

"Who are you?" Caroline felt her heart break. She felt hurt, betrayed, pain, and anger towards the man in front of her. "Who...are you?" Her voice started to break. The man sighed deeply. He stared into the eyes of the person he loved the most in his life and whispered. "I am your Harvey-" Caroline pushed him but failed to make him budge. "Harvey would not lie to me this much." every word was filled with hurt. The man held her in a tight hug that prevented her to escape from his arms. "I have relied on you for so long. I followed what you said and learned everything that I know." She sobbed. "You know me...but I do not know you." The man held her even tighter. "I am still the one who loves you with all my life. Please, don't leave me." She felt helpless. "Was I just a doll that you carry around? Was I a toy that you groomed and played with?" She gritted her teeth. "Was I just your little doll?" She whispered in disbelief to her own realization. "A little doll that you toyed with." The man shook his head as he hugged her even tighter. Meanwhile in the depth of the oceans, a war is brewing and a new heir will rise. A young merman named Kosair roams the human world to stay away from his duties. However, as the war draws near and threatens the whole ocean, it triggers a fire inside him. As it is written by Destiny, he'll fulfill the role as the heir and fight for the ocean and its people. As they find each other, Destiny intervenes. Who's Destiny? The sirens tried to find his identity for centuries and finally, will they be able to find him? Destiny searches for the meaning of his life. As he clashes with a human girl, will he destroy his own creation of the siren curse to have his own love?

Venus_Romero · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Part 7:

I sat up and my head throbbed with pain and so did my whole body.

I look at my side to see Harvey who's already sat up with his head on his hands.

"Harvey...." I reach to touch his shoulder but he faced me with a disappointed look. I retracted my hand, confused.

"I did it again." He said with sadness. "I hurt you...again."

I shook my head. "It's fine, Harvey-"

Harvey shook his head. "I need to tell you something... I've hidden something from you and now that I caused you pain, I think it's best that you know the truth."

"Then tell me..."

Harvey held my hand in his and he took a deep breathe. "I killed the Song of the Sea."

My eyes widen. "What? Then...how do we..." I couldn't find the words to say. "Harvey...we can't keep this up..."

Harvey nodded. "I know... that's why we need to select new one."

I nodded. "Is it that siren call that you mentioned the other day? Then it's settled, we'll find a suitable immortal."

Harvey frowned. "I'm afraid it's more complicated than that, my love."

The ocean is bright and lively as ever. I held myself as me and Harvey swim through the reefs of the Pacific.

We were heading to my home...but for another purpose.

Harvey looked at me with worry. "We need to find someone who's frozen in time and suffered lost love. As the siren would be brought back to life, someone will take a life as exchange."

I bit my lip. "How are we ever gonna find that siren?"

Harvey pressed his lips. "It's hard that I don't know immortal destinies...but I do know for the normal sirens. The only catch is that their destiny changes when the immortals are involved and they tamper with them."

I nodded in understanding. "Who can help us?"

Harvey inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. "I know who."

"We're here" Harvey breathed out.

We surfaced and...we are back at our hometown.

We're back...but I don't want to be here for some reason.

Then it hit me.


Harvey transformed his tail to legs and held out a hand to me. I take it and shift my tail to legs.

Since it was night time, we needed to hurry to our old house before people could see us without any clothes on.

We eventually arrived to our old house and fumbled around for old clothes.

I opened the light switch to my room and many memories started to flood back in my mind.

I stood there just looking, everything was left as is.

I felt arms snake around my waist and torso.

Harvey kissed my neck softly and whispered. "I remember the first time you showed me your room. When you allow me to be close to you. I remember the first sleepover we had. I remember the first time I brushed your hair. The first time I bathed you. The first time...I kissed you."

I leaned into his touch, reminiscing those days. "I remember the first time you told me that you liked me."