
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 11: Caravan

Kali woke up early in the morning to take a look around the caravan, he took the tusks and the herbs that he wanted to sell over at the caravan.

Kali was walking around looking over at the items,like others do, after a few moments he arrived at one of the stalls that buy and sell resources and materials, he talked to the guy who owns the stall.

" are you willing to buy savage Beasts tusk and strengthening herbs?"

" let me see it first to make a decision "

Kali then took out the flame tusk boar's tusks and the herbs from his bag.

The stall owner inspected the tusks and herbs, the tusks are from a savage beast that managed to form a beast crystal, which means it is much better than other savage beasts materials, though the herbs are not rare herbs they will still fetch a decent price.

" the tusks are definitely a great material but your herbs are not one of those rare herbs that grows on a certain region, but I can give you 2 golds and 20 silvers, how about that?"

When Kali heard the price he just smiled and didn't lost his cool.

" sure I think that's a fair deal "

Kali then hand over the tusks and herbs while the stall owner hand him two golds and twenty silvers.

With this money Kali and black serpent will have no problem about training for a year.

After he completed his transaction with the stall owner he walked over to a stall that sells strengthening pills, he bought a years worth of strengthening pill, and twenty dark attribute pills. He bought dark attribute pills to make black serpent's dark attribute improve along with its body strength, Kali was aiming for a balance between black serpent's attributes, the poison attribute doesn't need any strengthening since it's potency is already at the apprentice stage. After buying the pills he needs for black serpent's training he was left with only one gold, so he decided to walked around and see if anything can catch his attention, there are weapons that Contractors use when travelling or in the wild just like Kali's black dagger. He roamed around the stalls and was about to go home when he didn't manage to buy something for him but when he was about to pass through the last stall he saw a stall that sells randoms things, there are clothes, vase, hats, boots, books, fans etc. Then a white umbrella where it's frame is made of bamboo caught his attention, it has a black serpent design on it, the black serpent design on the umbrella has a head with spiky horns and was about to devour the Moon, the design of the umbrella is what caught Kali's attention.

" how much for this umbrella " Kali asked the stall owner.

" Eighty silvers " said the old stall owner.

" too expensive! "

" of course it's expensive it was excavated from the ruins of an old and lost kingdom who worships the Moon Devouring Serpent as their God "

After the old man finished talking Kali stared at the umbrella.

" Moon Devouring Serpent " Kali whispered.

" how about fifty silvers " Kali bargains.

"Seventy five silver and the umbrella is yours " said the old man.

" sixty five, that's my final offer"

" okay, deal!"

The old stall owner handed the white umbrella to Kali while Hali handed over sixty five silvers.

After receiving the umbrella Kali asked the old man.

" can you tell me more about the Moon Devouring Serpent " Kali was intrigued by the Moon Devouring Serpent.

" okay, the Moon Devouring Serpent is a collosal kind of savage beast, we know that savage beasts can grow for more than ten meter long or ten meters high but that's it, savage beasts of that size are about at the king stage or emperor stage, but collosal savage beast are those that reach a stage higher than emperor stage, their body grows so big that this planet can't house them anymore so they go out towards the vast space"

" are there really a higher stage than the emperor realm?"

" of course there is, just because you haven't seen one doesn't mean it's not true "

" but how come I've net heard of a person who is at a higher stage than an emperor? "

" because there isn't one here anymore, our continent is getting weaker and weaker and the youg generation has limit themselves to only the emperor stage, thinking that they will be set for life if they reach the emperor stage "

" do the other continents have a Beast Contractor higher than emperor realm?"

" maybe, I don't know " the old man answered half heatedly.

After hearing the old man Kali said his good bye.

" okay I'll get going, thank you for answering my questions "

" the world is huge, there are many unexplored places, undiscovered species of savage beast, and countless opportunities out there, do your best maybe you can become someone, that can reach the a stage higher than emperor " said the old man as Kali was about to leave.

After hearing what the old man said Kali looked at the old man and bowed slightly, and went on his way with his new umbrella.

While walking Kali was thinking about the old man's words.

" higher stage than emperor stage, I will reach it" there was a determined look on Kali's face when he said those words.


Kali with his umbrella caught a lot of attention from the other villagers, he has black hair and black eyes and is wearing full black clothes, he gave of the feeling of a silent night and the white umbrella above his head was like the Moon. Kali didn't care about the stares of the villagers and he continued on his way.

He decided to go to the village library to read books about geography, remembering the old man's words about the possibility of other continents having a Beast Contractor that has reached the higher stage than emperor. He picked up a book and sat in front of a wooden table and he started reading.

There are three continents in this world namely the Zargis continent, Pasha continent, and the Baldur continent. Every continent is being ruled by the three factions and three kingdoms, people are allowed to make their own factions or groups but the ones ho hold the most power are the six supreme powers the three factions and three kindoms, there are also six main capitals that are under the control of the six supreme powers, and under those capitals are cities that are graded from low, medium, and high, the low grade cities are those that has a smallest territory and small number of beast Contractors, they are also being governed by the a grandmaster stage beast Contractors, medium grade city is much stronger than low grade city being led by a Lord stage beast Contractors with countless grandmaster stage beast Contractors under his command, medium grade cities also house noble families, and where small and new mercenary groups and small factions build their base of operations at. While the high grade cities are the strongest cities with a king stage beast Contractor governing its massive territory, where big and illustrious noble families chose to take roots in, the large and famous factions and mercenary groups also operates in high grade cities.

And under the cities are the villages which also follow the same grading system as the cities do.

Kali read the information about the continents and turn to next page where he saw information about the strenght of every continent and found out that the continent where he lives in the Baldur continent is the weakest out of the three, while the remaining two almost has identical strength.

There are also different places where beast Contractors go to, they are called beast realms, it can be the forests, mountains, seas, and valleys, as long as it has savage beasts living in it, beast realms also has stages similar to savage beasts and beast Contractors, from begginer stage to emperor stage or even higher, but not all beast realms are treasure troves, there are extremely dangerous beast realms called dark realms those are places that even emperor stage beast Contractors tried to avoid.

When Kali finished reading the book, it was already dark outside and it is raining a little, Kali opened his white umbrella and stepped out of the library and started walking towards his house.

When he got home he summoned black serpent out of the beast ring, it hissed madly at Kali complaining that it was inside the beast ring for too long, black serpent doesn't like the space inside the beast ring that us why when they are home Kali always summon black serpent out of the beast ring to let it roam around the house and the backyard, Kali made some food for black serpent, it is mainly composed of savage beast meat and some of the herbs from his small herb garden at the backyard, Kali also took out a strengthening pill that black serpent eats after its meal as a dessert, after feeding black serpent Kali also started eating his dinner, thinking about the Moon Devouring Serpent while eating, Kali looked at black serpent.

" is it possible to make black serpent evolve to a Moon Devouring Serpent?"

Kali shook his head.

" though savage beasts evolve every time they advance stages, I don't think black serpent will become a Moon Devouring Serpent, well as long as my savage beasts are strong, I don't care what kind of evolution path they take.


The training of Kali and black serpent continuous, with enough resources they can train without worry, black serpent is still doing body strengthening training while Kali was training his dagger technique and bind skill, they have been training for nine months now and there are only three months left before the competition. Black serpent is now at the beginner stage level five and is showing signs of a breakthrough, Kali is also at level five beginner stage and is about to breakthrough to apprentice stage anytime now, they were training until afternoon, Kali stopped his training and looked at black serpent who is relentlessly attacking a nearby tree, before black serpent has to attack a single tree for more than ten times to cut it down but now it only takes two, with the increase in its body strength long with its level, black serpent is invincible in beginner stage, but training against trees is not enough to stimulate black snakes potential.

strengthening pills and herbs are almost ineffective on black serpents body and Kali also used the last beast crystal he owned, it is the one the village chief gave them as a reward but it is not enough to break through to apprentice stage.

After their training, Kali and black serpent decided to go home.

" body strengthening training is now over " Kali said to black serpent who is eating dinner.

When it heard Kali's announcement it hissed happily.

Black serpent hates the body strengthening training that Kali made.

" we will go to the crimson leaf forest to train and attempt to breakthrough to apprentice stage"

Kali decided to spend the next three months inside the crimson leaf forest, for him and black serpent to gain experience in combat, their training is not effective anymore since they reached the peak of beginner stage, although their strength increased it will be useless if they don't know how to use it in a fight, its like giving a baby a sword.

After their dinner Kali meditated, his brows furrowed and he immediately open his eyes.

"Almost there" said Kali

He attempted to breakthrough to apprentice stage but he failed.

" I will meet the village head tomorrow to ask for permission to train inside the crimson leaf forest "


Kali was sitting in front of the village chief.

" you want to train inside crimson leaf forest for three months? " asked the village chief

" yes"

" Okay you can go since you survived the ceremony, but with the strength of the savage beast in the outskirts of the forest it will hardly pose a challenge to you"

" that is why I want to train in the inner area of the forest " Kali answered.

" absolutely not! " said the village chief.

" you already saw the strength of the blood horn rhinoceros, you are no match, you will die"

" I know the strength of the blood horn rhinoceros, I will not enter its habitat, Asu and Ban only angered the blood horn rhinoceros because they entered its habitat"

" but still, its too dangerous "

" I know my limits village chief, I will not provoke the blood horn rhinoceros, and I will be very careful "

" okay, I give you my permission, this is a trench dolphin whistle if you are in trouble just use this whistle and I will immediately hear it "

The village chief handed him a whistle as big as a finger. Trench dolphin whistle is made from the bone of a trench dolphin savage beast, they can produce sound that can travel at light spead from a great distance, it is a widely used warning device.

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