
Save and Load Ninja

Naruto/ multiverse fanfic. Your classic tropes of isekai, rebirth, and golden finger. With the twist of not being super op at the start. Heavily researched naruto lore… like a lot..like write a history book a lot, so I’ll try not to info dump too much. *Insert disclaimer about Naruto IP here*[I only have rights to my OC and all that]

Alexdmercer · Anime & Comics
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79 Chs

Prince Zuko

"Zuko, father never required us to go hunt for the Avatar why are you so adamant on doing so?"

Zuko turning to face his sister places his hand on her chin and raises her head to meet his eyes.

"Sweet sister this world will one day belong to us and us alone. Why must we allow a threat like the Avatar to exist when it is unnecessary."

" Zuko what is unnecessary is to call your future wife sister. Not to mention the Avatar hasn't existed for one hundred years why are you so sure they would appear in this frozen wasteland that is the south pole and not the north pole?"

" HAHA well then sweet wife let me ask you, if the Water tribe's had acquired an Avatar would they not be faring better than they currently are?"


" Of course they would be faring better and they would be touting their Avatar as a hero to face our great Fire nation. The only logical conclusion is that the Air nomad Avatar has not died. We can't fear a coward who hid for one hundred years but we also can't allow for him to roam free."

The battle scarred young man known as Zuko stood proud and tall as he explained his theory to his sister/wife. As he did so, he was silently considering how to approach the destruction of the Avatar in his mind. The blue screen stating [A challenger has appeared.] was constantly diverting his attention.

Zuko had been planning for the last two years for this moment and was extremely confident of his upcoming victory. That said he was also not completely convinced this would be as easy as he believed it would be as the Avatar state was a terrifying ability. The best outcome would be that he and Azula would use lightning to tear the little cue ball to shreds. The blue screen stating a challenger appeared worried him though, was it possible another person from Earth had appeared as the Avatar?

Saying [Status] in his mind he brought up a blue screen that contained a lot of information in front of him.

Name: Zuko (Peter Harris)

Age: 15 (32)

Soul Synchronization: 100%

Abilities: Master Fire Bender, Master Martial Arts, Master Swordsmanship, Master Knife Throwing, Master Parkour.

Soul Trait: Lord of Lightning.

Lord of Lightning-

You eat thunder and crap lightning.

Able to generate lightning freely and at will.

Full control of elemental lightning.

The original Zuko had died two years prior when confronting his father in an Agni Kai. This is when Peter Harris was given control of the body and confronted Fire lord Ozai immediately after.

Before Peter took over Zuko fiercely spoke out against a general's suggestion in a meeting he had no business speaking in. The insubordinate outburst was seen as a grave insult, and Ozai demanded the Zuko participate in an Agni Kai. Zuko, being the ignorant brat he was, agreed. While remaining unaware that it was not the general whom he had insulted, but his father.

When attending the Agni Kai and realizing the opponent was not some random general but his father the confident boy became nothing more than a sniveling coward. Originally this would be a time where the father branded Zuko with a fiery scar but this time the flames killed Zuko instead. Luckily from the burning corpse came not death but a raging storm of lightning that immediately attacked Fire lord Ozai.

Peter remembered it like it was yesterday.

At that time he had just died from the normal isekai trope. A fucking truck hit him at god knows how many miles per hour and then a God appeared. Said God straightforwardly said you're going to the world of Avatar: The last Air bender and then asked "What element would you like to bend?" Peter answered lightning. Then without a second to say anything else he appeared in the world of Avatar. The pain of being immolated didn't even register to Peter as he almost instantaneously found out whose body he had inhabited. So to avoid the banishment that would follow this event he screamed:


The words shocked Ozai and the crowd who had seen nothing but a sniveling brat only moments before. After the words Ozai was then met with a well of lightning that threatened to end his life. The two then began an exchange of blows that completely destroyed the arena prepared for the Agni Kai. Zuko wildly attacked Ozai using fists covered in lightning and even threw several whips of lightning with every kick. Each attack was ruthless and aimed for either a crippling or fatal blow. TO Ozai it seemed the boy was not interested in appeasing him any longer and was aiming to take his place by force.

Ozai was happy his son had finally shown a talent he could be proud of.

In this battle it was clear Peter was not your average every day youth. On his Earth he was an accomplished and upcoming MMA fighter. Ironically after a hard day of training he left his gym in an exhausted state which impeded him from dodging the shitty truck that took his life. Had he been at full strength he was confident he would survive the encounter. That said while he was a vehement gym bro he was not completely oblivious to things outside of training. One of his favorite shows was Avatar the Last Airbender as he enjoyed the incorporation of martial art movements depicted in the characters who used bending.

In his mind such powers would make combat far more thrilling than it currently was. Who knew a nickelodeon cartoon he watched on a whim would be a world he inhabited. If given any say he would have preferred the world of Dragonball Z. Alas things were what they were.

In his confrontation with Ozai Peter eventually lost. Not because his skill was any worse than that old bitch but because his body had just been immolated and could not continue to compete. Peters greatest embarrassment in this life time was that he collapsed from exhaustion mid combat. He died because of exhaustion and he lost a fight because of exhaustion. His ongoing obsession with stamina training was birthed from these events.

After the Agni Kai came to an end Zuko was forgiven for his affront and received treatment for his immolated body continuously for several days. Instead of the giant burn mark on his face he woke up to a body with several minor scars littered across every inch of his form. It seems his father went to some extremes to provide adequate healing for his son if the three dead Water benders by his bedside were any indication.

With the glory of the Agni Kai under his belt the young Prince Zuko was met with a meteoric rise in station and privilege. Which was only bolstered when Peter chose to accompany the general the original Zuko insulted on a campaign. In the campaign Zuko personally led the division of fresh troops to pull a major upset in battle and defeat the Earth kingdom forces they were originally meant to be sacrificed to. The new recruits lauded him as a courageous hero and the generals saw the war potential the Zuko provided. In that year Zuko the Thunder Demon was born.

Whenever Peter was deployed to a battlefield he would charge headfirst and obliterate any opposing forces. He was said to be vicious in battle and any who saw him would agree. Unlike most combatants Peter would not stop at incapacitation or killing his foe. He would rain down blows until nothing was left of his enemies. That vicious fighting style would normally be condemned but as the first one to lead the charge on the battled field it was lauded as the mark of his great prowess.

By the end of the year Zuko had become a champion to the average foot soldier and a fearsome foe to any that opposed him. Many agreed it was without a doubt that the young prince would be the chosen successor to the throne. This was a fact that Ozai privately confirmed to his war council. Unfortunately the fact was met with resistance by two people, Iroh and Azula.

Iroh often followed Zuko to his battlefields and counseled him against enacting such brutality only to be met with deaf ears. Zuko respected the old man known as Iroh not only as an elder but as a martial artist, however this was a martial world that he dreamed of. A world where he could allow the part of himself that reveled in bloodlust completely free. Zuko was not about to limit himself on Iroh's behalf. This was why when Iroh finished training Zuko on his fire bending he immediately retired and refused to meet him ever since. The last Zuko heard Iroh was on a diplomatic mission to force Omashu to surrender.

Zuko was a bit angry at Iroh for a while especially when he knew the old man did not pass on the method to redirect lightning to him. The method was completely unnecessary because of his soul trait but the fact he was seen as someone unworthy to pass the method on too irked him. As vicious as he was Zuko had the lowest casualty rate amongst all divisions because he ensured the safety of his men above all else. What other fire nation general would do so in this era of war? None and yet he was unworthy.

Setting his issues with Iroh aside the issue with Azula was much easier to resolve.

The day Zuko foolishly accepted her fathers challenge to an Agni Kai was one of the best days of Azula's life. Her foolish older brother lived in the clouds coddled by his mothers love. A love Azula never once received from the woman which she believed to be the reason she ended up becoming superior to Zuko. Unfortunately after the Agni Kai things did not go the way Azula expected. Zuko somehow stood once more after being immolated and fought against her father not with flames but with lightning.

Originally in her mind her father would come out victorious in the Agni Kai and immediately banish the foolish Zuko. After Zuko was banished her father would then promote her to crown princess. As crown princess she would soon find a reason to eliminate Zuko and her position would forever remain un contested.

Things did not at all go the way she envisioned them however. Zuko's prowess in the battle against her father did not draw his ire but his favor. For Azula this was nothing but a minor setback, at the end of the day she had always followed her father and been perfect in everything she did. Zuko on the other hand was nothing more than a momma's boy that hid behind his mothers skirt. Azula believed the opportunity to overtake her foolish brother as her father's heir would come. So she trained diligently in fire bending, strategy, and combat to one day be able to prove to her father she was superior to Zuko in every way.

Sadly the opportunity she dreamed of would never come again. Her brother had grown to be the most fearsome general the Fire nation had under its banner. Her father heavily favored Zuko and even supposedly confirmed he would be his successor. Azula was lost for a long time after confirming the rumor with her father herself, as soon as he said it was true she ran out of the room not listening to whatever else he was about to say. Everything she had done in life was to prove she was worthy of her father's love and she was overshadowed by her cry baby brother. Zuko had not only stolen her mothers love from her but now even her fathers.

In anger she rushed to Zuko's chambers with every intention of challenging him to an Agni Kai. As the being she hated the most in this world simply sat at his desk cleaning his sword she pondered whether an Agni Kai was even necessary, she should just attack him here and now. Then Zuko turned to face her.

" Oh.. Hello Azula I'm guessing father told you the news. Nevertheless I think it's a bit to soon for you to move in as my wife, so you should remain in you chambers for now."

A bewildered Azula could only ask:


" I told father I forfeited my status as crown prince. I made clear my place was on the battlefield and not the palace. The old bastard refused even though I told him you were a better candidate for the role. After fighting for a few hours we came to a compromise. You and I will marry. I get to continue fighting and you get to take the role you were always groomed for. Win-Win."

A red faced Azula fainted on the spot.



https:// www.twitch.tv/ alexdmercer03

https:// www.p@treon.com /peerlessevolution

Check the P@treon for announcements.

PS. I forgot to click 'publish' yesterday my bad.

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