
Chapter 13: The Aftermath

After Nico fell, Will didn't have the slightest clue on what to do, or why the others had abandoned him. And he couldn't make his move. His wrist was still in the enemy's grip, and he could feel it cracking every time the guy pushed harder and harder, wanting to see Will scream in pain, or beg to let go. But that wasn't him. Was he a healer? Yes. Did he fight in battle? No. But staying calm while in pain seemed to make the guy think he was a fighter. "So, your a strong soldier, eh? I wonder how strong you are exactly..." Then, without another word, he took off with his wings flapping and a still calm Will. He wanted to struggle, but if he did, there was a good chance he would fall to his death. And, seeing as they were sixty feet in the air, and Will didn't have wings, it was better to stay where he was than struggle to get away. Then, what he hadn't expected happened. The guy dropped back down, and flew straight to the tree, as if wanting to crash. But he stopped and threw Will like a ragdoll. He slammed into the treetrunk, causing pain to explode everywhere, and he fell to the ground, too weak to move."WILL!" He hadn't known who called his name, but based on the voices, it sounded like Hazel and Leo. But he couldn't move or think or talk. It hurt too much if he even tried to lift a single hand. But he had others there to help him. He could see that Leo and Hazel were kneeling next to him through his mess of bright hair. They grabbed both his arms, and lifted him up, telling him he needed to calm down for some reason he didn't understand. Then, he felt it. His skin was glowing so strongly, it lit up at least a foot in front of them, and spread warmth through him, eliminating his pain for the moment. And, before he could try to calm himself, a beam of light shot from his chest, knocking the enemy back. And so did a second. Followed by a third and fourth before the guy burned to ash. Leo and Hazel stared at him in shock, as did everyone else, and that's when he passed out.