
A Night To Remember

As I was waiting for a maid to come and get me I start to remember how I got here. My childhood was not the greatest for I was beaten by my eldest brother. He would always lock me in the attic when it was dark and scary. My second brother was the one who took care of me. But hat was short lived. My mother had died when I was young and my father had taken his own life after hearing what happened to her. My brother had developed cancer at the age of fifteen and ended up dying from it three years later. His name was Charley, he was so nice and caring while my other brother, Davey, was not. He was ruthless thinking he owned me since age ten. I'm currently nineteen, after Charley died I ran away from Davey. I couldn't stand him anymore. I couldn't stand another day in that house. That house filled with Death. So I had decided to sneak in a spaceship and go to another planet. The rocket went off to a planet called Euphoria.

I always remember the books that had told me that Euphoria had a disease that had wiped out their female population completely. They were going to start a program for young women who wanted to go to Euphoria so Euphorian population wouldn't die out completely. Some had saw this as an opportunity to start a new life, others saw this as a science experiment. Obviously scientist were intrigued by this and wanted part of it, to see how the human female body would react to a Euphorian baby. Their men were tall the regular height being 6'5, all men were over the six-foot mark. Making any women seem small to them. They had decided that it was best for them to start the process by making an artificial womb just in case the baby had been too big. After a month of sign ups for the program, no one would sign up seeing that this was basically a science experiment. I would've signed up just to get away from Davey. After I came to Euphoria all men had wanted me. After I had studied, I decided that I should go to the castle and see the King. The King was fairly new at the time. His name was Farron, he had just turned twenty two. He was named King after his father died coming back from a space mission. He had lost his mother to the disease that had spread like wildfire. After I met him he decided that he would take me in and make me Queen. Other citizens saw this as not fair for him to get the only female on the planet, but I saw it fair. What if someone else didn't know what to do if something wrong had happened. Others had also tried to grab me if we happened to be in public. So we were heavily guarded. After a while the grabbing had died down and barely anyone had tried anything.

I didn't realize how long I had been thinking before my door had slammed open. Someone had stormed in and grabbed me. "What are you doing!?" I yell as I feel a prick in my arm. My world slowly starts to fade to black as I'm being thrown over his shoulder.

A/N --- I know that this first chapter is short but it is just a starter for the story.

Thank you for reading!

Join us next time to reveal the man and what he's going to do to Flora

Will he get rid of her or reveal a secret no one knows?