
Chapter Three

//Taehyung's POV//

"Right down that hallway. The second door on the right." Hobi says.

Once I hear the door close I say, "He doesn't know does he?"

"Definitely not. He didn't seem that surprised that he had 6 other mates so I don't think he knows at all." Yoongi replied looking down. I could see the sadness and fear filling his eyes. He was always talking about what our other mate would be like. He would come up with theories about what he would act like. He has always had a caring heart.

One time we saw a stray kitten on the side of the road, and he begged us to let him keep it. We don't really have enough time to take care of a pet, so instead, we dropped it off at a shelter. He was really sad, but he understood why we did what we did.

"Can't we tell him?" I asked Namjoon while walking over and hugging Yoongi. He instantly buried his face into my neck and started crying. Yoongi was the most submissive alpha I had ever met. He always tries to act tough and powerful whenever we are out on a job, but on the inside, he is like a little cute kitty.

I remember when we were little he would always be so quiet and shy. I had always assumed he was going to be an omega. I remember on his 16th birthday we were all completely shocked that he was an alpha. It seemed like he was too because he looked like he had seen a ghost. Him being an alpha didn't change how we treated him though. We have always taken care of him and we still do.

"We can, but first we would have to explain to him what a mate is because its obvious that he doesn't know," Namjoon replied as he also walked over to comfort Yoongi.

"Hey, Yoonie it's okay. We will help him." Hobi said reassuringly. After a couple of minutes of cuddling, Yoongi calmed down. We sat in a comfortable silence before we all felt our chests tighten. Then a couple of seconds after a sharp pain on each of our wrists.

"What was that?!" Hobi says freaking out.

Right after he says that Jin comes running into the room and says "Where is Jungkook?!?"

It must be the mate link. Whenever one of us gets hurt we all feel it. We all immediately jump up and run to the bathroom. Jimin and I start banging on the door yelling at him. We continue to feel more scratches on our wrists and we smell a lot of blood.

I back up tell everyone to move and run into the door. After three failed attempts the door bursts open.

Jungkook is sitting on the floor leaning on the wall with blood and cuts all over his arms. He was completely unconscious. Jin grabbed a couple of towels and covered his arms and put pressure on them.

"What should we do?!?" I asked Jin.

"Someone go and turn off the stove. I need everyone else to help me carry him to a bed." Jin said seriously.

"I'll go turn off the stove." Jimin said while he walked away.

-----------------------------------Time Skip------------------------------

//Still Taehyungs POV//

"Why would he do this?" I said while staring at his adorable unconscious face.

"I don't know, but I think that he isn't telling us the whole story," Namjoon said, "He is hiding something from us. Something that is very important."

What could it be? Is he scared of us? Did we do something wrong? Did I do something wrong? Is this my fault? I should have been there for him. We should have been there for him. We are his alphas. We are supposed to be the ones protecting him from all the evil. I let him down.

"Tae it isn't your fault," Jin said interrupting my thoughts, "we are all at fault for this incident. You can't blame your self."

I hadn't realized it but everyone was crying, including me.

"Group hug?" I whispered. And silently we all got up and hugged each other. We stayed like this for who knows how long before we heard quiet whimpers and sobs coming from the bed. We let go of each other and looked over to see Jungkook staring at us crying.

"I-i'm s-so s-sor-sorry," he whispered in between sobs, "I c-couldn't stop m-myself." We all went over to him and piling onto the bed.

"I-I am j-just a b-burden, and e-every-one ends up h-hur-ting me o-or leaving. I-I don't wa-want to b-be alone." He replied shakily still sobbing.

In my alpha voice, I said, "We aren't everyone. We will not leave or hurt you. You aren't alone anymore."

I can't believe that he would think that he isn't good enough. He is perfect in every way{Golden Maknae}. Why would he ever believe those lies?

"D-do y-you m-mean i-it?" He said hopefully but still sad.

"I would never lie to you." I said confidently.

"We would never lie to you," Namjoon corrected and Jungkook smiled.

"This might sound crazy, but whenever I am with you guys I feel safe and happy. I always want to be close to one of you. Even when I just went to the bathroom I felt scared and alone." He said confidently.

We were all silent. What were we supposed to say? He noticed it and his confidence immediately disappeared as he said, "I sound crazy don't I. I'm sorry."

"Jungkook there is something we need to tell you," Jin said.


Hi everyone! I hope you are having an amazing morning/day/night! If no one has told you this yet today just know that you are beautiful and loved! If you ever need/want to talk I'm always here ♡♥.