
Save the Cannon Fodder: Forgotten Memories.

A beautiful life of Zhilan was broken from a accident, which led to her to a memory loss and system binding to her soul. Now she will travel different worlds and complete her task in order to return to her body. What will be waiting for her in real world. Let us witness the journey of Zhilan where she accomplish her mission and conquer the key to the box of memories.

Sweet_xiyue · Urban
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2 Chs


In the middle of a white space, a beautiful girl with exquisite facial features floated in the air.

Her eyes were closed which gave a picture of a sleeping goddess.

Suddenly her eyelashes trembled for a moment then slowly opened her eyes. Her silver eyes were clear and bright just like a moon. She slowly sat up, and curiously started to look around her. There was a trace of confusion in her eyes while observing her surroundings. She was floating in the air and everything around her was white. Even her body was transperant. She couldn't understand what was happening. Her mind was blank and she don't remember anything.

Her name? Where was she from? Where is this?

She was thinking when a blue fluffy ball came and collided with her head.


Then in a child voice said, " Host, host, host."

The blue fluffy ball floated around her, excitedly calling host.

Seeing the ball going round and round made her dizzy so she caught it and bought it to her eye level.

The ball was smooth like a dumpling with a bean sprout in his head. It had two round black gem like eyes which were shinning brightly.

She tilted her head and asked, her tone was bland but she looked cute, "Who are you?"

" Host, Welcome to my place. I am your system. Save the cannon fodder system."

'System? Cannon fodder?' she was still confused. Why would she save someone? what's going on?

Her mind is literally blank like a piece of white paper with no marks. She couldn't understand anything. So she asked the blue ball.

"Where am I? What do you mean by that?"

Her actions was just like a child who has just started to see the world.

"Yes host, Let me explain slowly so that you can understand. My name is Save the cannon fodder system. You are in my soul space."

" Ok, then what am I here for?" She asked again.

" You actually died in your world and I collected your soul to let you travel through many other world, complete the given mission and accumulate the wanted points to unlock your memories."

"Are you telling me I will travel other worlds? How many worlds are there ?" She asked curiously.

" They are not real world, they are the world of novels. There are many novel world."

" Can I see the male lead and female lead? There are characters right? but I am not a character of any story so how will I go there?" She asked worried.

" Yes, there are male lead and female lead. Your soul will occupy one of the character of the story so you don't have to worry about that."

" Oh.. ok, hmm what about the memories, how can I get it?"

" Every time you complete a mission given by the main system, you will get points. And after you collected enough points you can get your full memory."

"And after every world you have completed successfully you will get some energy to strengthen your soul to enter higher level world."

"High level world? Are there division between world."

"Yes, there are different levels of world S, A, B, C, D, E, F. The Highest is S and F being the lowest. The highest the completion rate of the world the higher energy you will get."

She started to digest the information she got. Technically She have to travel to different stories to save a cannon fodder, and complete missions, she will get energy to strengthen her soul and points to unlock her memories.

"wow, it sounds so exciting." A small smile formed in her expressionless face, which made her so beautiful that it can heal soul in an instant.

The system was stunned after seeing his host smile for the first time. After few seconds he also started to smile as he was also happy to see her host smile.

"So, host do you want to bind with me?"

" Of course, I will."

[ Do you want to bind with System 111? (yes/no)]

The girl quickly pressed on yes.

" Yes, now host i will give your stats."

[Name: Zhilan

Age: ??

Experience: 00

Beauty: 07

Mental Strength: 09

Physical Strength: 04

Luck: 02

Energy: ??

Points: 00

Acquired Tittle: (LOCKED) ]

" Is my name Zhilan? But why is my age not showing?" She tilted her head slightly, looking adorable.

" Sorry, host i don't know." The fluff ball said while dropping his head.

Seeing him sad she quickly said, " It's okay, don't be sad system. Tell me more about the mission."

" Ok host, but I can't tell about the mission now, i will tell you after entering the world. And before entering the world you have to go for a training period."

"Traning Period?"

" Yes, traning period host, you will go to spiritual space for a period of time where you will learn a new type of skill. The faster you learn the shorter the time will be. There is no time difference between the space and here. No matter how much time you are in space the time here will be the same."

" Now there is three training available now.

i) Martial Arts

ii) Dance

iii) Cooking

You can choose any two of the following, so what will you choose host."

Zhilan tilted her head and started to think after some time she said, " I will choose Cooking and dance then. But can I know what World I'll be going first."

" Sorry host you can't as the world you will be going will be choosen in random so even I don't know. But don't worry as it will your first world so it will be a trial world, even if you fail you'll not get punished."

"Really? It's good then."

"Ok, host do you want to enter the training space?




[After 130 years in the training space]

After Zhilan came out from the training space there was no longer the same as she first came.

[Congratulations host, for completing the training. You have new tittle]

" Tittles? What are they? let me see."

[Congratulations host for acquiring a new tittle: Professional Dancer]

[Congratulation hosts for acquiring a new tittle: Top Chef]

" Oh, so that's a tittle. Impressive.

" Host are you ready to enter the first world?"

"Yes, let's go"

"Okay, host."

[ Would you like to enter the world? (yes/no) ]

" Yes"

After selecting 'yes' a black hole appeared and sucked Zhilan inside and everything blacked out.