
Save the Last Bullet for me

Author: MOSS3000
Ongoing · 45.8K Views
  • 103 Chs
  • 4.8
    30 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Save the Last Bullet for me

Read ‘Save the Last Bullet for me’ Online for Free, written by the author MOSS3000, This book is a Sci-fi Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, MAGIC Light Novel, FUTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: "Save the last bullet for me" is the last line of the oath of the United Nations Strategic Security Department (UNSSD)‘s...


"Save the last bullet for me" is the last line of the oath of the United Nations Strategic Security Department (UNSSD)‘s Special Operations, a phrase too familiar to Sean, officially designated Artemis 9, one of the members of Squad Artemis, elite supersoldiers that form the tip of the spear of the UNSSD--- that is, until his mistake caused the death of his teammate and he retired from service. Suddenly, he is given a second chance to re-enlist. Torn between his self-hate and the call of duty, will this jaded veteran fulfill the oath he had sworn?

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Reina salsabila,gadis yatim piatu saat usianya masih 10tahun,,reina begitu periang dan berparas lembut, tapi semenjak kepergian ayah dan ibunya lha yang membuat reina menjadi sosok yg pendiam dan selalu menutup diri dari sekitarnya. Kecelakaan kedua orang tua reina,,di sebabkan hujan lebat yang membuat jalanan licin,dan minimny penerangan jalan di tol suka maju..kecelakaan it mengakibatkan kedua orang tua reina meninggal di tempat sebab kecelakaan it adalah ke celakaan beruntun.. ********* Kini reina d asuh oleh paman dan bibinya..sang paman adalah adik kandung dari sang ayah.. Paman abraham dan bibi ningsih Kalau kalian pikir hidup reina senang tinggal di paman bibinya it salah,hihihi. Reina d perlakukan begtu buruk oleh sang paman dan bibi,bahkan rumah,toko,dan tanah milik ayah reina paman bara sudah menjualnya untuk menghidupi mereka berdua saja. Eeeee bukan buat reina yha..reina justru d perlakukan layaknya pembantu,(pembantu geratis maksudnya). *dia selalu d angap benalu bagi paman dan bibinya,maka dari itu sang paman bara dan bibi ningsih belum di karunia anak hingga sekarang, bahkan di usia reina yang sudah menginjak 22tahun.. ** ^Rennn........ Suara sang bibi dari meja makan, ^mana sarapan kami. *i-iya bii ini reina bawakan. ^kalau kerja yang bener,lelet banget sie kamu ini,,kalau begini bisa* kita mati kelaparan,ingat kamu di sini cuma numpang tidak ada yang geratis.. *maaf bii reina bangun kesiang tadi,reina janji ini nda akan ke ulang lagi... **cehh,,alasan saja kamu ini,,yaa dan ingat minggu depan uang kamar kamu sudah jatuh tempo,,kamu nda lupa kan renn, Lanjut sang paman menimpali *t-tidak kok paman bibi reina nda lupa kebetulan hari ini reina gajian jadi bisa reina bayar setelah plng kerja.. **baguslha dan yhaa kamu harus bayar lebih buat listrik lampu kamar kamu selalu menyala di malam hari kau tau itu pemborosan.. *i'ya bibi nanti reina tambah buat listriknya juga.. ,,paman bibi reina pamit kerja. Itulah rutenitas rena di pagi hari yang harus melakukan pekerjaan rumah yang seharusnya bibinya pun bisa mengerjakannya,tapi reina tdak mau ambil pusing dengan semua itu yang penting,reina melakukan semua itu dengan ikhlas.. **Oh yha ampun bisa telat ke kampus ini,,bisa* gue ngulang skripsi nie hahhhh...semangat reina kamu bisa(dengan mengusap kdua bahunya secara bersamaan). Reina kuliah di kampus elit di jakarta pusat kampus UI,di mana yang kuliah di kampus itu adalah anak*sultan dan anak pejabat tinggi.. *hahh semangat reina kamu harus bangga bisa kuliah d kampus ini( memberi dukungan buat diri sendiri). Reina mengambil jurisan general accounting dimana reina hanya tinggal menyerah kan hasil skripsi nya,,*semoga lolos yha tuhan(gumam reina). 'Renn,,(seseorang berteriak d belakang memangil nama reina). *Eee elu nis,,, (Anisa putri sahabat reina semata wayang) 'Hihi, kok tumben lu baru datang,biasanya selalu lu duluan datang. *biasa lha niss di rumah drama sinetron indocear lagi tayang hihihi,,,, 'Drama di rumah lo emang nda pernah habisa yha ren,gue sie sebagai sahabat lo semata wayang ini ,cuma bisa kasi semangat aja hihihi......... *haha dengan lo semangatin gue aja udah semangat lagi gue nie nis thanks yha,sahabat semata wayang ku hihihi.. Reina kuliah mengambil jalur beasiswa maka dari itu reina tidak terlalu  pusing sial biyaya kuliah,yang reina fokus cari uang buat hidup mandiri itu saja. 14:16wib     **urusan kampus pun telah usai reina pun memutuskan langsung k tempat kerja, * Reina pun sampai di tempat kerja,,yhaa reina kerja sebagai OB di prusahaan ternama di jakarta,  *abdhi rajasa Group*  Perusahan besar ini mencakup tekstil,properti,hotel,dan restoran,dan menjadi perusahan terbesar seantero jakata tahun ini, Reina sengaja mengambil shif  kedua,bukan tanpa alasan kalau shif pagi reina harus ke kampus untuk kuliah,,             -untung nda telat aku huhhh...

Asia_nia · Teen
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2 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :ARC 1: Project Genesis


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Good description of characters, well written novel, good stroyline and cover, keep it up, just more chapters needed and is it necessary for chapter name to be in capital? whatever...everything is great


The story in my opinion is well written and flows in a way that makes it comfortable to read easily. and I liked how the story is progressing. The characters are unique and interesting, and the author seems to know what they are doing. The only complaint I would have would be that one chapter a day is not good for us:) please write 5 or more. We need MORE! Im just kidding don't be hard on yourself, it's all about quality! and you have it on your hands!


Reveal spoiler


I possess only one word to aptly describe this book - “perfect”.Even if you, like myself, do not hold a fondness for science fiction literature, I implore you to read this book. It is certain to alter your perspective on the genre. The author's ability to meticulously detail every aspect of the story is truly remarkable and makes comprehension effortless.For those who find solace in the pages of science fiction literature, this book is a must-have addition to your collection. The author's ability to paint a picture with words is unparalleled. Every scene is so vividly described that one can almost feel as though they are present in that moment.In conclusion, I unequivocally rate this book a perfect ten out of ten.


The scenes of the earth advancing her technology and the mix of a new species that can do magic leaves a lasting mark. The author takes a new spin on mechas, technology and magic in general. The protagonist himself made some bad decisions but that is what humans do. I would totally recommend this book.


I've only read a few pages, but I'm immediately sucked in! The character exchanges are engaging and don't feel forced. I hope the author keeps putting out more chapters. I only see a few problems, but most authors grow better as the story progresses. Good luck. For me, reading was a very pleasurable activity. One of the best books I've read to date, and it merits recognition and acclaim.


A solid world background with a very interesting and we'll written story. It's very easy to understand and follow up with what was being told in every chapter, even though I'm not that familiar with some terms and places. Overall, I hope this book get more attention from the readers. Keep working on it, Author.


As a good novel said earlier, I hope the author will release more chapters and I wonder when he will pass this training :) It's interesting to watch both the main character and the minor characters and watch the whole picture :)


Awesome novel. I really love sci Fi novels and this one is really good Keep it up author Can't wait for more chaptersss


Its really a educational book for me, I really love reading it already in my library and awaiting more chapters [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


It's actually a great and fresh concept, it gives me a cool vibe and the cover seems really cool to me and the future sensation plus the religious person thing I have also started some of my novels like this, really do wish the best for you!


It's a sci-fi novel that has cyberpunk themes, I like the story and the setting is realistic. The grammar may not be the best, but it is readable. So for I like it. Keep up the good work author-kun


I am rather impressed. Starting from chapter one the story has been gripping. I have been reading web novels for a while and most of the time you get tired after reading a few chapters. This was not the case here. If the author keeps up such writing quality, this can be a big hit. Plus content is quite detailed which is always a plus. Good luck!


This novel has the best intro , the best detail description and writing style.I am in love with the ML!The plot is interesting .This it the first time my head hurt from having a hard time keeping up with the details, LOL ! Never have I ever read a book like this ! This goes straight to my library !I will read it when I want to learn more about robots , shield and military staff!


Good story and characters with mechs it is a must read novel .Totally love the novel and waiting to read more .


the futuristic earth and the Sean that is soldier wow it was good I like the novel . story progressing was good and the world building it was excellent I will love to read it upcoming chapter keep up that good work


nice book... but please leave some to your reader's imagination... that's the beauty of every book... but trust me to keep on reading for sure....


I like the realistic vibe of the story: you can literally feel the world, and I think it's quite unique for a web novel. I feel like it's a good sci-fi that gets you involved easily. The pace is also fast enough so it keeps you interested in what's coming next


I have only read small and I already love it and after am done writing this review I will read more. Good book


Woah! Just the title was enticing and attractive Characters, grammar, plot and everything else is superb. You're missing out on a lot if u don't check out ' Save the last bullet for me ' I'm so intrigued that I'm even speechless


The action is absolutely there, I'm Loving it, and the character names are absolutely beautiful, Phineas reminds me of Phineas from Phineas and Ferb, it'sunkown if this is authors idea or not but I love that touch to the novel, thanks for the read Author San


"Save the Last Bullet for Me" is a gripping tale that follows Sean, a former elite supersoldier grappling with past mistakes. Given a second chance to re-enlist, he must navigate the conflict between self-hate and duty. I eagerly anticipate delving deeper into this enthralling story!


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating