
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Chapter 14: Black Serpent's Appears

After the break the participants and their savage beasts are all back to their peak state, spectators are now excited since it's time for the seeded participants to make a move, but they are not excited for Kali or Asu, they are looking forward to Celia's performance, she is the favorite to win this competition.

" the matches this time are against the seeded players, those who defeat their opponents will advance to the semifinals and those who lost will fight against those who lost on the first round" the referee stated the rules for the second round of the competition, to determine who will fight against each other, they will draw lots again, this time Kali draw number four, the number that the participant drawn will also determine the sequence of the matches so Kali will fight the third match.

The first match is a battle between Quincy and Ban, Quincy is one of the seeded players and Ban is one of the winner of the first round.

" those who picked number one,please proceed to the stage" the referee called them out.

Quincy and Ban went up the stage and fiercely stared at each other.

"I will beat you up trash " Ban said in an arrogant tone.

" we'll see " said Quincy in a calm tone.

His calmness piqued Kali's interest, since the beginning of the competition Quincy has always been calm.

" Summon your savage beast" said the referee.

Ban summoned his apprentice stage Red furred monkey, it has grown a little since the last time Kali saw it.

Quincy on the other side of the stage also summoned his savage beast.

Trioptic porcupine - beast type - mouse race - lightning attribute.

Skills: beast claw, spike roll, needle strike, lightning dash.

- savage beast with small build but great offensive capabilities provided by its needle like spikes, its spikes also has the ability to paralyze an opponent for a few moments because of its lightning attribute.

" an apprentice stage Trioptic porcupine, no wonder he is so calm, his savage beast is much stronger than the red furred monkey which is a pure beast type with no attribute" Kali saidbin his mind.

" so what if your savage beast has stronger offensive strength, my red furred monkey has great battle sense and experience, I can still beat you up " Ban said after being shocked because of his opponent's savage beast.

Quincy just smiled at him, making him more irritated.

" battle start " said the referee.

" little red use beast claw and shred that stupid porcupine into pieces " Ban ordered his red furred monkey.

" Trioptic porcupine spike roll " Quincy ordered his savage beast.

The skills of the savage beasts met at they both retreated a few steps back before continuing their melee fight.

As the fight went on Ban's expression started to look ugly because his red furred monkey is getting injured more as it clashed against the Trioptic porcupine.

The red furred monkey retreated as well as the porcupine and stared at each other.

" it's time to end this " said Quincy.

" Trioptic porcupine, use needle strike " Quincy ordered his savage beast to use its lightning attribute skill.

Ten needle spike with lightning attribute shot towards the red furred monkey.

Ban panicked and ordered his red furred monkey to dodged the attacks, it dodged eight of the needle spike but it was hit on the shoulder and thigh.

" quickly attack the porcupine " Ban ordered his savage beast to attack the Trioptic porcupine who is now lazily standing on the stage.

Van gave the order to his savage beast but it was not moving.

" hey why aren't you listening to me? "

Ban asked his savage beast but it still not responding.

" hahahahahahaha you stupid idiot, your little monkey is paralyzed by the lightning attribute of my Trioptic porcupine" said Quincy.

Ban who heard those words didn't know what to say, his red furred monkey is paralyzed how can it continue to fight.

" you stupid monkey, move or I'll whip you up after the competition " Ban started to threaten his savage beast.

The red furred monkey started struggling when it heard Ban's words.

Kali shook his head after hearing Ban's words, Ban is one of those beast contractors who treats their savage beasts as a mere tool.

The red furred monkey still can't move, an all of a sudden a lightning streak crossed the stage and stopped in front of the red furred monkey, it used its claw to attack the monkey's chest, a bloody claw wound started to ooze out, and the red furred monkey fell down.

" the red furred monkey cannot fight anymore, Quincy wins the match " the referee announced.

" trash " Quincy said without even looking at Ban.

Ban was on his knees treating the red furred monkey's injuries.

" useless trash " Asu whispered but those near him still heard what he just said.

Kali stared at Quincy's figure while it was getting of the stage.

" no wonder he is so calm " Kali said.


After the first match ended those who will fight in the next match started getting ready.

It was the other seeded player that Kali was not familiar with, but what he know is that it is the daughter of the village blacksmith. And the one with the Gale wolf, who won the first round.

" battle start " said the referee.

The both summoned their savage beasts

It was the Gale wolf, and the seeded participant summoned a Rose Thorn Beast.

Rose thorn beast - plant type - flower race - poison attribute.

Skills: strangle, thorn shot, whip.

- beautiful but deadly, it has vines filled with thorn attached to its rose flower,its stage can be determined by the number of its vine, plant type beast are weak at one on one combat but a great support and control type fighter.

Kali was not shocked when he saw the Rose thorn beast, because it is one of the mainstream plant type savage beast, they are easy to train and has great crowd control capabilities.

They fought for a few minutes, before the Gale wolf cut off the last vine the Rose thorn beast has, it it can regrow it will take a lot of resources. Kali predicted that the Gale wolf will win because of the advantage of attribute, wind attribute is extremely effective against plant type savage beast, but there are plant type savage beast that has great defense those are the wood attribute plant type savage beast.

The girl carried her rise thorn beast to treat it's injuries. The second match ended quickly, the third match is about to start the one to fight this time is Asu, his opponent is a beast contactor with a green water lizard, Asu summoned his earth trampling bear, when Kali saw the earth trampling bear he was shocked because of its size, it is almost the same height as Asu, its claws looks really sharp the aura it exude is scary, Asu really has the right to be arrogant.

When his opponent saw Asu's savage beast, he wants to surrender but he doesn't want to be called a coward so he gritted his teeth and stood still.

" since you are both ready, battle start! "

The earth trampling bear immediately dashed towards the Green Water lizard and used uts claws to attack its body but it dodged, it used it tail to counter attack but is was easily blocked by the earth trampling bear, after blocking the tail whip, it used one of its earth attribute skill, earth spike, the stage made from earth transformed into ten earthen spike hitting the Green Water lizards limbs, immediately impaling it and lost its ability to fight.

" Asu wins the match " said the referee.

The whole match lasted for only two minutes.

Everyone was shocked because of Asu's display of strength.

Kali didn't show any expression or emotion, Celia is also the same.

Kali was the next to fight, he stood up with his umbrella and proceeded to the stage, the feeling he gives off was like he was just going out for a stroll with his white umbrella, his opponent also proceeded to the stage.

" hey how was your afternoon walk " his opponent said mockingly.

Kali just stared at him not minding his insult.

" summon your savage beasts"

His opponent summoned a mouse like creature with flames burning on its back towards its tail.

Flame back mink - beast type - mink race - fire attribute.

Skills: bite, fire dash, fire claws, flame tail.

- savage beast with strong and destructive attacks and great speed.

Kali was not shock sice he saw it already in the first round, he then proceeded to summon his savage beast, everyone gasp when they saw Kali's savage beast.

It was black serpent, it hissed at the flame back mink in front of him, the mink took a step back, his opponent was shock, black serpents terrifying and vicious appearance scared a lot of people, even Asu and Celia was shocked, but then went back to their normal expression.

The referee was also shocked so he spaced out for a few seconds.

" ba ba battle start " said the referee while still recovering from his shock.

" use tail whip " Kali ordered black serpent

It hissed then swiftly slithered towards the flame back mink and attack, the flame back mink quickly dodged but it was hit slightly, making it lose its balance.

While the fight is happening the village chief was looking at Kali.

" what an interesting choice for a first savage beast " said the village chief while smiling.

" indeed it is rare to see a young beast contractor tame a black scale corrosive serpent as their first savage beast " said the old man beside the village chief.

The old man was not a village elder, only the village chief know his background.

" how old is he " the old man asked.

" he's thirteen this year, he's the youngest of the contestants " said the village chief proudly.

" I see he's got good potential " said the old man, he has a mysterious air around him, and the way the village chief treats thus old man he must be as strong as the village chief or even stronger.


"Flame back mink use fire claws " the flame back mink was already filled with wounds and bruises, black serpent played with it making Kali shook his head.

It attack black serpent with flaming claws but it was easily dashed by black serpent, its long body gracefully dodged the flame back minks attack, the smooth shiny dark colored scales of black serpent caught everyone's attention, they are amazed because black serpent looks vicious and graceful at the same time.

" black serpent finish him "

Black serpent used his combo skill, its body transformed into a long black streak and attacked the flame back mink with its shadow like tail.

" combo skill, this black scale corrosive serpent has learned combo skill!" Said the village chief with a shock expression.

Even the mysterious old man looked at black serpent with a shock expression it only lasted for a few moments before it came back to normal.

The flame back mink who was hit by the tail was sent flying out of the stage, everything happened on the stage for only two minutes, the same as Asu's match.

It shocked Asu and Celia, Kali's display of strength was a great shock to Asu but it didn't made him cower, Celia expected that Kali is strong but she didn't expect it to be this great, everyone was shocked, the youngster who always walk around with a white umbrella possess such great strength.

Kali who was walking off the stage with black serpent and an umbrella in his hands looked at the referee.

" aren't you going to announce the result of the match "

" ah yes yes, the winner of the fourth match is Kali "

Everyone looked at Kali with a different light.

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