
Savage Girlfriend

The mystery Sharon. A lady who approached Zach one night as he enjoyed himself at a new place. He didn't not know why she chose him but that sunday night changed him and his entire life positively and negatively.

Martin_Mulinge · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter Three

I continued to enjoy my drink and the music looking around from time to time to see if there was any familiar face but their wasn't, may be except for my Sheila. My waitress who was filling my glass with some more whisky from time to time. Her presence was enough for me, it comforted me more than the whisky.

My eyes landed on the dancing floor, if Tasha was here, we would be on the dance floor but to my disappointment she was long gone. I had to otherwise except to dance from inside. Few minutes later my eyes were already tired by the confusion of a million dance styles on the dance floor. I had nothing else to look at except to concentrate on my glass and my phone which was about to die because of lack of charge.

"Excuse me sir? A very sweet soft voice interrupted my personal fun. "Can I enjoy your loneliness?" She continued to attract my attention.

I nodded to accept her proposal though not able to utter any word because of confusion.

Why her? And why this table? I questioned myself.

This must be one of the devil's dwelling place for I could tell by my heartbeat that this was my temptation for the night and if don't want to fall into it, I ought to get going. I swallowed the last sip of my drink and made my first move to stand. I was drunk so trust me it wasn't easy. Staggering had taken my legs and lips into captivity. If only alcohol gives us wings to fly instead of staggers.

My eyes met hers as I struggled to gain my balance. The betrayal of the year filled my mouth with eager to smile and talk to this unknown beautiful creature looking at me with eyes begging me to stay. The only thing I could see was her lips as they moved up and down as she tried to make the soft and more shinny with her saliva using her tongue, may be this was her charm. Have never known till now, even as I narrate this story I still don't know.

Or maybe she was trying to attract more attention from other parts of my body. This was betrayal of my faith and believe and an oath I swore as I locked my door to this place. That I will unlock the door alone the same way I locked it. I still had the chance and opportunity to stay and play by the oath.

"Are you okay mister" she asked as she took a sip of her drink in a more sexy way than Tasha would do to me whenever I looked at her. Does she know what she is doing to me right now? I asked myself trying to figure out whether to answer or mind my own business and walk away.

"Can I kiss you", my mouth betrayed me for the second time this night.

My eyes were falling down to the temptation too. They could not stop looking at her red lips, I liked her lip stick already. It took me seconds to load what had just come out of my mouth, but that wasn't the biggest deal. The biggest deal wasn't the way I said it though I regretted it for the rest of the night. Now the biggest deal of events and memories, very frightening and surprising were how she spit her drink on the table, stood up so fast like someone who had just seen a ghost he had been dreaming about for days.

I thought I had made the worst mistake of my whole simple life but she walked slowly to me, stood in front of me, put her hands on my shoulders, kissed me on the forehead then whispered.

"Play your cards well and this night will be the end of your tearful nights and days." She then smiled as she signaled me to sit down and walked back to her seat.

I remembered an act that had happened some few months back when my friends and I decided to have a drink at a local bar near our residence. Tame, Jase and I were busy enjoying our drinks when I my eyes got distracted by a beauty in my beholder. I could not resist the urge to talk to her.

"It has been long since I was laid by a handsome young man", I whispered to my friends as I picked up my glass to have a sip.

 "What?"  Jase and Tame spit.

"I mean that is what she had just told me." I made everything clear.

They calmed down as they looked at her like they were predators timing a prey.

"This is dangerous you know brother!" Jase said as he shook his head worried.

"I don't think so",   Tame disagreed to what was unknown.

Tame knew what it meant to stay for more than months without a lady to warm your bed. After Tasha left, I made a decision to stay single and focus on building my own business after her uncle fired me for sleeping with his wife. With all the rust eating my privacy, I thought this would my day for lubrication.

"This might be your lucky day but may be what she meant is one, she was laid yesterday or even today by someone not handsome and two is that maybe she thinks you are not handsome." Tame said as she looked at her with one-sided eye.

Someone was once asked whether he believed in love at first sight. He thought for seconds then said, "Love is like an orgasm, once is enough and means a lot", and he then walked away.

What if I prove his belief and write his statement in my own book of record. At my age I thought that this was what the Bible made by enjoying my youth. "Is it?", Saved friends would ask me sometimes when I tried to explain to them my version. One pastor told me, Zach you have a great opportunity to change things and change the world but if you continue with your version of enjoying the youth, your future will hold a great platform of regrets. They would never understand what I meant but now as I narrate this story, I understand what they were telling me.

"She seems like she isn't going to wait anymore", Jase said as he slapped me by my shoulder and signaling me to look at her.