
Savage Dreamz

"Hey, short stack." Tao leaned on the wall with his hands I his pockets. "Are you calling me?" With her height, Mimi Ann had never been called 'short'. "Who else is short here?" She looked around and surely she was the shortest person around the basketball team. "Why are you calling me that though?" The young man shrugged, "Because you're vertically challenged?" "I'm one hundred and seventy seven centimetres tall! I am actually considered a tall human being." Tao smirked arrogantly then walked to her and bend his back so that He looked at her face, "Little freezer, this is the basketball court not a studio. Go sing somewhere else." She gritted her teeth and stomped out muttering, "Little Freezer? What's with his nicknames?" Tao liked teasing her and seeing her angry face. He laughed, "Because you're a little duckling, I have to bend down to talk to you... Like I do when I want to take something from the freezer." he chuckled and watching her stomp out even angrier. After her mother's death Mimi Ann, a beautiful seventeen year old girl, meets the father she has never met before and had hated all her life for that reason. She has half siblings and schoolmates who look down on her as an illegitimate child. Worst of all, she has never met these people but has to move from Zimbabwe to China right after her mother's burial. At her new school she finds her solution in a co-ed wannabe unpopular band that is known as the school outcasts. She joins them to compete with her half sister to get on her father's nerves with the hopes of being chased back to the home she grew up in and was comfortable. While she is at it she falls for one of the popular boys at school, Zi Tao, a basketball top star and life just turns hectic. Looking at the three people in the room for the first time Mimi Ann smirked, "So this is where the school outcasts hang?" A beautiful young woman with white hair frowned, "Some may call us that but we are a legit band." "What do you call yourselves?" "BARD." answered one of the two boys. Mimi Ann frowned, "What's that? What does that mean?" "We took the B from BTS or BTOB, they are very popular Korean bands and the ARD is from KARD a popuar Co-ed group just like us." Mimi Ann choked on her own spit, "What? Does your band live off other bands? No wonder you are deemed the school outcasts but I'm here now to change everything, starting with your copycat nature." the girl smiled confidently. Follow Mimi Ann's journey into her new life as she tries to fit into a new family, country and school.

Milicent_Chimunda · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Mimi Ann noticed that in the afternoon other students had clubs and sports to go to and she had nothing and nowhere to belong yet. She couldn't even return home because she honestly didn't even consider that place her home. She looked up on the school forum and got the idea on where to go after making her plan on who to join. After this morning she had an idea. If she really wanted to leave this place she had to piss off Minnie, that way she will piss off Zach who was the person who loved her the most and maybe this time she would be exiled far away from them for good.

She stopped by the door written Snowflake and peeked inside. The girls were singing and dancing inside and Mimi Ann could see they were that good, even better than she thought. She saw Cleotha and the two boys she now recognized as Puma and Wilder, the three were the outcasts of the school. Puma was the school's soccer star but soccer wasn't as popular as basketball at Quintiles high school because basketball had the Panthers. King, Tao and Rome, they were tall, rich and handsome so it was clear just why basketball was more valued than soccer at a school where one person seemed to be more superficial than the next.

Puma was handsome but just not as much as those three, he was tall but shorter than those three, rich but just didn't cut it. The Panthers were part of the three richest families in the country and even though Cleotha was from one of the richest families, being an illegitimate child lowered her ranking by far.

Wilder was even worse off, he was part of the basketball team but as a scholarship student at a prestigious school, that fact alone made him less popular and more infamous. Mimi Ann walked towards the room they had just entered and walked inside. The three were sitting at the table inside the spacious room. "Everybody hated our new song." Cleotha complained in frustration, "Seriously, I don't get why it received such bad reviews!"

Mimi Ann scoffed getting their attention and they turned to look at her in surprise. While Panthers and Snowflake were always followed around by fans inside and outside the school, these guys never had people following them. She said, "Oh well, well. So this is where the damned gather." She said looking around curiously.

Wilder frowned slightly, "It's BARD and our fandom name is Dolphins. If you are a Dolphin I'm sorry but we aren't meeting fans." He said even though he had a strong feeling that she really wasn't here for any fan meeting.

Mimi Ann laughed, "And what does BAD mean? Oh, how does BAD relate to Dolphins?"

"Hey, it's B.A.R.D not BAD." Said Puma. "That's our group's name."

She frowned curiously, "What does that even mean?"

"Nothing, we just creatively put letters together." Said Cleotha

Puma scoffed at the girl, "I told you in was a bad name from the beginning." He said, "We got B from BTS or BTOB replacing the K from KARD."

"Puma!" she threw a water bottle at him, "That was our secret. What happened to keeping our group name's meaning a secret?"

"Was that a public secret then?" said Puma, "Everybody guessed it anyway and now because of our new song we are even more unpopular." he nodded at Mimi Ann, "She is not a Dolphin, she is here to mock us instead."

Mimi Ann laughed looking impressed, "He is smart, no wonder you made him the leader." Her eyes narrowed and she said, "That's lame. BARD, hahahaha." She laughed, "You may as well creatively call yourselves L-A-M-E."

Cleotha couldn't believe that the girl she had thought to be a bullied weak girl was here to look down on her. She said, "The head chair belongs to Puma. Get up!"

"It's my chair now." She leaned back comfortably raising her legs up on the table, "Oh, and we have to change our name. BARD is BAD." She laughed again, "It only sounds nice if it starts with a K and only looks cool if it has two handsome guys and two beautiful girls who already exist not three people trying to copy them. Definitely not three copycats."

Cleotha rolled her eyes and scoffed on disbelief, "Well excuse you. Who said you could join our group?"

Mimi Ann shrugged, "Those who rule the school said I was an outcast so who else do I join if not you? Isn't it the Panthera and Snow…whatever?"

The other girl raised her palm to stop her from speaking, "Panthers and Snowflake. Our dream is to be as famous as them while we are still in high school and to be as famous as BTS and KARD when we grow older."

Mimi Ann shook her head slightly and rolled her eyes, "Really? That's unlikely. You are more likely to become even more infamous at this rate." She smirked, "Pathetic. You really are damned aren't you? But since I'm the new leader, sorry, Puma, you remain the male leader." She cleared her throat then continued, "Everything is going to change. You need me and I chose you. Do you know who the owner of the school is?"

Wilder said, "The James family."

"And who is the little princess of the James family? Minnie," a smile lifted her lips, "If I get on that person's nerves by being a part of the group that will compete with her and defeat her. With her character she will definitely pull strings with her father and boom! I'm out of here. You will be free from and I'll be free from you too and this place." She said, "To challenge her we need to start by changing our group name to… I don't know…" she narrowed her eyes contemplatively the sat up with jerk saying, "Arrow! Our fandom name will be 'The Misfits'. How about that?"

"Arrow?" both Puma and Wilder didn't seem to hate the sound of that when they repeated the name at the same time. They both looked at her as if considering her words.

Seeing the progress, Cleotha slapped the table as she jumped up to her feet, "Don't listen to her. I don't agree for her to join our group."

Mimi Ann pretended as if she didn't hear the other girl as she added, "Our Arrow will be aiming at the misfits. The best thing is that everyone is a misfit when it comes to certain things."

"I said I don't want you in our group. The three of us are enough on our own. You don't just come in and insult us expecting to join us. Nobody even knows who you are." She said,

Mimi Ann took out the book she had been drawing and tore the first two pages then paced them onto the table, "Arrow is happening, it is definitely going to aim at the Misfits. You three are either with me and my ideas or you are against me and keep copying. The moment I launch Arrow with you, it will make you even more infamous. Your only option will be to give up in the end. Think about it. The deal expires at 5pm right when school ends. Take your time." She picked her bag and walked out confidently leaving three people in awkward silence.


The moment she walked out, Mimi Ann bumped into King and this time she was fast enough to avoid bumping head on with him and ended up grazing shoulders. The boy chuckled, "Kid, why are you always in a rush? You will hurt yourself."

"Kid? Me?" she scoffed, "Oh by the way, when we were still in Zimbabwe you acted all cool. I've been meaning to ask you, since your twin sister's name is Minnie, is your real name Mickey?"

King was speechless then he laughed, "Then your last name will be Mouse, not James, sweetheart." He pinched her nose slightly then let go when Mimi Ann slapped his hand off. "What were you doing with those lame people?"


"I don't know, those weirdos… um… BARD or whatever they call themselves."

She shrugged, "That's none of your business." She said.

He furrowed his brows looking at the door his sister had just walk out of then warned seriously, "I want you to stay away from them."


"They are school outcasts. If you hang out with them other students will look down on you." He said, "Plus they won't do you any good anyway."

Mimi Ann rolled her eyes, "Your twin sister just announced that I'm an illegitimate child. Will that do me any good?"

"I'm sure she didn't think it through." He said, "Don't get upset, she is not that bad."

"I'll do what I want in the end anyway so don't waste your breath." She walked around him and disappeared in the hallway.

King's eyes narrowed slightly looking where she had gone.


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