."

With a swift motion, Odessa released a burst of energy that engulfed the entire group, rendering them unconscious.


As Andrea's eyes fluttered open, she found herself bound to a chair at the end of a long dining room table. The room was dimly lit, the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows along the walls. Her companions, Juno, Etherea, Oakley, and Roy, were all seated along the sides of the table, unconscious and securely tied up.

At the far end of the table, regally seated in a grandiose chair, was Odessa. Her presence commanded attention, her gaze fixed intently on Andrea. A devious smile curled on her lips, a mix of satisfaction and anticipation.

"Well, well, Princess Andrea," Odessa purred, her voice dripping with a velvety smoothness that sent a shiver down Andrea's spine. "I must admit, I didn't expect you to be the first to awaken."

Andrea's heart raced, her mind scrambling to find a way out of this predicament. She strained against her restraints, but they held firm, her attempts futile.

"What do you want with us, Odessa?" Andrea demanded, her voice laced with defiance, though she couldn't help but feel a tinge of unease. But before Odessa could answer, footsteps sounded in the corridor.

Andrea and Odessa's attention was suddenly drawn to the entrance of the dining room. Prince William strolled in nonchalantly, his presence commanding attention. Andrea's eyes widened in surprise and confusion as she locked gazes with him.

Prince William was the epitome of golden retriever energy, radiating warmth and affability wherever he went. His tousled blonde locks framed a face that boasted a perpetual sun-kissed glow. With his tanned skin and easy smile, he embodied the quintessential image of a basic white man, exuding a casual charm that was both familiar and approachable.

"Oh hey, Andrea! What brings you around?" Prince William greeted with a carefree smile, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

Andrea's voice caught in her throat as she struggled to find the right words. She didn't know what to make of Prince William's unexpected presence and casual demeanour.

Prince William scuttled off to the side of the room, promptly returning with a chair. With a cheeky grin on his face, he manoeuvred Juno's chair slightly to make room for himself, sliding it down the table.

"Mind if I join you all?" Prince William asked, his voice brimming with a lighthearted charm.

Prince William settled into the vacant chair, casually leaning back and crossing his legs. He seemed entirely at ease as if he were a resident of Odessa's castle.

Andrea's mind buzzed with questions, but for now, she had to focus on the immediate challenges before her. The presence of Prince William only heightened the urgency of their mission.

Odessa leaned forward, resting her chin on her hand, her eyes gleaming with a mix of malice and fascination.

"I suppose you're wondering why I've orchestrated this elaborate plan, why I brought you and your friends across these lands," Odessa said, her voice soft. She leaned forward, her eyes locked with Andrea's. Andrea couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"I have a gift, Princess," Odessa continued, her voice low and mesmerising. "I can glimpse into the future, albeit in fleeting fragments. And in those visions, our destinies entwined in a dance of fate."

Andrea's brow furrowed in disbelief. "You expect me to believe that? That our encounters were meant to be?"

Odessa's lips curled into a gentle smile; her eyes fixed unwaveringly on Andrea. "Believe what you will, my dear princess. But there is a depth to our connection that goes beyond mere adversaries. Fate has woven a tapestry that binds us together."

Andrea's confusion deepened; her emotions warred within her.

"You're toying with me," Andrea retorted, her voice laced with scepticism. "This is just another one of your manipulations."

Odessa's expression softened, a hint of vulnerability flashing across her features. "I understand your doubt, Andrea. But I assure you, there is more to me than meets the eye. I have felt a magnetic pull toward you. Perhaps fate has forged this connection, for better or worse."

Andrea's guarded gaze met Odessa's, uncertainty flickering in her eyes. The princess struggled to comprehend the depth of Odessa's words, her perception of the villainess slowly shifting. Andrea couldn't deny the peculiar allure of Odessa's presence, the enigmatic force that drew her in.

Etherea, Roy, Juno and Oakley began to stir, their eyes fluttering open one by one. Their attempts at communication are stifled by Odessa's magic, despite Juno's attempt to shout. Uncertainty and wariness clouded their expressions as food and wine materialised before them. They exchanged wary glances, silently questioning the presence of Prince William and the intentions behind this unexpected act of hospitality.

Odessa, seated at the head of the table, observed their hesitation with a serene yet knowing smile. She extended a hand, her magic lifting the food to each diner's mouth. The aromas wafted through the air, teasing their senses, and tempting their hunger. Prince William, on the other hand, was heartily enjoying his lamb and vegetables, chowing down with manners that made the Princess cringe.

Andrea watched as her friends hesitated, their guarded instincts warning them of potential danger. Yet, Odessa's magic persisted, unwavering in its persuasion.

One by one, they tentatively accepted the goblets at their lips and sipped, their taste buds greeted by an unexpectedly rich and delightful flavour.

As the group indulged in the feast before them, a sense of warmth spread through their bodies, their initial apprehension melting away. Though still unable to voice their thoughts, their eyes betrayed a mix of curiosity and anger – what was Odessa doing?

With the rest of the group now fully conscious, Odessa shifted her focus back to Andrea. The flicker of curiosity danced in her eyes as she leaned forward slightly, her voice carrying a subtle mix of intrigue and amusement.

"Do you care for him?" Odessa inquired; her tone laced with an enigmatic undertone.

Andrea's brows furrowed, confused. "Him? Who are you talking about?" she responded, genuinely bewildered.

A knowing smile tugged at the corners of Odessa's lips. "Prince William," she said obviously, throwing her hand to the man who was now happily slurping up a bowl of chicken soup.

Andrea's eyes widened with a start. Prince William, the literal love of Andrea's life that she had totally not forgotten about.

Despite this, Andrea blurted out, "No! I don't care for him!"

"I don't even know him, not truly. Our encounters have been short, and I harbour no romantic feelings towards him," she finished with a sigh.

A ripple of shock coursed through the assembled group. The revelation hung in the air, lingering with an unsettling weight. Andrea's friends exchanged startled glances, their expressions a mix of shock, Juno's jaw on the floor.

Princess Andrea dared a look over at her betrothed, but Prince William seemed unphased. He shrugged, "It's true. We've met like - twice? She could be a fake Princess for all I know. Her hair is shorter than I remember... Was she even blonde? Honestly, I couldn't tell you."

Etherea rolled her eyes. Despite her not being able to speak, her facial expression clearly eluded to her disgust for the male species and their lack of empathy or attention spans.

Meanwhile, Odessa's smile widened, a glimmer of satisfaction gleaming in her eyes. Andrea's realisation freaked her out big time – why on earth would she say that, she didn't even know that was the truth. She –

She realised what had happened. The truth serum-laced food had achieved its purpose, laying bare the depths of Andrea's emotions.

Andreas shifted between her friends, their silent questioning evident in their eyes. It was a vulnerable moment, her feelings laid bare for all to see. Yet, amidst the shock and uncertainty, there was also a flicker of understanding, a shared realisation that Andrea's heart held secrets yet to be fully revealed.

Andrea turned her gaze to Odessa, furious by yet another betrayal.

Odessa leaned back in her chair, a contemplative expression gracing her features. She regarded Andrea with a mix of curiosity and intrigue, her voice carrying a hint of fascination.

"Andrea, what is it that you truly want?" Odessa inquired, her words hanging in the air, laden with a sense of anticipation.

Andrea locked eyes with Odessa, trying to resist the truth serum coursing through her veins.

"What I want... What I... What I want is to experience true love!" she gasps out, "The kind that fills your heart and soul with warmth and contentment," Andrea began, her voice rushed but certain. "I want to travel far and wide, to explore the world beyond these castle walls, and discover the wonders that await me."

Her words carried a sense of yearning, a desire to break free from the confines of her current existence.

"I also want to make a difference, to help the residents of my kingdom and those in the Outerlands. To bring positive change to their lives," Andrea proclaimed.

Etherea and the others listened intently, getting a glimpse into Andrea's dreams and aspirations.

There was a flicker of admiration in Odessa's gaze as if Andrea's words resonated with a part of her own desires.

"Do you find me attractive, Andrea?" Odessa inquired; her voice gentle yet laden with curiosity.

Andrea's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, her gaze momentarily averted before meeting Odessa's intense eyes.

"Yes," Andrea admitted reluctantly, her words furious and embarrassed. "You are undeniably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

As the words left her lips, Andrea felt a surge of vulnerability and uncertainty. The revelation stirred a whirlwind of conflicting emotions within her.

Odessa's lips curled into a knowing smile, an expression of satisfaction and a hint of mischief playing across her features. She seemed to relish in the admission, her gaze lingering on Andrea with a newfound intensity.

Andrea was absolutely mortified, totally embarrassed as her friend's heads whipped towards Andrea, their eyes practically hanging out of their sockets. She was so scared they would hate her, the Princess only prayed they knew she was under the influence of truth serum and would never act on her feelings.

Odessa's voice trembled with a hint of nervousness as she posed her next question, her eyes searching Andrea's face for a response.

"Andrea... would you... kiss me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Andrea's breath hitched, her heart pounding in her chest. A thousand thoughts raced through Andrea's mind as she grappled with her own desires and the implications of her answer.

The Princess fought to resist the pull, her lips trembling with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. But despite her best efforts, a soft, barely audible word escaped her lips, carried on a fragile breath.
