
Chapter One

//Jungkook's POV//

I am sitting on the floor of my bedroom. The bars covering my window had dust coating them. The cold concrete floor making me shiver. Tears came rushing to my eyes as I heard the loud thumps of someone walking towards my room. Once they reached my door I heard the jingling of keys and the door unlocking. I quickly backed into the corner hitting my back harshly on the wall. When the door came bursting open my father stepped into the dimly lit room. Thick tears came pouring out of my eyes.

"Get up." He said, his deep and evil voice echoing throughout my room, "NOW!"

I stayed on the floor and didn't dare lookup. When he realized I wasn't going to get up he quickly approached me and grabbed my wrist. He pulled me out of the room and dragged me upstairs.

"Sit and eat." He said, angrily.

I looked in front of me and saw a big table with two plates of food. I quickly sat down and started eating. I finished in less than a minute. This was my first meal in days and I was so happy to finally be allowed to eat again.

Once I finished I heard a gunshot. My father quickly stood up. He ran over to me and roughly grabbed the hem of my shirt. He then dragged me back to my room throwing me in and locking the door. I crawled up onto my old dirty mattress and curled up into a ball. More gunshots rang out, but this time they were closer. It sounded like they were right above me. I heard a loud slam and then yelling.

I stayed curled up until I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I immediately jumped off the bed and went to the corner. Tears came pouring out of my eyes again as I hid my face in my knees. The person stopped outside of my room. I heard another set of footsteps come down the stairs.

"Do you have the key?" The person who came down the stairs first said. He had a high pitched calm voice.

"Yep," the other man said, "Is he in there?"

"I heard some shuffling and some quiet cries when I was coming down so, I think so." The man with the high pitched voice said. Right after he finished I heard the sound of the door unlocking. I started vigorously shaking and more tears came pouring out of my eyes, making my vision blurry. I heard the sound of another person coming down the stairs as the door gently opened. I slowly looked up.

"Hi, my name is Jimin, and we are here to get you out of here." The man with the high pitched voice said as he slowly approached me.

"P-p-please d-don't hurt m-me." I said barely whispering, but somehow one of the guys in the doorway heard me. Jimin was crouched down right in front of me. He had blond slightly wavy hair and big pink lips. He was about the same height as one of the other people who were standing in the doorway.

"My name is Yoongi, and we won't hurt you." The person who was around Jimin's height said. He was very calm and looked tired. He had silver hair. I don't know why but he reminded me of a cat.

"My name is Taehyung, but you can call me Tae or whatever you want!" The other man said. He was taller than the other two and had silver-white hair. They all had very smooth beautiful skin and reminded me of angles.

"Come with us, we will keep you safe," Yoongi said as Jimin came closer to me. He helped me stand up. I was still shaking a lot and it was a struggle walking. Right after I was standing a powerful delicious smell filled my nose. It was like vanilla and lavender mixed. It was so powerful that I felt light-headed and the world felt like it was spinning.

I felt my body slowly collapse but right before I hit the ground, Tae caught me. I felt him carry me bridal style up the stairs. Once we made it to the top of the stairs, I heard my father start screaming at me. I flinched and grabbed onto Tae's shirt.

"LET HIM GO! THAT'S MY SON YOU ASSH-" My father said before getting interrupted by a loud gunshot. I tried to look and see what had happened, but Tae pulled my face in closer to him and didn't let me see.

Once we got outside, he let me look around again. I looked up right before we entered a limo that was waiting outside my dad's house.

When he sat down he looked at me and smiled a very cute and box smile. I blushed and smiled back. Our happy moment was interrupted by 5 people also entering the limo. Two of them were Jimin and Yoongi, but the other three I haven't met. They all looked angry until they saw me.

Each of them smiled and sat down. I tried to avoid their gazes and looked directly at the floor, until the vanilla and lavender sent came back.

I whispered, "W-what is h-happening?" before my vision completely turned into darkness.


Hi everyone! I hope you are having an amazing morning/day/night! If no one has told you this yet today just know that you are beautiful and loved! If you ever need/want to talk I'm always here ♡♥.

If you have any questions comment and I'll try to answer back as soon as possible.!