
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 13: Competition Begins

The blood horn rhinoceros died and Kali took out his black dagger and started to collect his rewards, he removed the horn from the rhinoceros' head, it is a master stage material so it will definitely fetch a high price, he then open the rhinoceros' chest to take its beast crystal, the beast crystal of the blood horn rhinoceros is almost the size of a fist, beast crystal of this size is equivalent to a hundred of apprentice stage beast crystal and the energy it contain is much purer too.

Kali treated black serpent's injuries and went to the small lake near them to wash up, after washing up he and black serpent didn't left the blood horn rhinoceros' habitat, instead they occupied its territory and decided to rest, he fed black snake and gave it a few apprentice stage beast crystal, after that he started meditating.


There are only a few more days before the competition so Kali decided to return to the village, since the crimson leaf forest posed no challenge to him and black serpent anymore, after the bloody fight against the blood horn rhinoceros black serpent advanced another level making him an apprentice stage level four savage beast.

" fighting against strong opponents, is the best training indeed "

Kali was happy about black serpent's advancement, this boosted Kali's confidence to win the tournament, Kali summoned black serpent back to the beast ring to let it consolidate its strength.


When Kali reached the gate to their village it was already dark, so he went straight to his own house, after summoning black snake out of the beast ring he headed to his room and rest, these past three months is a great burden to Kali's mentality, he has to be constantly on guard inside the forest, he just turned thirteen and he already experienced bloody fights against strong savage beast, his young age is also one of the reason the village chief is reluctant to let him train alone inside the crimson leaf forest.


Village chief office

" I'm thankful that you returned safely, why didn't you visited me when you got home last night "

Said the village chief.

" since it's already night, I don't want to disturb your rest " Kali answered.

" I can see that your training went well, you are already a level 2 apprentice stage beast contractor" when the village chief said those words he was staring at Kali because the current Kali is exuding a wild aura similar to savage beasts, so it made the village chief a little curious, thinking what kind of training Kali did to produce this kind of aura at such a young age.

Kali just nodded after the village chief said those words.

" so what are your plans after the competition? "

Asked the village chief.

" I plan to go on an adventure, staying in this village won't make me stronger "

" I see, then after the competition come here in my office I have something to give you, now you can leave " said the village chief.

After Kali left the village chief sat down on his office table, he opened the bottom drawer and took out a dark blue dagger with a blue flame logo on its handle.

" time really go by so fast, thirteen years has already passed and that child is has become strong and about to start his own adventure, just like what you guys wanted "

The village chief was talking to himself while looking at the dagger.


Kali who just came from the village chief's office was walking around the streets when he happens to pass by the training grounds, every village has their own training grounds where beast contractors can train their savage beasts and also spar against each other, when Kali was about to leave the training grounds after taking a few glances towards the other kids training their savage beast, someone blocked his way, it was Asu and Ban.

They are about to make trouble for Kali but when they looked at Kali they got scared and unconsciously took a few steps back.

" what do you guys want? " Kali asked in a cold manner.

" no no nothing " said the two with a scared voice.

While all of this is happening a pair of beautiful eyes is watching them, it was Celia when she saw Kali she was shock because she also felt Kali's wild beastly aura from her position.

Kali felt that someone is looking at him so he turn around and saw Celia, he stared for a few seconds before nodding and went on his way.

Asu and Ban make way to let Kali pass.

" that was scary " said Ban.

" Humph he just surprised me because I haven't made trouble for him for a long time so I was surprised he didn't back down this time, just you wait, when the competition begins, I will make you pay " said Asu.

When Celia heard those words she shook her head, she already knows that Asu is not Kali's match.

When Kali reached his house he started thinking about what the village chief said.

" what is he going to give me after the competition "

He got curious because of the village chief's words.

" I will know about it a few days from now, its no use wasting my time thinking about it "

Kali then opened his book to look for a map of the continent he look for their village when found it he started looking for nearby cities,forests, and beast realms, he was already planning which path to take when he started his adventure.


Three days have passed and it's already the day of the competition, Kali washed up and put on his full black clothes and summoned black serpent back inside the beast ring, and he took his white umbrella with him, when Kali bought the white umbrella he has developed the habit to bring it with him whenever he was about to go out, he didn't bring it with him when he went to train in the forest because it might get damaged.

After taking care if everything and making sure that he has everything he needed he walk out of his house and opened his umbrella and head straight to the training village square.

When he arrived at the square there are already dozens of people sitting in the bleachers, they are those who wants to watch the match between the young generation beast contractors and the participants are gathering at the center of the square, when he walk towards the center of the square his appearance caught the attention of the spectators and participants, he was wearing full black clothes, holding a white umbrella with Moon Devouring Serpent design, he looks like the son of a noble family.

" what's with the umbrella, you scared of sunlight? " a mocking voice filled the square, it was Asu.

Kai just looked at him for a few seconds before turning his head away.

Asu was embarrassed of being ignored by Kali

" pray not to meet me during the competition matches or I'll beat you up badly"

Said Asu with a serous voice before going towards his friends.

Kali shook his head.

"Stupid" Kali whispered.

" he really is stupid " Kali heard a voice of a woman behind him.

It was Celia, she approached Kali with a smile on her face.

" he should have realized your real strength when he bumped into you at the training grounds" Celia added.

" I cannot blame him for being shortsighted " Kali said.

Celia laughed, and exchanged a few pleasantries before leaving Kali alone.

A few moments later and all fifteen participants have gathered at the center of the square. The village chief arrived at the platform.

" I welcome you all today to this wonderful occasion, today we will witness the strength of our village's young beast tamer " the spectators cheered wildly.

" to decide who the strongest young beast tamer you will face a elimination battles, there will be five seeded participants who will be decided randomly and the remaining ten will fight to the decide the five participant who will face the seeded players and those who lost will fight against each other and the five winners will fight amongst themselves, and we will decide the champion based on the number of wins they have "

A guard holding a wooden box approached the participants making them draw lots, those who draw the lot with number in it will be one of the seeded players, Kali looked at the lot he draw and it has number three in it meaning he is a seeded player.

" Since you've drawn the lots I will announce the rule of the competition, every beast tamer can only use one savage beast you can't switch, I know that most of are already apprentice stage beast contractors, you can't kill your opponents savage beast since this is not a fight to the death and you are all just starting as a beast contractors, a death of a savage beast at your stage will affect your future, and lastly you cannot attack your opponent directly or you will be disqualified, the referee will decide if your savage beast can still fight or not"

" participants please go to the participant area " Kali and the other were lead by a female village guard towards the bench dedicated to participants.

When Kali and the others was seated, the village chief used his beast ring to summon a savage beast.

- rock golem - elemental type - golem race - earth attribute.

Skills: punch, roll, rock armor, earth manipulation, stomp.

- they have great defense and destructive offensive capabilities but they are extremely slow.

Kali recalled the information about the rock golem.

" another master stage savage beast and it is much stronger than the Moon tiger "

Kali was shocked to see that the village chief has another master stage savage beast.

" just how strong is the village chief "

While Kali was guessing the village chief's strength, the rock golem started doing its work, the ground moved and earth tiles started to emerge from the ground immediately creating a stage, it used its earth manipulation skill.

Everyone was amazed by the display of skill by the rock golem, when it finished constructing the arena, the village chief called out the seeded participants and made them seat in a separate bench.

The remaining ten participants draw lots again and those who draw lots with the same numbers will fight against each other.

The first to fight are the two participants who draw number one, the two participant went to the stage and the spectators cheered.

They are both fifteen years old this year, they are at the apprentice stage just like Kali, their potential and skills are average and they both tamed mainstream savage beasts one of them is the Gale wolf that Kali wants to tame before its abilities are balanced and has average potential, and the other is flame tusk boar.

" battle start! " said the referee.

" Gale wolf use wind slash "

" flame tusk boar use tusk stab"

The two beast Contractors ordered their savage beasts to use skills.

Their fight last for 10 minutes before the Gale wolf wins the fight but it is also covered in wounds.

The other fights just Luke the first, was not that impressive since their strength are almost the same and their savage beasts are all mainstream.

" what a bunch of trash "

An arrogant voice was heard by everyone, it was Asu who said those words, he was one of the seeded participants along with Kali, Celia and other two beast contractor.

" we will have a one hour break to let your savage beasts rest and heal and recover your dominance " the referee announced.

The participants who fought earlier took out items that help them and their savage beasts recover.

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